The content of this post is MY PERSONAL OPINION. You don’t have to subscribe to what I believe in but I do hope that you keep an open mind as you read on what I share.
Earlier this afternoon my cousin from Zamboanga del Sur called me and talked to me animatedly about Aman Investment Trading which according to him is spreading like wildfire in Pagadian City even the mayor and barangay captains and known persons are investing. Of course there is no hard proof that these popular personalities in Pagadian are really investing only sabi sabi.
Investing in Aman is so widespread that neighbors, friends in his hometown are already a part of this community of Aman investors and lots of people have recovered their investment already including another cousin of mine. Hence, the call to share the good news, which I appreciate, I just don’t believe the investment promises.
Fantastic reviews, recommendations and testimonials are coming out from those who have successfully made an Aman pay outs considering the Aman investment ROI is a whooping 31% to 50%! Whoa!
But alarm bells starts to ring in my head, as he was talking I load google and search “Aman Investment Scam” and sure enough there were already entries about this, the first on the search results was from a long thread in
What is Aman Investment Trading?
Supposedly this “investment” house has a DTI permit and the works and operating since March 2012. It offers investors a too good to be true returns on your investment. Some claim that whatever capital you put in, after 2 weeks you are assured of at least 31% return. So if you invested 1,000 pesos, in just 14 days you initial investment will profit P310. If you invested say P10,000, you will get P3,100.
What if you invest P100,000? What if millions?
Considering that legitimate financial institution offers interest on deposits and investment at only 1.25% to 5.75%, this ROI is too good to be true. And too good to be true offers are usually scam in the making.
Anyhow, thousands of people are investing in Pagadian! And I am concern largely because I have relatives na baka mapaso neto. Any kind of investment (scam or legal) means risk. But just how risky? And how much are you willing to risk? Will you sell your carabao or pawn your land to join?
I maybe just a skeptic or am one of those people who will never join the ranks of the wealthy because am afraid to take risk. But that is bollocks, I am a risk taker but not when risk is clearly against my favor.
Is Aman Investment Trading similar to Ponzi Scheme (scam) ?
I think so. I could be wrong of course since I am not a licensed foreign exchange trader nor do I know much about the intricacies of investing. But I have thought long and hard on this and draw on whatever I’ve learn from school and life experiences. And this led me to agree with everyone else who is saying on iStorya that this Aman Investment in Pagadian has lots of similarity to Ponzi scheme.
My honest opinion and review is that this is a time bomb waiting to explode. Yes for now they are on a roll and payouts and cash outs from current investors are paid on time. But what about in the following months, will there still be funds to pay ALL old and new investors?
My kuya mentioned that this is legit since they have an office in Kawit, Pagadian. People are lining up just to register and join and supposedly this investment house will only accept a certain number of people before they close their door. There is a limit, he says. And besides he can attest that a friend of his sister (my cousin) invested P100,000 and already got 16 Million back.
Yep, you read that right, P16,000,000.00 return on an investment of P100,000.
Hmm.. is the 16M in cash or in paper?
Told my kuya that is not possible, he remains steadfast “Dili ka tuohan sa? But tinuod dyud na!” (Unbelievable right? but that is really true!) And says more “Daghan na kayo nabulahan ani diri”. (Lots of people are profiting here and enjoying the fruits of their investment).
My second question is if there is a limit, just what is the limit? 1 million Pagadianons before they close this opportunity?
There are claims that there is a legitimate business named “Aman Group Philippines Inc” but some people are using their business name illegally. How true?
What are the characteristics of the Ponzi scheme?
The name Ponzi Scheme can be traced back to Charles Ponzi who elaborately set out a scheme that victimized thousands of New Englanders in the 1920s by encouraging investment in ‘postage stamps speculation’. When the scheme collapsed, big money was lost by both large and small investors.
You can read a more comprehensive definition on Ponzi scheme from the US Securities and Exhange Commission official website.
In general, the scam is perpetuated by encouraging capital investment among new recruits. The individuals behind these scams are persons who are ‘believable’, have lots of credibility and can sweet talk their way so you will let go of your hard earned money. They will need to convince the initial investors or 1st investors to infuse capital on their ‘businesses’.
Most of times the expected ROI is too awesome that majority will be blinded by the returns and not think that high ROI also means greater risk and so will invest readily.
Then comes the payout, the first investors will expect that after a certain period they will be paid the promised profit. Of course they will be paid; this is how this scheme will work but by whose money?
Here come the 2nd investors who will inject funds to the business as their investment capital – they may be recruited by the scammers themselves or by the 1st investors. The scammer or perpetuator then will take part of the money deposited by the 2nd investors and use this to pay the 1st investors. Say the 2nd investors gives P50,000 each, P20,000 of which will be used to pay the original investors, the balance of P30,000 will be pocketed by the scammers. Utakan lang yan.
1st investors then will be very happy that he got paid on time and as promise. To share his good fortune and the amazing opportunity, he will of course share it with friends and family in Good Faith so they too can have a piece of the cake. We shall call them the 3rd investors. Start of the snowball effect…
The 3rd investors will bring more funds into the ‘investment pool’ and will wait for their turn to get paid. Part of the money they invested will then be diverted to “pay” the 1st and 2nd investors etc.
And so on it goes…until the scheme collapse or the scammers disappears.
And yes, Ponzi schemes will eventually collapse once the market is saturated. Because these “companies” does not have real assets like buildings, machineries, lands and non-real assets like blue -chip stock certificates in legit companies that can be sold to continue paying the investors off should the business face hard times. Or if they have, it’s not enough to cover all outstanding and pending pay out requests.
The money for these schemes usually only comes from new recruits or new investors who will give new capital. Without new investors there is no more money to pay anyone.
Wala nang perang paiikutin, simple as that.
When the scam collapse or the scammers have ‘met’ their target, example they agree that when they reach P10 Billlion, it’s their cue to make their escape and get as far away from the city. They will leave behind lots of broken dreams.
And worst, bad blood.
Why do I say ‘bad blood’?
Supposed you are an investor of such scheme and you profit from it because you are among the very first people to invest, and you have successfully convinced your best friend or your workmate to invest too. But alas, they got in too late and did not recover their own investments?
Things would be ironed out if your friends or workmates invested only P1,000 but what if it was P50,000 of their hard earned life savings or greater? You will potentially destroy your own reputation and may lost good friends along the way. I shudder to think of even more worst case scenarios.
What if Aman Investment Trading in Pagadian is legit and true?
Some argues what if Aman Investment that is circulating in Pagadian City is legit and true? I say good for those who invest, their risk paid off. But again the question, given the way things stand right now, do you really think this is good investment?
This is a GAMBLE, Sugal. Invest only what you are willing to lose.
High Yield Investment = Higher Risk
If you have extra funds, money that when lost won’t affect your livelihood then maybe you can choose to ride this wave. But be very smart; once you recover your initial investment do not pour it back. If you can’t help yourself but invest again because everything is “so far so good”, invest only the early profits that you have already gained, do not invest back your initial capital so that when things collapse, di kaayo ka manghinayang.
Sometimes it’s all about risk. One I am not willing to make. But those who are reading this Aman trading review, and who are maybe more courageous than I am, then go ahead and invest, at your own risk.
I wish you well truly. If you get rich by way of Aman Investment, good for you and your family. It would even be greater if you come back to this post and share pics of you with the “fruits” of your investment.
Many are claiming now that there lots of new vehicles being bought in and around Pagadian because of their participation to this investment. But these are mere words, mere claims. Without real proof, there is nothing.
You can of course use the same arguments to counter my opinion, but then again I have made it clear on the first sentence of this post that my words are my opinion solely.
I for one do not believe in quick rich scheme which I think this is. That is not to say I am right. Only time will prove me wrong or right.
Is Aman investment trading registered in SEC Ph (Philippine Securities and Exchange Commisson? Who are the registered Aman owners? It’s better to ask these questions now.
If anyone can show me and everyone interested deeds of assets of this Aman trading company operating in Pagadian, if anyone can show us buildings, lands etc own by this investment house, then perhaps I along with the others who are doubtful may rethink our thoughts on this. But until then, No thanks.
And this is a challenge to the people behind Aman Investment Pagadian, if you are legit, aside from the things I pointed above about proof of your current assets that can possibly cover all investments being made by the good people of Pagadian, leave a comment with your DTI Permit no, mayor’s business permit number, SEC registration number.
If you are legit, you have all these legal permits and it won’t even take you 15 minutes to write it all down on the comment section below. It will at least give the opportunity to those who are curious the chance to verify your legitimacy with our government offices.
Who knows million-pesos investors are just waiting for that.
Note: I will update this post come December 2012 when supposedly Aman will leave Pagadian City to venture into the next city so they can help those who need their help and who want to rise from poverty.
Screenshots below are warnings from both PIA and SEC:
Warning from the Philippine Information Agency About Scams Proliferating in Pagadian
If you want to read more about the issue of scams proliferating in Pagadian City, checkout this warning from the Philippines Information Agency with screenshot above.
PIA is an official website of the government. This is a credible website own by the Republic of the Philippines and managed by government employees. Our country’s government websites have “” in its url or domain name.
Anyone can create websites and put any info that they want but not everyone can have a “” website. This is only reserve for government agencies and as such if they published warnings, then it’s a legit warning.
Part of their warning states:
“PAGADIAN CITY, July 10 2012 — The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) provincial office has warned against business scams proliferating in the city.
Provincial Director Ma. Socorro M. Atay said DTI-ZDS advises the public to beware of scams such as pyramid scams, sales scams, text scams and other similar modus operandi. Scammers are very convincing that one gets carried away with their glib talk. “
And this is a screenshot of the “Notice to the Public” by SEC or the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines. You can go directly to the SEC official website to view this warning againts Double Your Money going on in Pagadian, which is of course the AMAN FUTURES TRADING.
If you are an investing on something, you should ask yourself what did you get the moment you gave your money as your capital, as your investment, what kind of certificates, receipts?
Investing on anything or going into business means risk, and risk could go both ways.
You either win or lose. Great for those who win.
Update: September 26,2012
Friendly Advise, you can or you can’t follow, up to you:
To those who invested in this, please call your kins in Pagadian and ask for update now.
Call only people you trust to know the real status.
@All who received post dated checks from Aman:
I suggest you call the concerned bank branch TODAY, tell them you receive a post dated check and you want to verify standing as of the time of your call.
The bank CSR can inform you of the account standing but will tell you that it’s not an assurance that when your check due date comes, the standing of the account will remain the same. The CSR is not violating any banking law by confirming standing of the account when you call. I know because I’ve worked in a major bank in the Philippines before.
You will need to give the CSR who will take your call these details:
1. Check Account number
2. Check Account name
3. Date of check
4. Amount of check
5. Check number
Ask if good standing yung account, the CSR will be able to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Also ask if there is enough funds that can cover your check at the time of your call, again, the CSR can only say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. The CSR will not be able to give you specific details like account balance or account signatories as these details are protected info.
Note again, the standing at the time of your call and when your actual ‘check date’ comes may changed. I suggest you call the bank from time to time, BE VERY VIGILANT.
October 4, 2012 – UPDATE on Aman in Pagadian
I’ve lifted this interview with DTI Provincial Director from Zamboanga del Sur Ms.Ma. Soccoro Atay from Mindanao Examiner Tele-Radyo.
Kindly listen to her interview with radio broadcaster and commentator Al Jacinto, it might shed some light to the confusion.
Some Highlights:
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “At the end of the day, they (investors) cannot blame others.”
Radio host Al Jacinto: “Ang balita po namin director eh nagiimbestiga na yung PNP Criminal Investigation and Detection Group and the Anti Money Laundering Council about this scam.”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “About the scam, I just hope they make it soon no, para faster ba, faster ang ilang action, para they will be able pa naman to catch the perpetrators…”
Radio host Al Jacinto: “Eto po ba director, tantamount ba to to syndicated estafa o large scale swindling?”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “Yes, definitely. Yes definitely. All of the above. Definitely. It’s a matter of catching these people at once because who do you run after if there is nobody there anymore.”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “If it’s too good to be true, It’s really a scam. Wag ka nalang sumali.”
Take time to listen to the interview whether or not you are PRO or ANTI AMAN, it’s just about 30 minutes.
Director Ma Socorro Atay recommended the next steps that investors and all stakeholders must take, it’s up to you whether or not you will follow her professional and expert recommendation.
Source: Mindanao Examiner Tele-Radyo
Update: October 7, 2012
For new commenters on this post: Use your VALID email account connected to a VALID Facebook account. Ang dami na kasing sinungaling dito at puro tsismis ang pinaparating.
I will not approve any new comments or commenters using bogus credentials. Nakakalungkot po kasi down na down na yung mga tao dahil wala pang kasiguraduhan yung kanilang mga pera at puro tsismis pa at panglalait ang pinapakalat ng ilang walang-awang mga tao. Takot naman ilagay ang tunay nilang pangalan pag nag-comment.
If you want to disparage other people or other commenters, make yourself a website that people actually reads. I am very lax in approving comments but do not try my patience.
Ikaw commenter “Mabuhay Aman”, Yes ikaw, isa kang duwag susupport support kay Aman at nang-aapak ng tao sa comment tapos nagtatago naman sa huwad na katauhan. Post with your real name that is verifiable by me and I will approve all your comments. Don’t take me and the Pagadianons as idiots.
Please read the FULL NEWS REPORT from INQUIRER.NET :
SEC uncovers P244-M double-your-money scam
Start of the news report reads:
MANILA, Philippines—The Securities and Exchange Commission has uncovered a P244-million “double-your-money” scam perpetrated by a Pasay-based trading firm Aman Futures Group Phils. Inc. that allegedly victimized investors—especially low-income earners—in Pagadian City and other parts of Visayas and Mindanao.
ending portion of the report:
The SEC uncovered four “grave” violations of the Securities Regulation Code by Aman Futures in this case.
*non-registration of securities sold as investment contracts;
*non-registration as broker or dealer but acting as such;
*engaging in commodity futures contracts despite a prohibition by the SEC; and,
*engaging in activities that are “off tangent” with the company’s primary purpose as a general trading company.
“Nowhere in the primary purpose of Aman Futures is it stated that the company can engage in the business of soliciting and accepting investments and money placements from the public,” the order said.
Another article published in the BUSINESS MIRROR October 10, excerpt below:
He admitted that Aman Futures lacked a secondary license to sell securities but claimed the company was unaware of this requirement. Efforts to comply, which he said started two-and-a-half months ago, have been postponed, given that the SEC had already started its investigation….
… It was not immediately clear whether Aman Futures has enough funds to meet its obligations to investors.
SEC Chairman Teresita Herbosa said the corporate regulator would continue its investigation on Aman Futures.
“The next step is finding out if there is a basis for a criminal complaint,” Herbosa told reporters in a late afternoon news conference on Tuesday.
The SEC will need to gather witnesses but these could be in short supply during the early stages of an investigation, said Herbosa, an experienced litigator.
“Usually the victims don’t complain until the very end. They are still being misled that they will get their money back and they know that if they complain, they will not be able to recover,” she said.
Aman Futures, whose registered address is in Pasay City, was established in June 2012 by incorporators and directors Manuel K. Amalilio, Fernando Luna, Lelian Lim Gan, Eduard Lim, William L. Fuentes, Naezelle M. Rodriguez and Luriz Lopez.
Full Copy of the Cease and Desist Order by the Securities and Exchange Commission issued against Aman Futures Group Philippines Inc. can be found on this link:,%20inc.pdf
I’m just putting this here to answer those emails and inquiries requesting about news and updates on Aman. The rumors that surfaced these last few days and circulating through emails and sms in Pagadian claiming that the SEC secondary permit has been signed and approved IS NOT TRUE per SEC advisory. SEC has again issued statement dispelling that rumor.
The status as of now October 17 remains the same:
CDO on Aman Futures Group Phils Inc stands and remains in effect.
You can visit these links from these reputable news agencies in the Philippines regarding this clarification and for the details:
Business Mirror –
Business World Online –
UPDATE: October 27, 2012
The Aman Story of Pagadian has generated enough attention that major tv networks have run a story on this. First, there was coverage by GMA News and just an hour ago by Reaksyon TV 5 program of Luchi Cruz Valdez. Click this post to watch the tv coverage —-> Aman Pagadian TV Coverage
UPDATE: November 10 Huge Development!
Secretary of DILG Mar Roxas has had meeting with investors and those who are handling the Aman of Pagadian Case and directed them to pursue the case and find those who are hiding etc. Info from Balitanghali Weekend.
Amalilio has been arrested in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. The Philippine authorities are now arranging for his deportation back to the country.
Read more here:
Comment Page 5 – latest page of comments is the current one below (upper half of comments on Aman)
More reports by NATIONAL MEDIA on these supplemental post.
You may also want to read Penfires post on Blogging and Taking A Stand.
Hello mam,do u have a contact no.of CSR so that we can verify our cheks,thanx & Godbless…
Hi Mary, CSR stands for Customer Service Representative. I suggest tingnan mo sa local phone directory ang contact number ng bank branch na nakalagay sa check mo. Pag di mo mahanap sa phonebook, you can also try to search for it online. I am sure may info sa contact number sa lahat ng bank branches sa official websites ng banks. Pag makuha mo na yung telephone number, tawagan mo at ask for the CSR or the New Accounts staff. Usually ang New Accounts staff ang naghahandle ng check validation query.
Unsa na kaha ang latest update sa Aman if nag payout naba? kay duna mantoy nag ingon nga nag start na kuno ug issue ug mga cheques ang mayor sa Pagadian.
Please post naman ninyo if ever nga may payout na….. nia ko sa gawas sa atong nasod ug mao ra ni ako means nga maka update ko about anang Aman Trading na. Kay sakit pod sa atong buot nga mailad ra ta ug ingon ana ka sayon. Ang nag dala sa akong kuarta diha sa Pagadian nga ako mga relatives wa na man ma i tubag sa akong mga pangutana……
Mag paabot lang daw kay mag payout raman kuno. Pero di ko ma himutang kay ksayang pod kaayo nga ma wala nalang ug ingon ana ang atong kuarta nga gi haguan.
Dunay nag comment ug didto mi pasok sa ako e-mail nga ka Bugo an daw ang ako gihimo nganong nag invest sa Aman Trading nga SCAM lagi kuno. So kadtong nag comment sa ako a, Bai ug ka bobohan man ako na himo, at least di ra man ko nag isa, daghan kaayo mi, halos naman siguro tanang taga Pagadian na luko anang Aman Trading.
sana my mkpg negotiate sa SEC na bgyan ng temp. permit ang mga namamahala sa AMAN para ma unfreeze ung pera at maibalik s mga investors ung mga pera nila.
May latest news po ba kayu about sa investigation ng SEC? any hopes mabalik man lang capital ng investors? What are our chances of getting it back?
Hi hubs and all, im just out for vacation. i’ll be back weekend. i’ll post update then pag may mabalitaan ako from relatives and news reports pag meron.
Sana naman ang i po post ninyo dito yong mga updates kung meron pa bang chance na mababawi nga mga investors ang pera nila @ isa na ako doon…..
Paki usap lang ha dahil ang na babasa ko dito ay wala namang maitutulong lalo na sa mga taong sobrang depressed na sa ng yayari sa AMAN na yan. At least man lang merong action ang mga local governements dian sa Pagadian para matutulonga rin naman nila ang mga Tao, para mababawi yong perang pinag hirapan nila.
Please lang if ever na meron kayong mga infos. na medyo makakatulong sa mga investors or update, tungkol sa AMAN or action na ginawa ng loca Government against AMAN paki post naman.
hi bhoy,
Pasencia na but please know that it is not my responsibility to update anyone, foremost, it is the responsibility of investors to look for updates from their relatives or directly from government and local officials. But I do share if I am aware of latest news. If you check the post, I am updating it when I am made aware of credible news reports.Anyhow, if you don’t like what you read here, you are welcome not to visit my personal blog again.
I am one with you hoping na maibabalik sa investors yung pera. If mangyari nyan that would be awesome news for everyone who have invested in Aman.
Sana nga ma gagawan pa ng paraan ng mga local Government ng Pagadian na Maibabalik nila ang pera ng mga investors. Yon na seguro ang pikamasayang pangyayari para sa lahat ng mga investors.
sus! maau rani si aman sa permiro pa, pahumot sa pangalan. karon kay faet nman dghan na au alibi ngano dli mo release og kwarta! grabe nga propaganda, wa intawon kaluoy sa mga investor nga nangutang rpud pra mg invest lng!
Si Aman/bin ladin and a certain politician who are involved that scam you know who they are let’s just be vigilant and wise…. i hope we learned more about that scam.. i am also a victim of that scam…
Ang ako lang unta no nga mabalik lang ang mga kuarta sa mga tawo bisan wala nalay interest
Hi Cille Anne, I really appreciate the article and it is (still) hurting for me and my parents because of the considerable amount which we invested on this scheme, hoping that something “huge” will come. Anyhow, I would like to know, though, what exactly are the available remedies we have so we can get our money back or (maybe) just a portion of it? Greatly appreciate your feedback on this matter.
Sana nga yon ang mang yayari kay Aman, kaso lang eh kilala ba ninyo ng lubosan or in person yang Aman na yan? baka naman sa pangalan lang @ kahit anino niya ay hindi nio pa nakikita. So walang kuenta kahit mamatay man siya eh hindi naman natin siya kilala…….
Meron bang kahit isang investor na nakakakilala kay Aman, if meron buti pa ipa barang neo nalang @ para magdusa ng husto, pero kung wala ay mag antay nalang tayo ng himala, kung meron pang himala, para lang maibalik ang pera natin hehehe…..
just a thought lang. ang nagpadagan are professional scammers, they choose pagadian as a point of business because not all of pagadianons are well taught of these scams and responsible authorities has no knowledge to what criminal cases can be filed. they use local people also to run the business to win the heart of the investors,they use AMAN company kay murag duol2x sa giingon nga trading. nagpa luwal sa og puhunan para ipakaon sa kabos para maingon nga matinabangon gyud ni sila. ang nabilin sa banko is only a piece of what they have generated. maski dile na nila kuhaon ang nabilin sa banko, billions naman pod ang na kolekta nila. networking business gani can generate billions nga pila ra ang membership fee ana how much more kung naay ga invest from 10k-1M or more pa. nka invest pod ko ani pinaagi sa ahente, sa kaulaw sa ahente nko nga wala ko nabayran atong due date, iya nlang nga personal money iyang gibayad. dile na gyud na makita si aman kay gigamit ra iya pangalan sa nagpadagan ani nga business…hinaut lang gyud unta nga makuha ang nabilin sa banko and ang signatories nga pwede mag withdraw naa pa og ang listahan sa ga invest naa pa gihapon. maayo nalang nga mabalik sa katawhan ang kwarta.
Sana naman may mga inverstors diha sa Pagadian nga mangusog jud unta ba, or dapat mag organized sila para i dulog ang mga reklamo sa Local Government diha sa Pagadian, para naman actionan nila kay dili basta basta kining hitaboa nga halos majority sa mga tao diha nag invest gud so dako kaayo ug impact ni sa economiya diha sa Pagadian ug sa ozamis city as well …
actually ako lang pag umang kon ang nag dala sa akong gi invest diha sa Pagadian, siya lang ang nakahibawo ug kinsa ang nag dala sa ako nga kuarta, kauban daw niya sa Trabaho sa Mercury, mao nga wala ko y access ug kinsa ang nag dala sa ako gi invest, tapos wala koy regular contact sa ako pag umangkon diha sa Pagadian kay 5 hours ang deprencia sa oras diri ug sa Pilipinas ug duty man siya dili maka tubag sa ako mga calls, kay bawal ang phone during duty hours…
Mao nga if mag organized halos tanan nga mga investors diha sa Padian para ma actionan sa Kina ukulan para lang may possibility nga mabawi man lang ang kuarta or maibalik man lang sa tanang investors…..
Bisan di ra kaayo ingon ana ka dako nga halaga ang na invest nato pero sakit pod kaayo hunahunaun nga na ilad lang ta ug harapharapan jud…
Mas maayo pa ang nahold up ka nga may nanutok nimo ug barel kay di ra kaayo sakit hunahunaun, pero kanang na ilad ka, mura ug lisod nato madawat no?????
It is really the fault of our government. There are a lot of investments that can be invested like stock market. The govt must do is to educate the people by doing advertisements on how to start investing in the stockmarket. Stockmarket investment is a safe investment which will make us rich 5 to 10 years from now. Only 1% of our population invests in the stock market. I have invested in the stockmarket since April 2012 and I am earning 60k. In 10 years, I will retire millionaire
Stock market investing has its own set of risks but they are good in the sense that those who trade in PSE as well as the stocks offered comes from legit traders and companies unlike what happened to Pagadian.
Yes, any investment has its own risk. But if I were to choose stock investments than starting my own business, I’d rather choose stock investments because of the followings reasons:
1. Starting your own business requires full time from you if you want to succeed
while in stock investments what you will do is just to buy good companies like Ayala, SM, PLDT, meralco. These companies have been here in the Philippines for more than 50 years. It does not require much of your time. It has no conflict from your current job.
2. Stock investments has a better ROI than bank deposits, mutual funds, bonds.
3. Stock investments offer low capital than starting a business.
It sounds interesting. Brod, how much do we need as capital to start investing in the stock market? What are the necessary steps to be taken so that we can buy some stocks of good companies as you mentioned?
Brother jay, I am happy helping people sharing ideas on how to start investing in the stock market .The minimum amount needed to start in the stock market is just 5 thousand are the steps on how to start investing in the stock market.
1. You need a stock broker. Stock broker is like a middleman. We need a stock broker because we can not buy stocks directly from ayala, SM, meralco, BPI, BDO, SMC except we are that rich like Manny pangilinan. I know you have already heard of the news that Manny pangilinan wanted to buy the majority stocks of GMA channel 7. The stocks that pangilinan wanted to buy are majority stocks while the stocks that we ( ordinary people ) are buying are just minority stocks. It is for this reason that we need stock broker.
Thanks Brod Gerald for the info. To be honest, I’m also one of Aman investors. However, with the recent events unfolding, I can’t really expect much if I will get paid in the end. I need to move on, although still hoping & praying that someday soon, I can still recover my investments. I hope that if there’s any ongoing negotiation between Aman & investor representatives, it would yield a positive result in the end – that everyone will recover at least the capital. I’ve not lost hope yet till this time. Anyhow, if any negotiation will eventually fail, the legal remedy will always be the last option that anyone can avail of.
Your info seems an interesting & refreshing respite from the Aman thing. Besides, the minimum amount required seems affordable for ordinary people like me. Do you know of any stock broker/(s) whom you can recommend & we can entrust our money with? I’ve really never tried anything like this in the past but I believe it is worth a try.
matuto tayong makuntento
let it be.. sagdi lang,, sa time na mamatay ang tawo, wala man jud tay madala… no xception, bsan c aman, will end up like that…
Since we are now in the computer age, we need an online stock broker to buy stocks since we resided in Mindanao. There are numerous numbers of online stock brokers but the most famous are BPI securities and CitiSecurities, Inc. ( popularly called citisec ).
My stock broker is citisec because they specialize online stock broking while BPI securities specialize in banking. I have been in the stock market since April 2012 and I am satisfied with citisec. If you would ask how reliable is citisec, they are very much reliable like BPI securities. citisec is even endorsed by brother Bo sanchez
Hi Gerald, I will have to cut your conversation since its diverging away from the topic of the post which is Aman. Majority of people following this post and the comments are concern about Aman directly related news and updates.
Would you be amenable to me giving your email add to those interested? If you are, I plan to give your email add to those who are interested in knowing more about Stock Investing per your experience so you can continue your conversation. Please let me know, Thanks!
Ma’am cille,
Sorry for diverting the topic.
yes, please give my email add to those who want to know about stock investments.
Hi Gerald, no worries, I’ll give it to jay_man. =)
@ALL, those who are interested to know more about stock investing through the first hand experience of Gerald, please email me at penfires(/at) so I can give you Gerald’s email. Thanks!
Thanks brod Gerald for this valuable info. If you are amenable to Cille Anne’s advice, may I request her then to forward your e-mail address to me so that we can converse more on this issue. If not, let me thank you again for your advice. God bless you.
Hi Jay, I have emailed you Gerald’s email =)
Thank you Mam Cille. Keep up the good work. God bless.
@gerald: Bro, I already e-mailed you. Awaiting your reply. TY.
@cille anne: Thank you.
Ma’am Cille,
Bro Jay,
I have already replied to your email.
@Gerald: Bro, I received your reply & answered it back. Again, many thanks.
@Cille Ann: Advanced merry Christmas to you & family. =)
Thanks for your blogs. I’m your avid fan. =)
Thanks jay! =) I hope there will be good news soonest with regards to the Aman case para pati investors will have a Merry Christmas.
anybody here who can give updates on the developments of the complaints filed in the nbi….apart from aman and his bod, are the operators in pagadian, ozamiz, dipolog and other areas included in the said complaint?thanks…
This is a very nice question. If negotiations or any amicable settlements between Aman & investor representatives fail, the complaints filed at NBI should include all operatives: Amalilio, BOD & all the operators (consolidators) involved in this business throughout Lanao, Pagadian, Ozamiz, Dipolog, Cebu, etc. That’s why all victims need to participate in this all-out filing of complaints.
brod jay,,,sino ang gumagawa ng negotiations between aman & invetors?
I just heard it from some sources before that negotiations were being done. However, those reports were unverified & unconfirmed.
May update na ba about sa AMAN , please post na man para malalaman namin lalo na kaming na sa labas ng ating bansa.
ung AMAN po s Pagadian City is certified SCAM n po siya…
Ang sabi ng mga tao ay “AMAN NAMO,IG AMPO NAMU NGA KWARTA NAMO I ULI NAMO”……………I NEED MY MONEY BACK…………………………………………………………………….
http:// www.
UPDATED: This video shared here by Mary May have been removed by its user.
Aman looks very uncomfortable reading his script. In the video, Amalilio talks about 2 years. I wonder asa na yung unlimited funds nya that if worst comes to worst he will buy a yacht to bring the money in? Previously, those in contact with him gives updates weekly but now is it gonna be yearly?
Kalooy sa akong mga paryentes and every one else who got involve with his “investment”.
If he is sincere and wants to show his sincerity, he should go to NBI who is looking for him so he can help NBI track down Luna if tinuod iya gisulti na si Luna ang may sala sa tanan. —> TV News reports on Aman. Pero ang question, TINUOD BA KAHA IYA GIPANGYAWIT SA VIDEO?
You be the judged.
Sis d ko na makita yang you tube video na yan. pahapyaw ko lang nakita sa report ni alvin elchico sa tv patrol kagabi eh.
ang nakalagay now is “This Video has been removed by user”. Natakot siguro pati yung nag upload sa youtube na madamay cia especially nakatutok na NBI and I am sure pati tech / computer experts ng NBI. Most likely someone from major networks may copya na nung video speech ni Aman, it can serve as evidence din kasi sa case.
I found a copy of the video of Aman in Youtube, here it is:
ndi na ntin alam kng ano tlga ang totoo,nung una sbi nla nafreeze ang account nla
what happen to aman? hindi naba makukuha ang pera kay aman?
latest news update in Inquirer about Aman – 12B ang natangay and nawala
read from here:
Hindi na bale if dili na maibalik akong money as long na madakpan lang na si AMAN ug sunogon ug hinay2 lang ba hangtod ma upos……… mao nay dapat himuon sa iya.
Edited to correct the 80% figure.
Secretary of DILG Mar Roxas has spoken! The Secretary directed authorities for a Full Probe on the Aman Investment that victimized lots of people, an estimated 80% of those who invested are Pagadianons.
Roxas said “This investment scheme bears red flags all over it. It’s important that we do not only get to the bottom of this; we also need to ensure the prosecution of persons responsible and give justice to their victims.”
Tv coverage flash on Balitanghali Weekened November 10. The story has also been posted on GMA News Online.
Hope this will lead to faster resolution of the case and justice to the victims.
Cille, salamat sa update about AMAN. Sana tutukan jud sa Government officials kanang kasoha about AMAN… para naman ma kakuha ug husticia ang mga victima nila @ managut sila sa ilang pangilad sa mga tawo…. Bero mo 80% kamo ng mga taga Pagadian na ilad nila???
Sana sunogon nalang na si AMAN ug di na niya maibalik ang kuarta sa mga tawo.
bhoy thanks, I will update when I come across more info. sorry about the 80% – the 80% refers to the percentage of victims coming from Pagadian. Other investors were from Lanao, Iligan, Ozamiz etc. I’ll be correcting the post, thanks for the comment kay na-aware ko sa sayop. thanks!
and yah dapat tutukan dyud sa local and national government kining panghitabo-a. Hope there will be outcome na favorable sa tanang investors and not only sa mga big investors.
Although not all investment are a scam…this company is really a scammer. Too good to be true. im also a person who invested in a certain project (not with aman ha).. we have limits and u can never invest again or any of your family member unless your ROI is not due. also we are aware of what the business is. Maliit and return samin kc nga limited and they dont offer as big percentage aman gives but atleast its working for us.
sa mga investors din kc we should ask ourselves if this is too good to be true and if tinakbuhan bako nito makakatulog pako sa gabi? Minsan din kc we became too greedy and we dont reserve something for ourselves incase matters become worst. we sometimes blame our Government. although our goverment have lapses we should also think, nung kumukubra ba tau ng pera naiisip natin ang government dba hnd naman. napaka plastic m naman pag cnabi mo na OO. kc ano magbabayad ka ng tax? lokohin mo lelang mo. Tau bilang investor ang dapat na mag check kung ano papasukan natin…pera natin yan hnd pera ng government. aaksyon lang ang gobyerno if ever may nagrereklamo na. baka if nag interfere ang government during those times na kumukubra kau sabhihn nyo pang epal ang gobyerno ha.
this is just my own opinion and my little advise to our fellow investors.
hnd ko po pinagtatanggol ang aman hnd po ako investor dun ang point ko lang is tau as investor we should take precautionary measures para hnd mangyari satin tong mga ganito and also believe your instinct..if its too good to be true drop it. that wont do u any good.
Cille, you actually contributed much by posting your very powerful opinion, for you saved me from the scam… thank you very much… before coming-up with my final decision, the Good Lord bring me to your blog after so many researches made and i finally decided not… to include my workmates, some friends, and relatives….
I just hope that City Government think million times time prior to the issuance of the permit to think that the ROI is really a big question as to how it could possibly happen… Besides, one must not just give such permission to someone you cared a lot (referring to the people) without having preliminary reviews/evaluation of any event proposed. Thus, the City Government of Pagadian has something to do with what you said “bad blood” in the entire community. The permit issued made the people think that it was safe… The accountability is there!
Keep up the good work… God bless you more…
My salute…
Hi Floyd, Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it.
It’s just so sad that these things have to happen. I agree with you that the local government should be made accountable for this. No one can blame them for everything but I think no one can also deny that part of the blame lies with them. Foremost, the city government has the mandate to protect and look after the welfare of its constituent which I think the LGU failed miserably in light of the fact that the mayor admitted to have also invested yet claims to have warn the people that this investment was too good to be true etc.
Bisag unsaon nimo warning ang mga tao na ayaw invest pero ikaw mismo nag-invest, milyones pa, di ba? Action speaks louder than words as they say.
Plus, everyone who was following this story probably also saw that pic of the huge tarpaulin sa Kawit that speaks of “Gi extend o gilugwayan ang Business permit…”
Ang kanang permit mao sad na gipanghawakan sa akong mga kuya and ate mao they think Aman was a safe investment.
hi cille, I’ve been checking on ur site to check updates ever since pumutok ung scheme..
im from manila, one of my relatives in mindanao nag introduce sa akin sa investment na ito only to find out na scam pala kmi. ever since pumutok ung aman i’ve been following this site na i dont post comment or what ever sapat na makabalita, but i want to thank ung gumawa nito CILLE super na appreciate ko talaga lahat ng post mo.
God Bless and more power..
Hi Ann, salamat sa well wishes and for the appreciation. So sorry to hear na pati kayo nasali sa scam. I really hope justice will be served soonest.
funny, is read this blog when most people in that city were cashing in… and now… looking back… wow… “ang nauna, naka-hilux… ang naulahi.. hilak!”
Hi, Ms. Cille Anne. I’m from Dipolog City. Do you mind if I ask for your email address? I would like to send you a message regarding a scam that happened to me last year. I really wish to hear your suggestions.
Hi Erica, my email is, please include as much details as possible so I can also consult my friends in the finance industry, in case they have a better recommendations for you.