My online filing for the SSS maternity benefit application (MBA) is easy and approval is fast. Thanks SSS for the quick and easy processing of claim. I’ll be sharing on this post how to apply for the maternity benefit and other info like how much contribution to get the maximum amount.
A short background – I gave birth last May 2021 to a 5 lbs. baby girl; a first-time mom at 40 years old. Praise God. I am also an SSS active member.
The first phase is MAT 1.
For the first phase, I submitted my maternity notification via online in the website of SSS last January. There was no supporting document required, thus none submitted. After the successful mat 1 notification, I was given a tracking or reference number.
*I think as of this time maternity notification submission or mat 1 is not possible thru the SSS mobile app. It must be done via My.SSS member’s account in the SSS website.
The second phase is MATBEN 2.
It took me almost 2 months after giving birth before I started processing my SSS maternity benefit application (MBA), popularly called matben 2 or MAT 2. Can’t do much in the early days after delivery due to the massive adjustments needed being a new mom, which I am very glad to do, if I may say so. 😍. But despite my delay in filing for maternity claim, I am so glad to share that approval of my matben 2 was really, really fast. Kudos SSS!
June 30 – I submitted the maternity benefit application via the My.SSS members dashboard in the website of SSS, around 11:00 p.m.
July 1 – I got an email at around 9 AM from SSS that says my maternity claim mat 2 application is approved.
It’s just several hours from when I filed the claim. Galing!
July 7 – I checked my online banking account and I am amazed to see that the maternity is already deposited to my account today. Ang bilis, 5 working days lang!
Years before I hear it usually takes a month or couple of months for the check to be processed and sent to the beneficiary, but now that SSS makes things online, waiting time is considerably shortened. Thank you SSS!
The third phase is CHECK or MONEY DEPOSIT.
The next phase is waiting for the SSS maternity benefit check to be deposited to my approved DAEM account. As of now July 1 the status is “Approved for Payment”.
By the way, a qualified member cannot apply for matben 2 if there is no existing account approved in DAEM. This is because the proceeds of the maternity benefit claim will be deposited to the enrolled bank account or E-Wallet.
I will be updating this post once I receive the actual money in my DAEM-approved bank account, a BPI savings account.
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Online Filing Required by SSS
Starting September 1,2021, filing of maternity benefit application for female members will be done online, MAT 1 and MAT 2. There will be no more branch submission or face to face filing. Drop box method will also not be available for maternity claim.
Important: Create an account in My.SSS if you are not yet registered there.
This is the same with the employers’ filing of maternity benefit reimbursement application (MBRA) which is to be done online beginning September 1.
How To File Maternity Claim in SSS
A qualified female member must have done these:
- Already registered an account in My.SSS.
- Successful Mat 1 notification to SSS before giving birth.
- Approved bank account or E-Wallet in DAEM.
- Supporting document available for uploading to SSS website.
SSS website is
* I submitted a picture of the live birth certificate of my daughter issued by the local civil registrar. Members may also submit PSA Birth Certificate if available.
Application or claim must be done within 10 years from the child’s birth.
Cesarean Birth
Although I underwent cesarean operation, I don’t have to submit additional documentary requirements like record of operation or hospital discharge summary. This is because the maternity benefit rules have changed. SSS now gives the same maternity benefit of 105 days for both normal delivery and cesarean delivery, for births AFTER March 11, 2019.
The application process now is really fast and easy, you just go online and access your My.SSS account then access “E-Services” then click on “SSS maternity benefit application” and follow the screen prompts thereafter.

If you are a solo parent duly recognized by DSWD, you can submit solo-parent ID to enjoy additional paid days from SSS, on top of the 105 days given to female members who gave birth. The maximum amount possible for a solo parent is P80,000.00.
The finalized amount a member will get will depend on how much the monthly contributions during the qualifying period.
SSS Maternity Benefit Amount
An SSS member must have contributed at least three months within the “qualifying period” to get maternity benefit.
*Any contribution made during the semester of contingency is not counted in the computation of maternity benefit.
In my case, my qualifying period of contributions is from January 2020 to December 2020, since I gave birth in May 2021. My semester of contingency is January 2021 to June 2021.
Within the qualifying period, I was paying the highest monthly contribution of P2,400.00 under the monthly salary credit (msc) bracket of P20,000.00.
However, beginning January 2021 the Social Security System have increased their highest monthly contribution from P2,400 to P2,600. The highest msc for the sake of benefit computation remains at P20,000 . Any excess amount from P2,600 will go to the Workers Incentive Savings Program (WISP).
Example No 1: Your total contribution monthly is P3,250 under the P24,750 and over income range bracket, you will get P70,000 maximum maternity benefit. (P2,600 to SSS and P650 to WISP)
Example No 2: Your contribution monthly is P2,600 under the income bracket of P19,750 to P20,249.99, you will get the maximum amount of P70,000. (P2,600 to SSS and P0.00 to WISP)
Example No 3: Starting January 2021 I have been paying a total monthly contribution of P2,665.00, of which P2,600 goes to SSS contribution and P65.00 for the Workers Incentive Savings Program contribution. I am now under the range of compensation from P20,250 to P20,749.99. This belongs to the msc of P20,000, therefore I will still get the maximum benefit for maternity claim.
*These examples assumes that the P2,600 contribution is paid at least 6 times within the qualifying period.
If you want to get the maximum amount and you are giving birth in 2022 or 2023, within the qualifying period you will need to pay at least 6 times any of these total monthly contribution amounts – combined SSS and WISP:
- P2,600
- P2,665
- P2,730
- P2,795
- P2,860
- P2,925
- P2,990
- P3,055
- P3,120
- P3,185
- P3,250
Read more about SSS maternity benefit qualifying period and semester of contingency for those who will give birth the rest of 2021 and next years 2022 and 2023.
Maternity benefit for those employed can be advanced through the respective companies’ HR. What I shared is my experience in claiming the Maternity Benefit Application (MBA) as a Voluntary SSS member.
So how much is the maternity benefit that SSS approves for my case? It’s P70,000. I got the maximum amount since I was paying contribution for the highest msc during the qualifying period.
I am excited to receive the proceeds of the maternity benefit claim, hopefully it’ll be soon. My husband and I have earmarked the money to pay for our baby’s vaccinations. Laking tulong neto, Salamat SSS!
Update: Ang bilis ng SSS approval at deposit ng maternity benefit sa bank account ko. Nandito na sya today July 7. Nice!
For those who are reading this post and is pregnant, congratulations in advance for the bundle of joy that will soon grace your life. I pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery for both mommy and baby.
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