The content of this post is MY PERSONAL OPINION. You don’t have to subscribe to what I believe in but I do hope that you keep an open mind as you read on what I share.
Earlier this afternoon my cousin from Zamboanga del Sur called me and talked to me animatedly about Aman Investment Trading which according to him is spreading like wildfire in Pagadian City even the mayor and barangay captains and known persons are investing. Of course there is no hard proof that these popular personalities in Pagadian are really investing only sabi sabi.
Investing in Aman is so widespread that neighbors, friends in his hometown are already a part of this community of Aman investors and lots of people have recovered their investment already including another cousin of mine. Hence, the call to share the good news, which I appreciate, I just don’t believe the investment promises.
Fantastic reviews, recommendations and testimonials are coming out from those who have successfully made an Aman pay outs considering the Aman investment ROI is a whooping 31% to 50%! Whoa!
But alarm bells starts to ring in my head, as he was talking I load google and search “Aman Investment Scam” and sure enough there were already entries about this, the first on the search results was from a long thread in
What is Aman Investment Trading?
Supposedly this “investment” house has a DTI permit and the works and operating since March 2012. It offers investors a too good to be true returns on your investment. Some claim that whatever capital you put in, after 2 weeks you are assured of at least 31% return. So if you invested 1,000 pesos, in just 14 days you initial investment will profit P310. If you invested say P10,000, you will get P3,100.
What if you invest P100,000? What if millions?
Considering that legitimate financial institution offers interest on deposits and investment at only 1.25% to 5.75%, this ROI is too good to be true. And too good to be true offers are usually scam in the making.
Anyhow, thousands of people are investing in Pagadian! And I am concern largely because I have relatives na baka mapaso neto. Any kind of investment (scam or legal) means risk. But just how risky? And how much are you willing to risk? Will you sell your carabao or pawn your land to join?
I maybe just a skeptic or am one of those people who will never join the ranks of the wealthy because am afraid to take risk. But that is bollocks, I am a risk taker but not when risk is clearly against my favor.
Is Aman Investment Trading similar to Ponzi Scheme (scam) ?
I think so. I could be wrong of course since I am not a licensed foreign exchange trader nor do I know much about the intricacies of investing. But I have thought long and hard on this and draw on whatever I’ve learn from school and life experiences. And this led me to agree with everyone else who is saying on iStorya that this Aman Investment in Pagadian has lots of similarity to Ponzi scheme.
My honest opinion and review is that this is a time bomb waiting to explode. Yes for now they are on a roll and payouts and cash outs from current investors are paid on time. But what about in the following months, will there still be funds to pay ALL old and new investors?
My kuya mentioned that this is legit since they have an office in Kawit, Pagadian. People are lining up just to register and join and supposedly this investment house will only accept a certain number of people before they close their door. There is a limit, he says. And besides he can attest that a friend of his sister (my cousin) invested P100,000 and already got 16 Million back.
Yep, you read that right, P16,000,000.00 return on an investment of P100,000.
Hmm.. is the 16M in cash or in paper?
Told my kuya that is not possible, he remains steadfast “Dili ka tuohan sa? But tinuod dyud na!” (Unbelievable right? but that is really true!) And says more “Daghan na kayo nabulahan ani diri”. (Lots of people are profiting here and enjoying the fruits of their investment).
My second question is if there is a limit, just what is the limit? 1 million Pagadianons before they close this opportunity?
There are claims that there is a legitimate business named “Aman Group Philippines Inc” but some people are using their business name illegally. How true?
What are the characteristics of the Ponzi scheme?
The name Ponzi Scheme can be traced back to Charles Ponzi who elaborately set out a scheme that victimized thousands of New Englanders in the 1920s by encouraging investment in ‘postage stamps speculation’. When the scheme collapsed, big money was lost by both large and small investors.
You can read a more comprehensive definition on Ponzi scheme from the US Securities and Exhange Commission official website.
In general, the scam is perpetuated by encouraging capital investment among new recruits. The individuals behind these scams are persons who are ‘believable’, have lots of credibility and can sweet talk their way so you will let go of your hard earned money. They will need to convince the initial investors or 1st investors to infuse capital on their ‘businesses’.
Most of times the expected ROI is too awesome that majority will be blinded by the returns and not think that high ROI also means greater risk and so will invest readily.
Then comes the payout, the first investors will expect that after a certain period they will be paid the promised profit. Of course they will be paid; this is how this scheme will work but by whose money?
Here come the 2nd investors who will inject funds to the business as their investment capital – they may be recruited by the scammers themselves or by the 1st investors. The scammer or perpetuator then will take part of the money deposited by the 2nd investors and use this to pay the 1st investors. Say the 2nd investors gives P50,000 each, P20,000 of which will be used to pay the original investors, the balance of P30,000 will be pocketed by the scammers. Utakan lang yan.
1st investors then will be very happy that he got paid on time and as promise. To share his good fortune and the amazing opportunity, he will of course share it with friends and family in Good Faith so they too can have a piece of the cake. We shall call them the 3rd investors. Start of the snowball effect…
The 3rd investors will bring more funds into the ‘investment pool’ and will wait for their turn to get paid. Part of the money they invested will then be diverted to “pay” the 1st and 2nd investors etc.
And so on it goes…until the scheme collapse or the scammers disappears.
And yes, Ponzi schemes will eventually collapse once the market is saturated. Because these “companies” does not have real assets like buildings, machineries, lands and non-real assets like blue -chip stock certificates in legit companies that can be sold to continue paying the investors off should the business face hard times. Or if they have, it’s not enough to cover all outstanding and pending pay out requests.
The money for these schemes usually only comes from new recruits or new investors who will give new capital. Without new investors there is no more money to pay anyone.
Wala nang perang paiikutin, simple as that.
When the scam collapse or the scammers have ‘met’ their target, example they agree that when they reach P10 Billlion, it’s their cue to make their escape and get as far away from the city. They will leave behind lots of broken dreams.
And worst, bad blood.
Why do I say ‘bad blood’?
Supposed you are an investor of such scheme and you profit from it because you are among the very first people to invest, and you have successfully convinced your best friend or your workmate to invest too. But alas, they got in too late and did not recover their own investments?
Things would be ironed out if your friends or workmates invested only P1,000 but what if it was P50,000 of their hard earned life savings or greater? You will potentially destroy your own reputation and may lost good friends along the way. I shudder to think of even more worst case scenarios.
What if Aman Investment Trading in Pagadian is legit and true?
Some argues what if Aman Investment that is circulating in Pagadian City is legit and true? I say good for those who invest, their risk paid off. But again the question, given the way things stand right now, do you really think this is good investment?
This is a GAMBLE, Sugal. Invest only what you are willing to lose.
High Yield Investment = Higher Risk
If you have extra funds, money that when lost won’t affect your livelihood then maybe you can choose to ride this wave. But be very smart; once you recover your initial investment do not pour it back. If you can’t help yourself but invest again because everything is “so far so good”, invest only the early profits that you have already gained, do not invest back your initial capital so that when things collapse, di kaayo ka manghinayang.
Sometimes it’s all about risk. One I am not willing to make. But those who are reading this Aman trading review, and who are maybe more courageous than I am, then go ahead and invest, at your own risk.
I wish you well truly. If you get rich by way of Aman Investment, good for you and your family. It would even be greater if you come back to this post and share pics of you with the “fruits” of your investment.
Many are claiming now that there lots of new vehicles being bought in and around Pagadian because of their participation to this investment. But these are mere words, mere claims. Without real proof, there is nothing.
You can of course use the same arguments to counter my opinion, but then again I have made it clear on the first sentence of this post that my words are my opinion solely.
I for one do not believe in quick rich scheme which I think this is. That is not to say I am right. Only time will prove me wrong or right.
Is Aman investment trading registered in SEC Ph (Philippine Securities and Exchange Commisson? Who are the registered Aman owners? It’s better to ask these questions now.
If anyone can show me and everyone interested deeds of assets of this Aman trading company operating in Pagadian, if anyone can show us buildings, lands etc own by this investment house, then perhaps I along with the others who are doubtful may rethink our thoughts on this. But until then, No thanks.
And this is a challenge to the people behind Aman Investment Pagadian, if you are legit, aside from the things I pointed above about proof of your current assets that can possibly cover all investments being made by the good people of Pagadian, leave a comment with your DTI Permit no, mayor’s business permit number, SEC registration number.
If you are legit, you have all these legal permits and it won’t even take you 15 minutes to write it all down on the comment section below. It will at least give the opportunity to those who are curious the chance to verify your legitimacy with our government offices.
Who knows million-pesos investors are just waiting for that.
Note: I will update this post come December 2012 when supposedly Aman will leave Pagadian City to venture into the next city so they can help those who need their help and who want to rise from poverty.
Screenshots below are warnings from both PIA and SEC:
Warning from the Philippine Information Agency About Scams Proliferating in Pagadian
If you want to read more about the issue of scams proliferating in Pagadian City, checkout this warning from the Philippines Information Agency with screenshot above.
PIA is an official website of the government. This is a credible website own by the Republic of the Philippines and managed by government employees. Our country’s government websites have “” in its url or domain name.
Anyone can create websites and put any info that they want but not everyone can have a “” website. This is only reserve for government agencies and as such if they published warnings, then it’s a legit warning.
Part of their warning states:
“PAGADIAN CITY, July 10 2012 — The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) provincial office has warned against business scams proliferating in the city.
Provincial Director Ma. Socorro M. Atay said DTI-ZDS advises the public to beware of scams such as pyramid scams, sales scams, text scams and other similar modus operandi. Scammers are very convincing that one gets carried away with their glib talk. “
And this is a screenshot of the “Notice to the Public” by SEC or the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines. You can go directly to the SEC official website to view this warning againts Double Your Money going on in Pagadian, which is of course the AMAN FUTURES TRADING.
If you are an investing on something, you should ask yourself what did you get the moment you gave your money as your capital, as your investment, what kind of certificates, receipts?
Investing on anything or going into business means risk, and risk could go both ways.
You either win or lose. Great for those who win.
Update: September 26,2012
Friendly Advise, you can or you can’t follow, up to you:
To those who invested in this, please call your kins in Pagadian and ask for update now.
Call only people you trust to know the real status.
@All who received post dated checks from Aman:
I suggest you call the concerned bank branch TODAY, tell them you receive a post dated check and you want to verify standing as of the time of your call.
The bank CSR can inform you of the account standing but will tell you that it’s not an assurance that when your check due date comes, the standing of the account will remain the same. The CSR is not violating any banking law by confirming standing of the account when you call. I know because I’ve worked in a major bank in the Philippines before.
You will need to give the CSR who will take your call these details:
1. Check Account number
2. Check Account name
3. Date of check
4. Amount of check
5. Check number
Ask if good standing yung account, the CSR will be able to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Also ask if there is enough funds that can cover your check at the time of your call, again, the CSR can only say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. The CSR will not be able to give you specific details like account balance or account signatories as these details are protected info.
Note again, the standing at the time of your call and when your actual ‘check date’ comes may changed. I suggest you call the bank from time to time, BE VERY VIGILANT.
October 4, 2012 – UPDATE on Aman in Pagadian
I’ve lifted this interview with DTI Provincial Director from Zamboanga del Sur Ms.Ma. Soccoro Atay from Mindanao Examiner Tele-Radyo.
Kindly listen to her interview with radio broadcaster and commentator Al Jacinto, it might shed some light to the confusion.
Some Highlights:
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “At the end of the day, they (investors) cannot blame others.”
Radio host Al Jacinto: “Ang balita po namin director eh nagiimbestiga na yung PNP Criminal Investigation and Detection Group and the Anti Money Laundering Council about this scam.”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “About the scam, I just hope they make it soon no, para faster ba, faster ang ilang action, para they will be able pa naman to catch the perpetrators…”
Radio host Al Jacinto: “Eto po ba director, tantamount ba to to syndicated estafa o large scale swindling?”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “Yes, definitely. Yes definitely. All of the above. Definitely. It’s a matter of catching these people at once because who do you run after if there is nobody there anymore.”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “If it’s too good to be true, It’s really a scam. Wag ka nalang sumali.”
Take time to listen to the interview whether or not you are PRO or ANTI AMAN, it’s just about 30 minutes.
Director Ma Socorro Atay recommended the next steps that investors and all stakeholders must take, it’s up to you whether or not you will follow her professional and expert recommendation.
Source: Mindanao Examiner Tele-Radyo
Update: October 7, 2012
For new commenters on this post: Use your VALID email account connected to a VALID Facebook account. Ang dami na kasing sinungaling dito at puro tsismis ang pinaparating.
I will not approve any new comments or commenters using bogus credentials. Nakakalungkot po kasi down na down na yung mga tao dahil wala pang kasiguraduhan yung kanilang mga pera at puro tsismis pa at panglalait ang pinapakalat ng ilang walang-awang mga tao. Takot naman ilagay ang tunay nilang pangalan pag nag-comment.
If you want to disparage other people or other commenters, make yourself a website that people actually reads. I am very lax in approving comments but do not try my patience.
Ikaw commenter “Mabuhay Aman”, Yes ikaw, isa kang duwag susupport support kay Aman at nang-aapak ng tao sa comment tapos nagtatago naman sa huwad na katauhan. Post with your real name that is verifiable by me and I will approve all your comments. Don’t take me and the Pagadianons as idiots.
Please read the FULL NEWS REPORT from INQUIRER.NET :
SEC uncovers P244-M double-your-money scam
Start of the news report reads:
MANILA, Philippines—The Securities and Exchange Commission has uncovered a P244-million “double-your-money” scam perpetrated by a Pasay-based trading firm Aman Futures Group Phils. Inc. that allegedly victimized investors—especially low-income earners—in Pagadian City and other parts of Visayas and Mindanao.
ending portion of the report:
The SEC uncovered four “grave” violations of the Securities Regulation Code by Aman Futures in this case.
*non-registration of securities sold as investment contracts;
*non-registration as broker or dealer but acting as such;
*engaging in commodity futures contracts despite a prohibition by the SEC; and,
*engaging in activities that are “off tangent” with the company’s primary purpose as a general trading company.
“Nowhere in the primary purpose of Aman Futures is it stated that the company can engage in the business of soliciting and accepting investments and money placements from the public,” the order said.
Another article published in the BUSINESS MIRROR October 10, excerpt below:
He admitted that Aman Futures lacked a secondary license to sell securities but claimed the company was unaware of this requirement. Efforts to comply, which he said started two-and-a-half months ago, have been postponed, given that the SEC had already started its investigation….
… It was not immediately clear whether Aman Futures has enough funds to meet its obligations to investors.
SEC Chairman Teresita Herbosa said the corporate regulator would continue its investigation on Aman Futures.
“The next step is finding out if there is a basis for a criminal complaint,” Herbosa told reporters in a late afternoon news conference on Tuesday.
The SEC will need to gather witnesses but these could be in short supply during the early stages of an investigation, said Herbosa, an experienced litigator.
“Usually the victims don’t complain until the very end. They are still being misled that they will get their money back and they know that if they complain, they will not be able to recover,” she said.
Aman Futures, whose registered address is in Pasay City, was established in June 2012 by incorporators and directors Manuel K. Amalilio, Fernando Luna, Lelian Lim Gan, Eduard Lim, William L. Fuentes, Naezelle M. Rodriguez and Luriz Lopez.
Full Copy of the Cease and Desist Order by the Securities and Exchange Commission issued against Aman Futures Group Philippines Inc. can be found on this link:,%20inc.pdf
I’m just putting this here to answer those emails and inquiries requesting about news and updates on Aman. The rumors that surfaced these last few days and circulating through emails and sms in Pagadian claiming that the SEC secondary permit has been signed and approved IS NOT TRUE per SEC advisory. SEC has again issued statement dispelling that rumor.
The status as of now October 17 remains the same:
CDO on Aman Futures Group Phils Inc stands and remains in effect.
You can visit these links from these reputable news agencies in the Philippines regarding this clarification and for the details:
Business Mirror –
Business World Online –
UPDATE: October 27, 2012
The Aman Story of Pagadian has generated enough attention that major tv networks have run a story on this. First, there was coverage by GMA News and just an hour ago by Reaksyon TV 5 program of Luchi Cruz Valdez. Click this post to watch the tv coverage —-> Aman Pagadian TV Coverage
UPDATE: November 10 Huge Development!
Secretary of DILG Mar Roxas has had meeting with investors and those who are handling the Aman of Pagadian Case and directed them to pursue the case and find those who are hiding etc. Info from Balitanghali Weekend.
Amalilio has been arrested in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. The Philippine authorities are now arranging for his deportation back to the country.
Read more here:
Comment Page 5 – latest page of comments is the current one below (upper half of comments on Aman)
More reports by NATIONAL MEDIA on these supplemental post.
You may also want to read Penfires post on Blogging and Taking A Stand.
ang aman sa pag ka karon mga ondo mga inday. nahunong na, hasta ang mga tawo dagko na kaayo ug question mark, gubot na diri sa pagadian kay tinuod man jud bisan scam sa panlantaw sa uban.pero.maayo sa naka una,,,ang naka una naka toyota HILUX na, ang naulahi nagkaon toyo HILAK pa. tungod kay daghan na ang mo papel sa aman.sakyan ug politiko way nada.. but the true investment is to seek first the Kingdom of God. madala ba nato ang kwarta? pangitaa ninyo ang tinuod nga INVESTMENT mga unbelievers.
k0rek ka jan…seek first the kingdom 0f G0d and He will pr0vide everything we need…
wll tama kayo,,pro paano nga ba ntin malalaman pag d ntin susubokan?ok wait lang kayo ha,,susubukan ko ang hamon na to,,babalik ako para mag post uli,,win or lose,,but i really trust in GODS POWER!
Hi Arlene, thank you for leaving a comment and for the positive attitude. I’m sure a lot of people would want and hope for the best na mabayaran lahat especially those who really don’t have much in life. We hope and pray for the best mapa-investors or non-investors pa.
you may be a believer, but you are not acting like one. i also against aman investment but dont judge them by calling them unbelievers, its not the right place. im not against your idea its right, but your response is wrong. Love their souls not judging them.
My dear Pagadian kababayans, let’s reflect on what’s happening:
1. Who among you here PERSONALLY know or have seen or talked to this mysterious person/entity called Aman? Let me make a wild guess: WALA. Admit it, all you know of this so-called “Aman” are from tirangs and chismis. There are as many descriptions/stories/legends of him/her/it as there are loud mouths. And believe me, there are so many loud mouths in Pagadian.
2. Are you in the habit of entrusting your money, your life-savings to somebody you don’t know? Most likely not. So why invest? Many are curious and gullible, some are ready to gamble but admit it, majority are simply envious of the instant “millionaires”. In other words, dili papildi sa amigo, kaila, officemate, silingan, relative, et al.
3. When you invested in Aman, did you sign any contract or legal document detailing the terms and conditions of your investment, the obligations of Aman, and your rights as an investor? As I understand it, you only get a piece of paper that could mean anything in court. Unsay inyong habol kay Aman kung mo palpak ang investment?
4. To the investors who bought fancy vehicles, lemme ask you this: Did you pay for it in FULL? Or most likely on LOAN/FINANCING? What will happen if you can’t anymore cash out to pay for the amortization?
Reality check:
1. The notice issued by SEC against Aman is certainly the turning point. I am familiar with investor licenses and it is very TOUGH to get one from SEC, more so that the SEC has tightened its regulations due to its past mistakes of approving pyramid scammers. In other words, hell would have to freeze over first before Aman could get an investor license.
2. No bank will now touch Aman money. In fact, banks that were involved are now under investigation. What does this mean? For those of you holding post-dated checks, it’s virtually worthless. What’s my advice? Deposit it and let it bounce so you have legal grounds for future claims.
To all investors, my advice is swallow your pride and cooperate with the appropriate authorities. Team up with the others and hire a good lawyer who can advice you of your rights. From now on, it’s going to be a tough legal battle.
To those who want to learn from this, the #1 rule in investing is: Bulls and bears make money but pigs get slaughtered. Google to find out what it means.
dghana tawo ganina kawit oi, wmay natagaan ug cash
I suggest you take a video of the commotion in Kawit with your cellphone, upload it to youtube, and submit it to national media like ABSCBN and GMA so this scam could be made public and a proper investigation will be launched. At this point, all one really can do is run after the perpetrators and keep them from starting the same scam in another place.
This is also a call for the local media to do the right thing. Enough feeding misinformation to the Pagadianons please.
may’ng gabie.. mas kulba na ni ugma–oct.2. matod pa sa uban, ugma na mahibaw-an kong naa jud o wala. pero, makaluya lyt ky ganiha nai mga nakadawat ug cheke pero wala d i sulod daw. nanghilak tawon uban tawo. ug hinaot pa unta sa uban nga malipayon sa bunga nga napupo nla sa una pa ani na business, makisimpatiya nlng sa ubang katawhan. d nlng unta mgkatawa o manghambog sa ilang kalipai sah? ampoonon jud tawon ni. mambalita na pud q ugma sa mga taga-sulod. salamat.
aw looy jud..unsaon ta man..alang alang bawion tong mga kwarta sa mga wala pa maka cash out…nga tua na amn sa dalan sa pagadian ang mga kwarta…FOR REGISTRATion…mao lagi na..mga tawo ray gigisag ayo…
The big question as of now is
HAMAN nman si AMAN? 100% that he is nowhere to be found
c aman wala na sa pagadian..mga tawo ra na niya naglihok aron ingkasog magkabulilyaso..walay madakpan…iampo na lang nato na..dagkutan na lang sa kuta…
if you believe in aman trading in pagadian, i’ve got a bridge to sell you. courtesy from george parker
What’s new..? nakacash – 0ut na ba ung 0ld invest0rs sa aman..? pls. update…
LORD ikaw nlang jud bahala sa tanan,,
I just hope nga tinuod og legit lang unta ning existence sa Aman… Why? Just a week ago, I invested 10K!(the amount I can afford to lose).. Dis-a ko nakahibalo? Ive known a friend who invested Aman and even received almost 4 pay-outs! They even dined out every after receiving pay-outs…Tinuod jud!…But for how long nga mag-ayo na? Nobody knows really…Come October 12 will be my first pay off…Will get back on this site on any updates.. Oh, by the way, I’m from Cebu…
c luvluv ka noh?hehehe
if you believe in aman trading, i’ve got a bridge to sell you…
wla na c Aman!!? a person name Manny who claims to be the legit representative of AMAN group, his gone with the money amounting 20billion. ayaw na mo pag expect matagaan pa mo. benta nyo na mga montero at fortuner na binili at byaran ninyo yung mga tao ni recruite nyo. dito sa Ozamis yung mga big time lng na mga tao ang ne refund. Andito c manny last month sakay ng isang private plane. tapos hinatid ko pa sa cebu don sinundo kami ng jaguar nya na sasakyan. you cannot tell this person as a scam npaka soft spoken at very educated kung magsalita. parang demonyo nag ala anghel. nyaaahahahaha
unsa na may latest update from aman investment in pagadian?
ayaw nm pag dahom nga maulian mo sa kwrta ninyo..ako pa ninyo ipapaktol ninyo si aman or nonoy…hehhheheheheh
Excerpts from the news “NBI Probing Mindanao Ponzi Scam” published in Manila Bulletin, September 3, 2012:
MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Justice (DOJ) has ordered the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to investigate a company that is allegedly involved in a fraudulent Ponzi-type investment operation in several provinces in Mindanao, with payables involved now reaching to more than P10 billion.
NBI director Nonnatus Caesar Rojas to verify reports that a company in Mindanao, reportedly owned by a Malaysian national, had been illegally engaging in a supposed Ponzi-type of operation in the provinces of Lanao del Sur, Lanao del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur, and Misamis Occidental.
“This is a very disturbing report kasi based sa information na nakarating sa amin, the business transaction involved is bloated to the point of reaching billions of pesos insofar as obligations or payable are concerned,” Mendez told the Manila Bulletin.
“We are encouraging those residents of Mindanao, who were lured to invest but in the end were duped in a pyramiding scheme, to come out and formalized their complaint. The NBI help will you,” he said.
Citing information already gathered on the complaint, the NBI official said that the strategy of the Mindanao-based firm was no different from other ponzi-firms reported in the past.
The firm lures investors by promising them from 60 to 80 percent monthly returns on their investments. It was reported that payables in Lanao del Sur had already reached P15- to 20-billion.
“As for those who invested in this pyramiding scheme, we have no complainants yet, everybody is hopeful that they will receive their payments once their investments have matured. How much [will be the return of their investment] I don’t know . . . I am just crossing my fingers,” he said.
pagkalooya sa mga tawo….despite sa mga paningkamot nga ila gibuhat sa matag adlaw para maka sapi…..dito lang sya mapunta sa walang kwenta na mga pamaaagi. but sad to say wala pa gyud exact details regarding ani….manghinaot lang ta nga matagaan ni sya ug action kaagad lalo na ang nag dala sa maong negusyo.
paita, wla njud pagasa ato kwarta klaro kau ang interview sa dti director ilad jud kaau
musta na ang pg issue ng tseki para s mga investors ni aman?
hello cille ann. i will just share my views. the worst of it all is that a christian church is pagadian in widely involved. The pastor’s wife is one of the frontliner staff of Aman investment. She came to her native town (place that i will not disclose) bringing their new Innova to recruit new investors. Within the car are quite a number of gadgets. 2 cheques with estimated 400000 pesos each are being shown to the probable investors. Worst of it is another pastor in that locality is convinced to invest. her uncle warned the new investor to be careful. what the husband (pastor) did is called him up and confronted him telling that it is not a scam. It was never mentioned by the uncle that it was a scam. The pastor even said that i’ll be back with a fortuner. Until now, they are actively recruiting new investor but the sad thing is that they are not giving any acknowlegement receipts or whatever. so sad.
maybe he was also misguided? or people simply put too much emphasis on easy money.. thinking that earthly money is all there is?
the thing is, nidako man iya ulo. vanity out of context na ang nahitabo sa iya. palit sila cars and gadgets etc then post it on facebook. for what? they’re really blinded by money. keeps on saying thank you lord for the blessing and yet the money is very anomalous. very bad example indeed.
why is it aman investment at pagadian was lost… how about the investor’s…. then where is mr. luna?
sayang ang akung gamay nga money naa pel sa pag scam ni aman….pero cge lang ampo nalang nako ni GOD NGA c aman dili nah mag scam sa uban nga mga cities….
Is there anyone(aman links) who could give an assurance to the investors
this would be ok?if they are denying the fact that
it’s a scam then there should be ways ipakita nila
nga mokalma ang mga tawo.i heard naa nay mga nali
nalisuan ug mga utok.tuay nagbaligya kabaw
tawon karon palwa na sa lubi ang giguyod guyod
And my friend’s cousin naglatagaw na ,bisan asa nlang
makaplagi.plssss…just a little concern -aman operators-
Hindi lang pera ang nakataya but peoples lives at risk.
ano na ang status ng aman investment trading?
Sa akong lng nasagap nga balita c mayor man daw ngsugod na ug release sa mga cheque..daun ge pa fill up pod ni mayor ang mga investors ky tawagon ra daw..una nga releasan kato daw ng due ug sept. Ang maau unta ana nga mismo madunggan nato c mayor nga mag storya kabahin ana..gkan daw gni c mayor ug manila nakig negotiate daw ni aman..unya wla manjud tah kblo ug unsa jud katinuod maau unta mismo c mayor naa maistorya..aron pod matagaan ang mga tawo ug saktong tubag
mao jud ..puro lang man gud hearsays…dapat may meeting or whatever ways na mapaliwanagan ang mga tao.sumala pod giingon sa nag ingon,maong nacomplicated kay gusto hawakan ni mayor unya di mosugot di manugot maong ang mayor sa dumalinao maoy ningperma sa permit?tapos karon c mayor co ang in action?labo namn yata….
How can we assure that they release all the checks for the investors?
Respect mine & I will yours:
1. DTI do the inforcement if they know that it is SCAM
I have an information from a reliable source. Amanerz please have patience. I am also an investor and I invested almost a million pesos. Aman is SEC registered. It is listed in SEC registered companies. According to my source Aman’s money is still on hold by Central Bank because Aman is still processing a Secondary permit from the SEC as required by the Central Bank. Hopefully this will be issued sooner so the limit of 15Million pesos per day will be lifted to accommodate the release of investments to the investors. Do not easily believe the hearsays. The Mayor of Pagadian is now the one handling the payouts.
I hope there is some truth to what you said since my kins’ total ‘investment’ in Aman is close to 1M excluding the promise interest. They too are waiting, hoping, praying.
Supposed that they are registered in SEC etc, why is it only now that they are trying to secure the secondary permit from SEC? Based on this analogy, I can only think that they have been operating illegally as an investment house for many months? What do you think?
I really hope the poor people will get their money. This is such a sad, sad state of affairs in Pagadian.
That is an update. as for my knowledge, Central Bank needs that SEC Secondary permit so Aman’s money will be released to the public. I experienced payouts firsthand. And what I am talking is firsthand experience even my co investors na mga friends ug relatives nako. Sa una dali lang ang releasing sa cheke kay gamay lang ang investor. So karon nga gusto na sa tanan investor sa Pagadian makuha dayon ang kwarta it is impossible to process the releasing of billions in just a matter of days. Pag nalift na ang limit sa daily na transaction na 15M, I think Aman could easily accommodate all releases in just a matter of days. My next point kung giingon nga ponzi scam ni dili unta magsabay cashout dati ang old ug new investors. Imagine kami naginvest then after 16 days nakuha dayon namo kwarta. It is not ponzi scam. U need not to recruit like TVI before you get your money. As for now we’ll just wait coz they are finding ways to release all people’s money.
As far as I know, Investment Houses needs the primary SEC registration and the secondary SEC License to solicit investment from the public. Without that, they have NO AUTHORITY to solicit funds from the public as ‘investment’, let alone, operate legally as an investment house.
UP TO THIS DAY, if we follow what you heard from your reliable source, they are still trying to secure the secondary license from SEC.
I really hope the money will be released. I hate to see my relatives wallowing in depression over this. Close to 1M is NO JOKE.
Question is if they have SEC registration under what name? And who are the incorporators? Who are the board of directors? You can’t have corporations without these people and designations. If you know their names, please post the REAL NAMES OF AMAN Incorporators and Board of Directors below.
Another concern: Why haven’t they release yet Official Communications to explain why things are the way they are now? Being a corporation, they should have Official Spokesperson, Liason Officer, Corporate Secretary etc. ready to face and answer concerns of investors. The first thing I think a good corporation would have done in this case is to call for a media briefing or investor meeting to explain the situation.
SADLY, Pagadianons are scampering right now to get more info from non-direct sources. We know how diverse the opinions have been, the different updates and info. A press conference by Aman management would have end all doubts.
I heard the interview with the DTI Director. She mentioned that Aman Future Trading is SEC registered with the name Aman Futures Group Philippines, Inc. You can check it out at the SEC website. You can find it at the registered companies.
That name is SEC registered but NOT as an investment house if you listen fully to what the director said. That’s the root of the problem. And also it was mentioned by a certain R. Pamaran that the name undergoing SEC registration is Aman Investment Opportunities Inc. not Aman Futures Group Philippines Inc. Conflicting names, conflicting infos etc.
There is only one thing that can end all speculations and that is Official Statement from Aman himself or his authorized and official representatives, signed by them and legally binding. Show their faces to the investors. Have an investors’ meeting with Aman and the Board of Directors. Don’t you agree?
I hope I could share some insights. I believe it is true. My source told me that Mr. Amalilio is in Manila right now. He is processing the SEC Secondary Permit which is hopefully by next week will be approved. As I mentioned in my previous post Central Bank needs that secondary permit to lift up the 15M maximum limit so Mr. Amalilio’s money which is more than the maximum limit will be transfered to his Philippine Account from his HSBC account abroad.
Pare? naglakas loob kapa maraming taong niloloko yung aman na yan.Dapat ikulong na yan? si Aman.
Repost from
Posted by Orientgnome
Aman Futures Group Phils, Inc. is officially registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. If it is doing business as registered, Aman should make clear how it is related with Okachi. If it is doing business as accredited broker of the latter, then it is not a scam since Okachi is a registered commodity futures trading firm registered with the Malaysian Securities and Exchange Commission. Aman must show proof to investors that it has legal business relation with Okachi to quell doubt about its operation. If it operates business officially with Okachi, then 30 to 50 percent margin is possible depending on the movement of commodity prices. Palm oil is my pick for forward trading. Buy now and sell later. It will hit double by February or March. Happy Investing.
As I have said, Aman needs to come out in the open to quell all doubts and speculations. Issue an Official Statement and give this to ALL investors instead of giving updates to a select few. There are thousands of investors waiting for OFFICIAL STATEMENT from Aman. It is the INVESTORS RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPEN TO THEIR INVESTMENTS. Why there are delays etc. Aman owe this info to the investors. Why the news blackout? Why hide info from investors? My relatives doesn’t know a thing about what happened to their investment or if they are ever going to cashout. I’m sure many other investors share the same sentiments.
Yes. i agree to that. I hope the SEC Secondary Permit will be released so our money will be released soon. I think now is not the time to debate if its legit or not as long as the money is returned to the investors. That is the most important thing.
I agree the money needs to be returned to each and everyone.
Yes cille anne…your thoughts are highly agreeable.amaners should check on
this and prove the allegations wrong.really appreciate your deep concerns.
hi edith, i’m really concerned especially when my cousins finally told me 2 days ago how much each of them have invested. It’s so sad. I really, really hope this will be resolved wherein poor people will be winners. we are not a rich family, we have small farms pamana sa mga lolo and lola namin, I hope the capital wasn’t from prenda or anything. I’m afraid to ask them.
As what i’ve heard sa akong relatives nga c mayor njud daw mismo ngstorya nga iuli jud ang kwarta..naa pa gni gi record akong relatives nga gi storya ni mayor..katong una ga due nareleasan na ug cheque ni mayor..dayun ge prepare na daw ang C3 building for investment..maau unta nga mahatagan na ang tanan..
Yes. The Mayor in Pagadian is the one handling the payouts recently. Sa tanan na nagcomment diri I hope dili kaayo negative ang ipost dinhi not to ignite fire sa mga investors. Basig instead na irelease na unta ang kwarta pero sa kasuko sa mga investor nga nadelay ang release sunugon na nuon ang office sa Aman. I hope this will not happen kay unsaon pa pagbalik sa mga kwarta kung sunog na ang tanan records ug wala nay mamalik na mga employee sa Aman kay nahadlok na sa mga nagwild na investors. Let’s just pray coz if the Mayor told that as Mrs dela Cruz says, it means they are finding means to return the money.
nganong si mayor man ang mag release ng chique nganong dili man ang taga aman sarado na ba ang office ng aman?
Unsa naman bag-0 news sa AMAN? Sa ozamiz ug pagadian updates..? Wala man Tay kapangutan-an ug sakto,, nag invest invest lagi,, kay awat awat ni Sir M..a
ondoy,mangutana lng ko unsay meaning anang HSBC
sam, HSBC stands for Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation. What ondoy shared remains to be seen and proven.
Unta naay maka ask personally ni mayor ug mangutana kbahin anang unsa katinuod nga xa na ang nagrelease sa mga cheque..aron pod unta makabalo tah kung unza na status sa aman..
pila na man ka adlaw wala maka cash out ang mga investor?
hi anne, based on one of the investors who have left a comment on this post, September 5 yung due date niya and until now, wala pang nangyayari.
tnx cille anne sa meaning sa HSBC
unsa nay latest update karon s aman investment? pls post
Dili pod cguro mag tumo2 ug storya c mayor nga bayran tanan ang investors..kay ka dautan na nya sa mga katawhan labi na ky next election modagan xa..dghan nang na releasan ug cheque nga c mayor ang gahatag..if wla man gni nay sulod nga mga cheque dako kaulawon ni mayor..
The Amanners:
Jupels says: don’t think that the Pagadianon is bogo… (ang BRYT kay specific lang sa butang og dili sa tanan.. Para ani, dili ka bright… nag take advantage lang ka kay dako ang kwarta).. Tanaw nimo bright ka sa kwarta? wala na unta ka nag invest sa aman, og lupigon pa nimo sya)… hehehe (EASY MONEYYYY!!! Baligya nalang **deleted** )
Ella says: Don’t say it’s a scam until u experience it urself…. (Ang problema kay dili man mo parehas nga mabaw og lubot kung maisahan, basta naka bawi nako bahala na na sila unya …) … Hehehehe (EVIL STYLE).
Ryanski R. Romano says: aman promise that he will give the money if ever going to stop the investment, and i heard that, investment in pagadian will end until 2015…. (face to face mo nag istorya ha……) ( STORYAHE.. FM)… Hehehe
hamble says: nagpuyo og payag servis fortunner (muslim ka hamble???) Ana jud para mag ingkaso, dagan dayun…(INHERITIC STYLE)
Aman Investor says: Don’t judge too quickly, I’ve been an investor since June and there has never been, not even a single check that has bounced, or “promised” ROI that has never reached the hands of the investors. (Hehehe… LUPIGAN SI BOMBAY.. Ang problema, human na.. si BOMBAY BUHI gihapon…) hehehe BOMBAY STYLE WINS…
he says again: No, it’s not Amman, but it’s Aman. If you try to check online both in SEC and BIR. Thanks. (feeling SECurity guard og BIR pa day.. ) BAsta kwarta na wala nay SEC og BIR, imung tumong kay kwarta samtang naa pa… Bright kaayo ka kung mailad nimo si AMAN.. hehehe mao nang nahulog og IMung giilad ang wala nahatagan og na KAMPON ka ni AMAN… Wla kay pakialam unsay mahitabu unya sa UBAn og sa IMUHA (POINT OF ALL STORY)…
The greatest LESSON OF ALL is ME..
The Desire of Big MONEY is The root of all EVIL.-deleted-
cille’s note: pasencia na but i have deleted two words from your comment. I am policing the comments now.
Ayaw namo Paglaum kung mabayran mo:
Kung bright mo, mas bright ang gabalik balik nga storya:
Dili na mabayran ni aman ang inyuha kay ngano:
1)mahulog na nga naisahan ninyo si AMAN, og kulang iyang Kalag para ibayad ana.
2)naay balaud ang kwarta, ug sumpay sumpay na siya bag-o muabot sa inyung kamut
3)kung mubayad si aman sa isa sa inyu og nahibaw-an atong uban nga wala sila bayri,
mag pinatyanay ang labas ana.
4) kung mabayran man tingali, kulangon ang kwarta ni aman para ihatag sa tanan. Og ayaw pag dahum nga tanan mo mudawat bisan kapital lang.
The first would be the LAST, the last will be the FIRST…
there is no easy way and shortcut way to be rich unless you are born of a rich parents. But that doesn’t mean you don’t work hard. The intention of Aman i guess, but that intention has actually ruined people’s hope and persistence to actually work for what they want to have. Our economic and financial status is not a trade or a gambling. BETTER work hard, pursue harder, and pray the hardest. IT’s we has the power to transform ourselves not the others. AFTER ALL, LIKE IS WHAT WE MAKE IT.
Good Job Cillie!
Some says the money is in central bank,now it’s
in HSBC na nman..sana it will not be in swiss bank
where nobody would be able to touch it.
ug nila pa walay mangilad ug walay magpailad, nasulod man ta sa lit ag, happy cla ang nakauna, anyway its only money a piece of paper. lets accept na lang jud, di ta padala sa ato gibati, ang ato health ato atimanon nga maayo ra ta. makita ra nato na ang kwarta. sakto jud ang GI ingon,, SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND ALL THIS THING SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU. BYE2X NA LANG SA NAILAD SAMA NAKO.
Cille Anne.. I was pretty well impressed on everything you said and shared… Job well done…. Long to meet you in person.. Thanks and more power…
SEC just issued cease and desist order against Aman
hi mykel, yap. I’ve updated the post an hour ago after I stumbled into the Inquirer news. It says on the report assets of Aman have been frozen, hopefully there is enough money to pay back all investors.
I am not versed with our law, cases and prosecution procedures. My question is ‘If say there are 20 investors mag file ng case like a Class Suit, and the case is won, yung 20 investors lang ba na nag file ng case ang puede lang makakuha ng share from the locked-down assets? Or kasali lahat na nag invest na hindi nabalikan ng pera nila kahit hindi naman sumali sa case filing? I’m curious about the answer to that question.
methinks it won’t qualify as a class suit.each investor has a distinct claim against aman,separable from the others.investor/s will have to come forward and file case on his/her/their own behalf – not a representative of a class.bottomline, investors have to spend time and money (again) to pursue their claims.i smell “enterprising investors” who will lead the charge in filing case againts aman.and who will convince others to join him/her/them in the case to be filled.for a certain cost and/or percentage of the amount recovered of course.hopefully, those “small-time” investors who’ll decide to join won’t be scammed twice over.
sa ato pa,tanan investors kinahanglan mu file ug complain agaisnt aman para mauli ilahang kuwarta? pananglitan 1000 investors,puros na cla mgfile ug complain?
hi sam, mykel’s comment is just his opinion, same way with mine. mas mabuti talaga if investors will consult with private lawyers for advise coz they know these things better. merong ding mga taga PAO or Public Attorney’s Office lawyers na puede ding tumulong. Pero mas mabuti ata pa blotter muna sa police especially if may tumalbog na na checke for record purposes. Tapos itagong mabuti ang checki, wag ibigay sa kung sino-sino. Kung may manghihingi, xerox or photocopy ang ibigay.
Tapos from now on, careful sa pagpirma ng mga kung ano-anong documents, dapat basahin lahat pati fine prints before anyone will sign anything. baka kasi waiver na yung pinipirmahan, naku po ang mangyayari pag nagkataon.
all along, the aman game-plan is to lure “small-time” investors precisely because they’re your common folks (vendors, pedicab drivers, farmers, etc.).they’re marginalized, disorganized; they have very limited means to hire a lawyer and file case; and they share sam’s mentality that someone should pursue their claims in their short, chances are, they won’t run after aman when the inevitable happens.
same thing with the use of consolidators for “mid-size” investors.consolidators serve as firewall for aman.”mid-size” investors are your salaried employees, professionals, businessmen, short, they have the resources to really pursue aman through court action.but take note, aman can always say “you run after your consolidator because your not an investor as far as aman is concerned.”
yah I see your point. in short for midsize investors na ‘sumakay’ sa consolidators, aman can say your investment did not reach us, go ask/blame your consolidators. hayyy goodness.
this is really a Financial Crisis and delubyo ang nangyari sa Pagadian. Now is the time for the local leaders and government officials to step-up, fulfill their mandate and their responsibility to the Pagadianons. Local officials should help in every way possible like helping those interested-to-sue-investors in filing court cases or to have a Welfare-Crisis-Committee to help those suffering from depression etc. Ang laking suliranin neto. tsk.
first order of business should be to locate this aman guy and all principals of aman, inc,place them on watchlist/hold departure order.ask for an accounting of total investments, names of investors, payables, cash movements in the last 3 months, etc.the SEC order came in very late.i’m afraid not much cash is left in the bank/s (if SEC has even identified the account/s).
we’ve heard how loose the “documentation” is when someone makes an’s so easy for aman to fabricate these and use dummy-investors.
local leaders?better think again
>>>local leaders?better think again
Hahaha yah I too have my questions about them before all these things happen. this shouldn’t have happened in the first place. hayyyy talaga.
Hey Cecille. This might interest you. You can check it out. Aman is on the list with Cease and Desist Order but not labeled as permanent. This may be under arguments or negotiations.
Hi John,
Thanks for sharing that!
Im blown by the list! It’s a long list of CDO issued. Wow!
And scrolling through the list we can see that Futures Trading is NOT SOMETHING NEW TO THE SEC. Cease and Desist Orders were issued to 2 companies engaged in “Forex trading / Futures Currency Trading” as early as year 2000. I’m of course talking about these companies found on the list.: Belkin Mgt. Consultancy, Inc. / GEI Training & Services, Inc.
>>This may be under arguments or negotiations.
I agree with this, under arguments, negotiations and investigations.
Yeah. That is why I don’t lose hope even the hope is very small. Anyway, as I saw that list, I assume its not yet end for Aman. SEC may or may not grant Aman’s request for secondary permit to release the money to the investors as I have seen in news in the net.
I wonder if SEC on its own can release the money to the investors? I mean can SEC release what’s left of the frozen funds and assets and distribute the same to the investors proportionately?
From the list, seems like investors will wait a long time for resolution. Example the CDO issued to “Caceres Lending Investor Co., Global Money ” was last May yet until now status is as is “blank”.
I don’t think so if SEC has the power to release the money to the investors. As mentioned in the news, Aman request the SEC for secondary permit because that is required to them by the banks. It’s not same issue with Caceres since Caceres does not engage with securities… correct me if I’m wrong. I still hope SEC will issue the permit even temporary one just for releasing purposes. i hate to say this, some people in the government wants something in return before processing the documents… I hope not.
On Caceres:
I’ve read through the PDFs reports on Caceres (not in-depth reading but more on scanned the reports) and part of the case was about “unauthorized investment contract”, please see screencast: . Link to the Caceres PDF with the ruling:
I think I was wrong when I said there was a long waiting time since by June 2012 SEC issued resolution on Caceres case, the CDO was issued May 2012, less than one month lang may final decision na ang SEC. I think the “blank” status means not updated yung website listing since based on the Caceres case, PERMANENT CDO na sila but not reflected on that list yet. See screencast again or read the full PDF to see final judgement on Caceres.
Anyhow, Maybe the Aman case will also come to a fast resolution too.
At the end of the day even though there is little hope left, we all want what’s best for the Aman investors and that is, that investors will get back their money. But HOW will investors get it back?
I have advised my cousins to talk to a lawyer and be among those who will file a case. This is the best advise I can think of, of course there will be many dissenting opinions. Will my cousins follow my advise? Probably not, they did not follow my advise not to invest on this in the first place.
What’s clear though and I’m sure many will agree, a lot of Pagadianons are suffering now and the City of Pagadian will not forget this Aman so easily. Lessons are to be learned here, the hard expensive way.
yeah. you’re right. I hope this may come to an end with a favorable outcome for the investors. though they may stopped by the SEC as long as they are granted temporary secondary permit so they could release the money as they said. I don’t want to lose my very small hope. I know at the end of the cave there is light and I pray the cave is not so long enough that I may lose hope.
hello cille and john i like your sinsible interaction. though i am not an expert in legality i see a glimpse of light in the word not permanent CDO to aman. hopefully he can iron it out, whatever is lacking for him to be able to payout the investors. praying that SEC would help him on this matter, issue whatever is needed to unfreeze his bank accounts. SEC must be sensitive to see the plight of the people not only in Pagadian but elsewhere. i heard the situation is widespread. let us all pray and hope for the best result.
thanks both of you. i am following your discussions, you both have reference. i too is concern of this situation
hi Cille and John, i want to share an info, i think this is relevant to what you were discussing,( the status of the CDO issued that is not permanent). Just this afternoon a good friend of mine sent me this message. Aman’s application for SEC permit is now in process waiting for approval. i don’t want to give false hope to those who can read this, let us just pray and hope something good will come out of this. nothing is impossible in prayers.i feel this is good news for us. let us all be positive and claim victory in Jesus name!!! Amen……
hi therese, if you mean the application for SEC Registration and SEC secondary license for ‘Aman Investment Opportunities Inc’, yes the Aman group have applied for registration and licensing last August 17, 2012 or even before that date.You can find it mentioned on the SEC CDO againts Aman, Page 2 Paragraph 3. See screencast: Click “FULL SIZE” to read the whole paragraph easily.
But if you check SEC website right now October 13, 2012 – Aman Investment Opportunities Inc is still on “Reserved” Status. “Reserve” of course is not equal to “Registered”. I am not 100% sure of this but I think before SEC can even process the application for secondary permit, they must First approved the registration of the company as a bonafide investment house with documentations all in order like the articles of incorporation, by-laws, et al.
I don’t think Aman applied for Secondary License for their already registered SEC name which is “Aman Futures Group Phil Inc.” or AGPI simply because the nature of the business of this registered corporation AGPI is not that of an Investment House. You can again refer to the CDO PDF file, it’s indicated there.
You can use this link to check the status yourself: Sign-up to SEC website if you haven’t already. You only need your name, address and email to register in SEC and then once you are registered you can now do a search in SEC database of companies. It doesn’t cost a thing to verify company name and status in SEC. If you are busy, I made a video demo of me doing the search in SEC, kindly see screencast, if the video stops, just click on pause and then play again:
Here is another news report from Business Mirror:
this aman trading is a monkey business or let me say “5 6 or USURY”, IAM a maranao and ive been in MARAWI CITY few months ago not because i joined this F***** BUSINESS but because i got married. . i witnessed and observed the people there in MARAWI, its really true that u will DOUBLE earn and make HUGE profit with ur money if u join. many MARANAOS bought LUXURY car not just a car but a CARS!!!!! luxury CARS!!! whoa!!! they sell their own lands, carabaos and etc just to join this kind of business..but all of a sudden these business suddenly collapses on july or august 2012.. now, the scenarios in MARAWI city is much more more more became worst than before.. before it was just a shabu problem circulating around the city but now its already a shabu+killing of people+USURY… people who invest were so called “HUNTERS”, they hunts their AGENTS and if this agent dont give back the money, then these hunters will mostly likely the luxury cars were flash out just like a sudden GOSH of a blood… and it was called “KARMA”….BECAUSE these kind of business is prohibited by LAW not just by LAW but by RELIGION!!
want to know whats the latest update..pls post
The latest update…surely it’s a scam…period..
There’s nothing we can do…forget it..
and move ON..
how about the money of the investors? ndi na ba maibabalik?
if aman futures group phil. inc. is a scam, i pray that concern authorities will act on this, to help the people who are a victim of this scam. i think this is not the time to litigate aman (run after him) instead help facilitate what is necessary to release the amount needed to payout the investors. if aman has the means and is sincere in his intention to give back the investors money, then maybe by all means SEC must help aman for the people’s sake. maybe issue a temporary license/ permit whatever is needed to release aman’s money. imagine how many people now are suffering because of this. how many can endure the loss they felt. heard, there are now people in pagadian who are wandering aimlessly in the street (tulala, wala na sa matinong pag iisip) coz of what happened, some are suicidal. how vast the area involve in this scam, from lanao norte , lanao sur, iligan, pagadian mis occ. dipolog. zamb. etc…where else. Our government must act on this, help the people! peoples action not to sue aman is understandable hoping they can have their money back. SEC can run after aman once the people are settled, i mean they have their money back at least their capital. how can aman give the peoples money back if hes’ behind bars? if he cannot moved bacause of all the pressure. if his money had been frozen! calling the attention of the concern authorities!!! please act for the general public, the people, the victim of this scam.
korek ka jan therese
Therese, it’s a scam. Open in goggle and read about Ponsi scheme and it started way way back early 1920.
i hope and pray na mabalik lang unta ang money even ang capital lang kay looy kaayo ang mga tawo nga nag invest specially katong ge utang….God will hear the prayer of his people,,,
hi lyra,
I remember posting here similar comment as yours, I think it was on September 15 b4 everything had blown up. Yes dear, unta mabalik lang…
All I can say for now is, no reason to regret because we have done what we think should be done. Lyk what cille anne do, we shared to our friends and relatives our views on this Aman thing. We may not be heared at least we did try to speak. I’m not happy because it turned out I’m right. It’s so sad ako lang sa among pamilya wala mainvolve ani nga investment scam. They (my family) did not listen to me. But they’re not to blame, naibog ra jud pud tawon sila sa kadako sa interest. Anyway, there is always a way.If they cant have their capital back, they’ll gonna earn it in the future, sa maayong paagi. Thank you again Cille Anne. I really appreciate your insights and everything you did!
how can this be returned to the investors? they don’t even issue a certificate bearing the name of the investor. anyone can claim much more higher than the invested money, much more also to those people nga gusto lang mag file maski wala ga invest para mka kwarta kung mag release man. this would take time and the worst is dile pa ni makuha kay cguro laundered money pa ang uban ani.
Ii dont know if mabalik pa ba ang mga kwarta sa mga tawo nga ng invest…louy kaa u ang mga taga bukid gpang baligya ang mga hayop ug properties because of Aman….
That’s right! Some people borrowed money from relatives, family members, friends, etc.. thinking that they can have big return but it turned out to be a broken dreams. The lure of easy money is the cause of this scenario. Another lesson learned to all of us guys, but it,s still a nice try. Right? Just consider that everything happened with Aman is a gamble. Now, it’s about time to move on. While waiting for good news to happen, start accepting the fact that more than 50% is a sad reality. More power to all Pagadianos!
May God bless us all!
hi I’m also a victim of this and even my parents, brother & cousin also invested and were still hoping that our investment money will be return by Aman.. we lived at paranaque metro manila we were invited by my brother in law to invest, his work assigned in zamboanga and a co worker of him told about Aman and he said that it will double our money coz he already got his investment back.. our due date was sept 27 and promised that it will be pulled out oct.4 coz it has problems in documents already and yesterday he found out that the big boss taken all the money of the investors.. we felt how stupid we are blaming ourselves on what just happend in our money that came from hard work..pawned jewerly.. loan from other people… now we don’t know what to do and we are hoping & praying for a miracle… may God help us and other people who were victimized by this scam…
Hi Cille…I really appreciate that you have this blog post regarding AMAN trading investment. I almost would have invested this 15th but after reading what’s going on right now in Pagadian, I am grateful I haven’t started yet. Yes, truly it is so enticing to invest in AMAN given that your money will double in just a month…I just feel sorry for those investors who put in so much money and were not able to get them back, to think that some of them came from loans.
Well I just hope they can get their money back and AMAN trading will stop luring people to invest or for AMAN agents to stop recruiting more people to victimize. Lucky for those who already had their ROI.
hi adelle, are they still recruiting in your place? Dapat hindi na as SEC have an existing Cease and Desist Order against Aman. The order covers the entire country, no exception, which means bawal sila to accept new investments or recruit new investors as long as the CDO is in effect. If they are still recruiting in your place or area, may we know what area this is so this can be reported to SEC.
That’s also a sad thing because even if the handlers knew that the “business” has already collapsed, they are still receiving money from desperate investors like what happen in mis occ. I’m not sure if there is remittance to aman or the money was at the handler’s keeping.
At this point in time I know what you are all feeling. It’s predominantly a mixture of frustration, anger and regrets… and it’s making us all miserable. However, all is done now and there is no turning back. Past is past, BUT we cannot just leave this trial win over us. We should not just settle in regrets and endless blames, its not healthy to all Pagadianons people, our family and friends that we dearly care (accept it or not). This the very reason why I write to you today. I have the same experience that I would like to share to all of you (to whom it may concern) hoping that it could help the problem confronting us. Here it is…
In 2002, GLASGOW Company encountered the same problem with AMAN. But there were hard guts investors who lead among the investors and represent their concern with the SEC. The representatives (of investors) have series of dialogue with SEC to negotiate the return of capital (minus the interest -as the freeze account of GLASGOW can only afford the capital) to investors, whereby the SEC mediated between investors and GLASGOW management on the details of the return of capital. As part of the condition, the investors will not file charges to GLASGOW (thus, there’s no need to go through the rigors in legal battle). It was successful.
Among you, especially our honorable mayor and all able person in Pagadian, perhaps you could try to do the same. We must not demand on the interest, the capital is but just and fair under the situation. (OUT-OF-COURT SETTLEMENT). If there’s a representation, I believe that SEC is humane enough to end the suffering of their Kapwa-Pilipino.
I was one of the representatives then who represents the side of the investors, I hope this could help.
hi alma,
May we know what is the exact name of the company you mentioned? I’ve been trying to dig for info about this company, I couldn’t find any which is a curious thing.
Update: Persistence wins, here’s a related link: Glasgow: SEC scores a first
The full company name is “Glasgow Credit and Collection Services.” –>
Ending of the article:
She (an investor) also cited the public visibility of the corporate officers of Glasgow. Cruz said the transparent dialogue with SEC “helped reassure us (investors) that, unlike other firms being scrutinized by SEC, Glasgow’s officers are definitely here in the country“. This, she added, removed panic among the firm’s creditors”.
Question: How visible are Aman incorporators and officers?
Related article:
Snipet of the article:
“The SEC issued a cease-and-desist order (CDO) against Glasgow last Friday on complaints it has been selling investment contracts without license and luring clients on “get-rich-quick” schemes by reportedly giving a huge 15 percent monthly interest on six-month money placements of between P10,000 to P50,000.“
Question: What is the ROI and percentage interest promised by Aman and how many days holding period?
To: Cille Anne
Hi, All I can remember now is the all caps GLASGOW, am not quite sure if its GLASGOW Securities or GLASGOW Financial Trading, Inc. etc. They operated in Pasig City. I think you could’nt really find any traces on this company as it was short lived and of course NOT SEC registered and no company profile. But people invested because they offered then 20% interest per month, I think the highest offer that time. If you heard the name of Baladjay, MTST (Maria Teresa Santos Traiding) magka-sabay sila ng panahon sa pagraraket but these two people I’ve mentioned, my latest info spend sometime in jail pero di naka singil ang investors nila. With regards to GLASGOW, walang nakulong kaya the company just vanished in thin air, however a lot of people in Manila knew it.
I got an info pala ha through Pagadian FM radio station that the Mayor allegedly got SEC license for AMAN to operate just last Friday, but they couldn’t find AMAN, but I,ve heard from a source that he was at the custody of CIDG Manila (pero diko pa to na confirm). There’s no reason for him to hide na, its best that he will cooperate with mayor na because kawawa ang family of the likes of Mr. Luna and others na kababayan natin, that managed the business, di maiwasan magalit sa kanila mga tao. At for Mr. AMAN hiding will not make him any good… he will become a long time fugitive but if his intention is really good as what he declare before, then he must resume and face the people.
Hi Alma,
Thanks for that clarification on Glasgow. I only know scant info on the Baladjay case.
About SEC, SEC has dispelled the rumors of SEC secondary permit approval last October 16 and newspapers have taken this up and published said SEC statements refuting this approval claim. You can visit the links listed on the last section of the post. So if the info you heard about SEC approval is last Friday October 12, then it is not true, as the fresher news is October 17.
sana my mg negotiate s sec,tulad ni mayor baka pgbigyan cya ng SEC na i unfreeze ung pera para maibalik s mga investor kc cguro kung ndi na freeze ung pera ndi mangyayari itong problema na ito.
Sana nga lang maibalik nalang ang pera namin kahit wala ng interest. Pinag hirapan naming ipunin yon, malayo kami sa aming pamilya para lang maka pag hanap buhay d2 sa ibang bansa.
ok lang yab guys kung naloko man tayo ng kapwa natin…. masakit man pero kealangan natin tanggapin…. huwag na lang natin isipin na naloko tayo dahil di tayo makapag moveon….. maliit man o malaki ang nawala sa atin siguro may dahilan ang nasa taas…
unxa katin0ud mga undo mga inday nga g.recall s mga companya ang mga magarang sakyanan nga naa s mga tao rn nga lets say katas sa amaAMAN
u know PAUL jOHN dugay nako nagpangutana kinsa nagkasakyanan nga matawag nato ug katas ni aman pero wa pay naka confirm sa akoa kung kanang mga “for registration” nga nagdagan sa kalsada gikan jud sa investment ni AMAN.sahay makaingon ko unfair pud sa mga nanag iya ug sakyanan nga intawon loan pa sa mga bank and uban then tudlo on lang nga gikan sa katas ni Aman.Tanan nga nadungog nako nga duna mga sakyanan gikan sa pag invest sa Aman pero dunay pakapin “DAW”.