One can earn from blogs, yes that’s true!
So much time have passed since this personal blog first seen the light of day. This domain was the very first one I registered way back in March 2010. Then right after domain registration, a friend helped me build my very first WordPress blog, this here, Penfires.
Penfires started as a travel and food blog. These days it’s a repository of whatever pressing thing that has me on its hook, that just needs to be written down.
Yesterday I looked at the number of posts I’ve published on this site, and the first years are really prolific, posts after posts after posts were written and published. Then the writings tapered off as the years went by.
It’s nice to look back on the journey of Penfires…
- 2010 26 posts
- 2011 82 posts
- 2012 110 posts WOW!
- 2013 75 posts
- 2014 31 posts
- 2015 31 posts
- 2016 17 posts
- 2017 20 posts
- 2018 18 posts
- 2019 4 posts
- 2020 18 posts
- 2021 4 posts so far, including this very one you are reading now. But heyyy, it’s only the first of February today, there is time to publish more posts. 🙂
Total posts published on this blog as of February 1, 2021 is 436.
Blog Income Report Google Adsense
This Philippine-based blog earns through Google Adsense and from sponsored posts. Although worthwhile sponsored posts are very rare. The last one was January 2020.
Don’t get me wrong, there are offers coming through regularly for Penfires but at $30 and below range. I don’t accept low-ball offers, this blog’s minimum rate for a sponsored article is $150. Take it or leave it. And I can afford to decline because Penfires is very special to me. Also, I don’t consider this blog as a money site so no pressure to rake in good income from this website.
Personal blogs such as Penfires tend to earn small with Google Adsense. The volume of website traffic is a factor, yes, but also because personal sites are not niche-specific.
Niche specific sites tend to earn more as there are more advertisers vying for ad spaces in websites focus on single/narrow topics with captured audiences.
Personal sites will earn big if the blogger is a celebrity or influencer with millions of fans awaiting each new posts.
Or if the target is not Philippine audience.
The cost per click (CPC) of PH is low at 0.02 to 0.11 per my experience. If the target audience is US, AUS, Canada, Germany, UK, etc, then the CPC is much higher. 1 click could translate to $0.30 and up for the first tier countries.
To sum up – Penfires is not a niche site, with PH audience, with daily views just averaging 300 to 500 these days, and I am not a celebrity, these all combined translates to Google Adsense blog income that is low.
On Penfires blog earnings, Google Adsense only keeps a record of up to 3 years back so the info I have here are for the whole year 2018, 2019, 2020.
Total blog income for 2018 is $2,098.56, about P100,000.
Total blog income for 2019 is $710.17, about P34,000.00.
Total blog income for 2020 is $211.31, about P10,000.

If there is no pandemic, I strongly believe that the 2020 range would have been over $500 but under $1,000.
The Adsense earnings of this blog is not enough to become the main source of income but it surely helps.
Post More, Publish More
Oh, the frequency of posting will affect earnings. The more you publish new posts, the more bots visit the blog regularly, the more ‘fresh and updated’ the site is to search engines.
Evergreen posts do help in the continuation of income but one got to write and publish quality articles regularly to make the Adsense ‘salary’ even bigger. Make it a habit if you are blogger now.
Just check the 2019 figures, I only uploaded 4 articles or posts last 2019, yet there is an income of USD 710 and I thank evergreen articles for that.
If you are now a bit familiar with blogging, stretch your wings, build new money sites, go for niches, become a commercial or pro web publisher. Learn more deeply about SEO, about social media marketing, etc.
I hope to write more articles about my journey and experiences as a blogger and web publisher here in Penfires with the hope that may it inspire one or two or more readers. That would be awesome if it happens. 🙂
I am hoping too that the blog income report for 2021 for Penfires will be 4-digits. But I know I got to do the work first. Wish me luck!
I can relate to your AdSense income – my blog’s revenue took a nosedive as early as March last year (the start of the lockdown), and it is still to recover yet. True, this pandemic is the prime catalyst of this decline, but also, I think a big chunk of blog audiences is moving to video content. Unfortunately, I am not that confident in being a video creator. (sigh)
Also, I think this ad blocking extension contributes as well because adsense ads don’t show if this extension is enabled. I still need to find a reliable pop up notification that would let the user disable their ad blocker before they can proceed reading my blog.
Hi Roy, I’m really wondering if the blogs ad income can recover, at all.
Lately, it takes me 3 to 4 months before Penfires’ GA hits $100. 🙁
And true on people flocking the video format. 🙁
IDK…I think we should get around these ad blockers more effectively…because I believe they contribute a lot why ads do not show to users. Lately, I installed a pop-up notification telling readers to disable their adblocker but still there’s no significant changes in the ads performance. 🙁 I hoping that these lockdowns get lifted soon, we might see significant improvement then.
All the best,