For those who uses credit cards regularly, take note when your bank or credit card companies launch promos. Try to meet the spending requirements for cash rebates, gift certificates, points-exchange-to-goods, and other deals.
These promos are real and are DTI approved. Whenever there are announcement of a new credit card promo from either BPI or BDO, which are the two cards we have, I usually take note of the details like the included period, minimum amount to spend per transaction, and then I will evaluate if we have upcoming big purchases.
I know Metrobank, Citibank, Security Bank, etc., also have their own promo for customers. Watch out for those.
Meeting The Spending Requirements
The spending requirement is the one challenging to achieve, especially if there is a minimum amount per single transaction that must be meet. You may be charging a lot of P500s, P1,000s, P2,000s, but if the minimum required amount on the receipt is P3,000 – all those charges will not qualify.
My fave is the credit card promo spend anywhere, other deals require one to purchase only in supermarkets or online buying, which can be very limiting.
Anyhow, if there is a new promo and if I assess that there are upcoming big ticket items to buy, we try our best to purchase within the bank’s promo period.
*I am incharge of the finances at home, record keeping, tracking, budgeting, etc.
When I saw BDO announced their Early Christmas Shopping Fest credit card promo, I right away took note of the details and shared it with Titus. Because we know we have upcoming big medicine purchases, we made sure to buy the medicines within the promo period.
The promo deadline was October 15, by October 13 we were still short of about P4k, so I told my husband to make sure the grocery bill will reach at least P4,100.00 to clear the spending requirement of this particular promo. Sayang ang cash rebate kasi.
Titus was already in the supermarket’s counter when the billed amount totaled P3,900+. So he asked the cashier if he can pick up something just to make sure that the last cc charge will add to the total accumulated spending, so we will qualify for the credit card promo of BDO. Else, he will answer to me lol hahha.
Good thing there was no one in queue after him, so he ran to get additional milk, lol. But it works!
Today yayyy! Banco de Oro has texted us that we earned P2,020.31 cash credit for participating in their Early Christmas Shopping Fest promo. So immediately, I logged-in online and yep, it’s there, the amount has been credited!

How much did we spend to get the P2,020.31 cash rebate from BDO? P20,203.10. The minimum total accumulated spend requirement was P20,000, for 10% rebate. And yes, we made it! We got the cash rebate from BDO credit card, yeyyy! Thank you Banco de Oro for this promo!
The highlighted figures in the screenshot were what’s included in the promo, the charge to qualify has to be minimum of P3,000, and spent within October 1 to 15.

There is another P400 cash rebate credited on our account, the one next to the red star, this is for participating in Spend Anywhere Cash Back Credit. Awesome!
Last year, when we were buying appliances for our new house, we were able to get P5,000 under the 24-hours Flash Rebate promo. Salamat sa free money BDO!

By the way, the credit card that we are regularly using is a BDO Shopmore card. It works best for us because every time we pay the amount due, we also earned points that goes to our SM SMAC/Prestige card.
Next year it might be a tad difficult for us to meet the promo spending requirement since I am hoping that we don’t have to spend so much on medicines regularly by 2021. Plus, we have settled in our house already, no more big ticket appliances to buy.
But knowing myself, I know I will still try to evaluate and compute if we can make the cut every time BDO announces a credit card promo. Maybe there’s another cash rebate waiting for us next year or gift certificate, perhaps.
For those reading this post, look out for when your credit card launches a promo, your future spending might qualify for rebate or gift certificate or other deals. Keep using your credit card for shopping rewards and privileges. Go, go, go!
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