PLDT lines down due to typhoon? No internet signal for days and weeks as a consequence? File for billing adjustment as soon as able.
Our billing adjustment requests for the downtime of our PLDT Fibr service are approved. In this post I am sharing our experience as well as few insights as we tried to get the account credit adjustment that is due us from PLDT.
Here are the names of typhoons for 2022 as released by PAG-ASA:
Some of the typhoons listed above may down poles and subsequently result to no pldt signal and service.
Before anything, please for those with no PLDT signal after a typhoon, in our case Typhoon Odette, it’s best to call pldt support department through 171 as soon as possible. If your area does not have a phone signal yet, you may request someone from outside the devastated area to call pldt in your behalf.
Other ways to reach PLDT, other than calling 171:
1. Book an appointment for a virtual meeting via
2. Email pldt at or
3. Login to PLDT MyHome and access “Support” then “Help Ticket”.
**If PLDT network engineers declares an outage for an area – if you call 171 for the first time after the typhoon and input the landline number with the area code, a ticket will be automatically generated for you. You will not be able to talk to a csr hotline at this point. So it is usually enough for a friend/family member to know your landline number to get that service repair ticket. BUT if the ‘outage’ tagged is lifted, the one who will report your no-signal issue usually needs the following info to verify account:
- Account name
- Account number
- Mobile number connected to account
- Email connected to account
Why is it important to call pldt technical support and get that repair ticket? This is because the date the ticket is generated will be used by the billing department as “start date” of the no signal and will affect the amount of adjustment that you will get.
If you reported late, you can inform the csr that from this period to that period you did not have signal. The csr will be able to verify if what you said is true through a DUV or a data usage validation test.
If you were not able to call because of no landline and no mobile phone signal situation and you only called weeks/months after, can you still get the adjustment? PLDT should give you the adjustment since it is your right as a consumer. Why would you pay a full bill if you were not able to use the service because of no signal, right? Yep. However, if you did not report the no signal / no service situation while you are still without service – the checking and data usage validation might take longer versus if you or someone you know reported earlier and got a ticket number.
So the earlier a ticket is created for the no pldt fibr or home dsl situation after a typhoon, the better.
After calling the technical department, call the billing department too. Request for bill credit adjustment and not “rebate”.
Why call the billing department?
So they can put notations on your account that you were affected, thus will be requesting for bill adjustment once service is restored. At the same time they will also endorse your account to back office for temporary suspension of account so billing will not continue on.
Isn’t it automatic to get billing adjustment since your area is identified as affected by the outage?
Per the CSRs I’ve talked with, PLDT did give an automatic credit adjustment to accounts under Odette-affected areas for 5 days only from December 17 to 22. After that, if PLDT DSL or FIBR is still down in your area, you need to report for proper recording and processing of bill adjustment.
Oh, by the way, the billing csr said to pay the new bill as it come and not to worry because adjustment will be made after 1 or 2 billing periods. *We got ours and was shocked to see we were billed in full, hence, the rush call to billing haha.
*Use mobile phone with Smart, TNT, Sun sim to call 171 and put the phone on loud speaker so you can do other stuff while waiting for your turn sa csr. I’ve experience waiting on queue for technical support for 43 minutes and the actual convo with csr less than 20 minutes hehe.
Here’s a snapshot of what happened to our account:
We got full billing last January 13, 2022. This isn’t right, of course, since we were out of service for weeks. We called 171 Billing department and a few days after, called again. A few days after, called again.
The result:
From P1,790.01 full bill indicated last January 13 statement, it is now at -P 456.33 as of February 1.

*Regularly login to pldt myhome / pldt smart app to see any movement sa bill.
*Be very firm in asking the csr what dates are inclusive in the credited adjustment, if there is one already. Baka matulad kasi sa amin, at first na adjust ang December 17 to 21 and also from December 30 to January 23. May missing dates from December 22 to 29, so we requested the csr to do a data usage valuation for this period. The PLDT csr was able to established that there is no usage for our line, so we requested the csr to create an additional ticket for the missing period. We got additional bill credit adjustment for 8 days.
Unfortunately, pldt fibr is still down for us, the LOS indicator is blinking red on the modem. A technician already came by the house last week, tested our wirings and concluded that from post to our house there is no issue. The issue is down pa mainline of our barangay huhuhu. Baka daw this week okay na… ‘baka’
*Monitor the ticket, kasi we’ve experienced pldt’s system closed our ticket kasi okay na daw ang service. But in reality, service has not been restored yet so we called them up again to have another ticket made.
*We’ll be requesting bill adjustment again from January 24 until the day service is truly restored.
Ayusin na niyo PLDT please. Wag naman tayo mag 2nd monthsarry.
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