The content of this post is MY PERSONAL OPINION. You don’t have to subscribe to what I believe in but I do hope that you keep an open mind as you read on what I share.
Earlier this afternoon my cousin from Zamboanga del Sur called me and talked to me animatedly about Aman Investment Trading which according to him is spreading like wildfire in Pagadian City even the mayor and barangay captains and known persons are investing. Of course there is no hard proof that these popular personalities in Pagadian are really investing only sabi sabi.
Investing in Aman is so widespread that neighbors, friends in his hometown are already a part of this community of Aman investors and lots of people have recovered their investment already including another cousin of mine. Hence, the call to share the good news, which I appreciate, I just don’t believe the investment promises.
Fantastic reviews, recommendations and testimonials are coming out from those who have successfully made an Aman pay outs considering the Aman investment ROI is a whooping 31% to 50%! Whoa!
But alarm bells starts to ring in my head, as he was talking I load google and search “Aman Investment Scam” and sure enough there were already entries about this, the first on the search results was from a long thread in
What is Aman Investment Trading?
Supposedly this “investment” house has a DTI permit and the works and operating since March 2012. It offers investors a too good to be true returns on your investment. Some claim that whatever capital you put in, after 2 weeks you are assured of at least 31% return. So if you invested 1,000 pesos, in just 14 days you initial investment will profit P310. If you invested say P10,000, you will get P3,100.
What if you invest P100,000? What if millions?
Considering that legitimate financial institution offers interest on deposits and investment at only 1.25% to 5.75%, this ROI is too good to be true. And too good to be true offers are usually scam in the making.
Anyhow, thousands of people are investing in Pagadian! And I am concern largely because I have relatives na baka mapaso neto. Any kind of investment (scam or legal) means risk. But just how risky? And how much are you willing to risk? Will you sell your carabao or pawn your land to join?
I maybe just a skeptic or am one of those people who will never join the ranks of the wealthy because am afraid to take risk. But that is bollocks, I am a risk taker but not when risk is clearly against my favor.
Is Aman Investment Trading similar to Ponzi Scheme (scam) ?
I think so. I could be wrong of course since I am not a licensed foreign exchange trader nor do I know much about the intricacies of investing. But I have thought long and hard on this and draw on whatever I’ve learn from school and life experiences. And this led me to agree with everyone else who is saying on iStorya that this Aman Investment in Pagadian has lots of similarity to Ponzi scheme.
My honest opinion and review is that this is a time bomb waiting to explode. Yes for now they are on a roll and payouts and cash outs from current investors are paid on time. But what about in the following months, will there still be funds to pay ALL old and new investors?
My kuya mentioned that this is legit since they have an office in Kawit, Pagadian. People are lining up just to register and join and supposedly this investment house will only accept a certain number of people before they close their door. There is a limit, he says. And besides he can attest that a friend of his sister (my cousin) invested P100,000 and already got 16 Million back.
Yep, you read that right, P16,000,000.00 return on an investment of P100,000.
Hmm.. is the 16M in cash or in paper?
Told my kuya that is not possible, he remains steadfast “Dili ka tuohan sa? But tinuod dyud na!” (Unbelievable right? but that is really true!) And says more “Daghan na kayo nabulahan ani diri”. (Lots of people are profiting here and enjoying the fruits of their investment).
My second question is if there is a limit, just what is the limit? 1 million Pagadianons before they close this opportunity?
There are claims that there is a legitimate business named “Aman Group Philippines Inc” but some people are using their business name illegally. How true?
What are the characteristics of the Ponzi scheme?
The name Ponzi Scheme can be traced back to Charles Ponzi who elaborately set out a scheme that victimized thousands of New Englanders in the 1920s by encouraging investment in ‘postage stamps speculation’. When the scheme collapsed, big money was lost by both large and small investors.
You can read a more comprehensive definition on Ponzi scheme from the US Securities and Exhange Commission official website.
In general, the scam is perpetuated by encouraging capital investment among new recruits. The individuals behind these scams are persons who are ‘believable’, have lots of credibility and can sweet talk their way so you will let go of your hard earned money. They will need to convince the initial investors or 1st investors to infuse capital on their ‘businesses’.
Most of times the expected ROI is too awesome that majority will be blinded by the returns and not think that high ROI also means greater risk and so will invest readily.
Then comes the payout, the first investors will expect that after a certain period they will be paid the promised profit. Of course they will be paid; this is how this scheme will work but by whose money?
Here come the 2nd investors who will inject funds to the business as their investment capital – they may be recruited by the scammers themselves or by the 1st investors. The scammer or perpetuator then will take part of the money deposited by the 2nd investors and use this to pay the 1st investors. Say the 2nd investors gives P50,000 each, P20,000 of which will be used to pay the original investors, the balance of P30,000 will be pocketed by the scammers. Utakan lang yan.
1st investors then will be very happy that he got paid on time and as promise. To share his good fortune and the amazing opportunity, he will of course share it with friends and family in Good Faith so they too can have a piece of the cake. We shall call them the 3rd investors. Start of the snowball effect…
The 3rd investors will bring more funds into the ‘investment pool’ and will wait for their turn to get paid. Part of the money they invested will then be diverted to “pay” the 1st and 2nd investors etc.
And so on it goes…until the scheme collapse or the scammers disappears.
And yes, Ponzi schemes will eventually collapse once the market is saturated. Because these “companies” does not have real assets like buildings, machineries, lands and non-real assets like blue -chip stock certificates in legit companies that can be sold to continue paying the investors off should the business face hard times. Or if they have, it’s not enough to cover all outstanding and pending pay out requests.
The money for these schemes usually only comes from new recruits or new investors who will give new capital. Without new investors there is no more money to pay anyone.
Wala nang perang paiikutin, simple as that.
When the scam collapse or the scammers have ‘met’ their target, example they agree that when they reach P10 Billlion, it’s their cue to make their escape and get as far away from the city. They will leave behind lots of broken dreams.
And worst, bad blood.
Why do I say ‘bad blood’?
Supposed you are an investor of such scheme and you profit from it because you are among the very first people to invest, and you have successfully convinced your best friend or your workmate to invest too. But alas, they got in too late and did not recover their own investments?
Things would be ironed out if your friends or workmates invested only P1,000 but what if it was P50,000 of their hard earned life savings or greater? You will potentially destroy your own reputation and may lost good friends along the way. I shudder to think of even more worst case scenarios.
What if Aman Investment Trading in Pagadian is legit and true?
Some argues what if Aman Investment that is circulating in Pagadian City is legit and true? I say good for those who invest, their risk paid off. But again the question, given the way things stand right now, do you really think this is good investment?
This is a GAMBLE, Sugal. Invest only what you are willing to lose.
High Yield Investment = Higher Risk
If you have extra funds, money that when lost won’t affect your livelihood then maybe you can choose to ride this wave. But be very smart; once you recover your initial investment do not pour it back. If you can’t help yourself but invest again because everything is “so far so good”, invest only the early profits that you have already gained, do not invest back your initial capital so that when things collapse, di kaayo ka manghinayang.
Sometimes it’s all about risk. One I am not willing to make. But those who are reading this Aman trading review, and who are maybe more courageous than I am, then go ahead and invest, at your own risk.
I wish you well truly. If you get rich by way of Aman Investment, good for you and your family. It would even be greater if you come back to this post and share pics of you with the “fruits” of your investment.
Many are claiming now that there lots of new vehicles being bought in and around Pagadian because of their participation to this investment. But these are mere words, mere claims. Without real proof, there is nothing.
You can of course use the same arguments to counter my opinion, but then again I have made it clear on the first sentence of this post that my words are my opinion solely.
I for one do not believe in quick rich scheme which I think this is. That is not to say I am right. Only time will prove me wrong or right.
Is Aman investment trading registered in SEC Ph (Philippine Securities and Exchange Commisson? Who are the registered Aman owners? It’s better to ask these questions now.
If anyone can show me and everyone interested deeds of assets of this Aman trading company operating in Pagadian, if anyone can show us buildings, lands etc own by this investment house, then perhaps I along with the others who are doubtful may rethink our thoughts on this. But until then, No thanks.
And this is a challenge to the people behind Aman Investment Pagadian, if you are legit, aside from the things I pointed above about proof of your current assets that can possibly cover all investments being made by the good people of Pagadian, leave a comment with your DTI Permit no, mayor’s business permit number, SEC registration number.
If you are legit, you have all these legal permits and it won’t even take you 15 minutes to write it all down on the comment section below. It will at least give the opportunity to those who are curious the chance to verify your legitimacy with our government offices.
Who knows million-pesos investors are just waiting for that.
Note: I will update this post come December 2012 when supposedly Aman will leave Pagadian City to venture into the next city so they can help those who need their help and who want to rise from poverty.
Screenshots below are warnings from both PIA and SEC:
Warning from the Philippine Information Agency About Scams Proliferating in Pagadian
If you want to read more about the issue of scams proliferating in Pagadian City, checkout this warning from the Philippines Information Agency with screenshot above.
PIA is an official website of the government. This is a credible website own by the Republic of the Philippines and managed by government employees. Our country’s government websites have “” in its url or domain name.
Anyone can create websites and put any info that they want but not everyone can have a “” website. This is only reserve for government agencies and as such if they published warnings, then it’s a legit warning.
Part of their warning states:
“PAGADIAN CITY, July 10 2012 — The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) provincial office has warned against business scams proliferating in the city.
Provincial Director Ma. Socorro M. Atay said DTI-ZDS advises the public to beware of scams such as pyramid scams, sales scams, text scams and other similar modus operandi. Scammers are very convincing that one gets carried away with their glib talk. “
And this is a screenshot of the “Notice to the Public” by SEC or the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines. You can go directly to the SEC official website to view this warning againts Double Your Money going on in Pagadian, which is of course the AMAN FUTURES TRADING.
If you are an investing on something, you should ask yourself what did you get the moment you gave your money as your capital, as your investment, what kind of certificates, receipts?
Investing on anything or going into business means risk, and risk could go both ways.
You either win or lose. Great for those who win.
Update: September 26,2012
Friendly Advise, you can or you can’t follow, up to you:
To those who invested in this, please call your kins in Pagadian and ask for update now.
Call only people you trust to know the real status.
@All who received post dated checks from Aman:
I suggest you call the concerned bank branch TODAY, tell them you receive a post dated check and you want to verify standing as of the time of your call.
The bank CSR can inform you of the account standing but will tell you that it’s not an assurance that when your check due date comes, the standing of the account will remain the same. The CSR is not violating any banking law by confirming standing of the account when you call. I know because I’ve worked in a major bank in the Philippines before.
You will need to give the CSR who will take your call these details:
1. Check Account number
2. Check Account name
3. Date of check
4. Amount of check
5. Check number
Ask if good standing yung account, the CSR will be able to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Also ask if there is enough funds that can cover your check at the time of your call, again, the CSR can only say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. The CSR will not be able to give you specific details like account balance or account signatories as these details are protected info.
Note again, the standing at the time of your call and when your actual ‘check date’ comes may changed. I suggest you call the bank from time to time, BE VERY VIGILANT.
October 4, 2012 – UPDATE on Aman in Pagadian
I’ve lifted this interview with DTI Provincial Director from Zamboanga del Sur Ms.Ma. Soccoro Atay from Mindanao Examiner Tele-Radyo.
Kindly listen to her interview with radio broadcaster and commentator Al Jacinto, it might shed some light to the confusion.
Some Highlights:
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “At the end of the day, they (investors) cannot blame others.”
Radio host Al Jacinto: “Ang balita po namin director eh nagiimbestiga na yung PNP Criminal Investigation and Detection Group and the Anti Money Laundering Council about this scam.”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “About the scam, I just hope they make it soon no, para faster ba, faster ang ilang action, para they will be able pa naman to catch the perpetrators…”
Radio host Al Jacinto: “Eto po ba director, tantamount ba to to syndicated estafa o large scale swindling?”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “Yes, definitely. Yes definitely. All of the above. Definitely. It’s a matter of catching these people at once because who do you run after if there is nobody there anymore.”
Director Ma. Socorro Atay: “If it’s too good to be true, It’s really a scam. Wag ka nalang sumali.”
Take time to listen to the interview whether or not you are PRO or ANTI AMAN, it’s just about 30 minutes.
Director Ma Socorro Atay recommended the next steps that investors and all stakeholders must take, it’s up to you whether or not you will follow her professional and expert recommendation.
Source: Mindanao Examiner Tele-Radyo
Update: October 7, 2012
For new commenters on this post: Use your VALID email account connected to a VALID Facebook account. Ang dami na kasing sinungaling dito at puro tsismis ang pinaparating.
I will not approve any new comments or commenters using bogus credentials. Nakakalungkot po kasi down na down na yung mga tao dahil wala pang kasiguraduhan yung kanilang mga pera at puro tsismis pa at panglalait ang pinapakalat ng ilang walang-awang mga tao. Takot naman ilagay ang tunay nilang pangalan pag nag-comment.
If you want to disparage other people or other commenters, make yourself a website that people actually reads. I am very lax in approving comments but do not try my patience.
Ikaw commenter “Mabuhay Aman”, Yes ikaw, isa kang duwag susupport support kay Aman at nang-aapak ng tao sa comment tapos nagtatago naman sa huwad na katauhan. Post with your real name that is verifiable by me and I will approve all your comments. Don’t take me and the Pagadianons as idiots.
Please read the FULL NEWS REPORT from INQUIRER.NET :
SEC uncovers P244-M double-your-money scam
Start of the news report reads:
MANILA, Philippines—The Securities and Exchange Commission has uncovered a P244-million “double-your-money” scam perpetrated by a Pasay-based trading firm Aman Futures Group Phils. Inc. that allegedly victimized investors—especially low-income earners—in Pagadian City and other parts of Visayas and Mindanao.
ending portion of the report:
The SEC uncovered four “grave” violations of the Securities Regulation Code by Aman Futures in this case.
*non-registration of securities sold as investment contracts;
*non-registration as broker or dealer but acting as such;
*engaging in commodity futures contracts despite a prohibition by the SEC; and,
*engaging in activities that are “off tangent” with the company’s primary purpose as a general trading company.
“Nowhere in the primary purpose of Aman Futures is it stated that the company can engage in the business of soliciting and accepting investments and money placements from the public,” the order said.
Another article published in the BUSINESS MIRROR October 10, excerpt below:
He admitted that Aman Futures lacked a secondary license to sell securities but claimed the company was unaware of this requirement. Efforts to comply, which he said started two-and-a-half months ago, have been postponed, given that the SEC had already started its investigation….
… It was not immediately clear whether Aman Futures has enough funds to meet its obligations to investors.
SEC Chairman Teresita Herbosa said the corporate regulator would continue its investigation on Aman Futures.
“The next step is finding out if there is a basis for a criminal complaint,” Herbosa told reporters in a late afternoon news conference on Tuesday.
The SEC will need to gather witnesses but these could be in short supply during the early stages of an investigation, said Herbosa, an experienced litigator.
“Usually the victims don’t complain until the very end. They are still being misled that they will get their money back and they know that if they complain, they will not be able to recover,” she said.
Aman Futures, whose registered address is in Pasay City, was established in June 2012 by incorporators and directors Manuel K. Amalilio, Fernando Luna, Lelian Lim Gan, Eduard Lim, William L. Fuentes, Naezelle M. Rodriguez and Luriz Lopez.
Full Copy of the Cease and Desist Order by the Securities and Exchange Commission issued against Aman Futures Group Philippines Inc. can be found on this link:,%20inc.pdf
I’m just putting this here to answer those emails and inquiries requesting about news and updates on Aman. The rumors that surfaced these last few days and circulating through emails and sms in Pagadian claiming that the SEC secondary permit has been signed and approved IS NOT TRUE per SEC advisory. SEC has again issued statement dispelling that rumor.
The status as of now October 17 remains the same:
CDO on Aman Futures Group Phils Inc stands and remains in effect.
You can visit these links from these reputable news agencies in the Philippines regarding this clarification and for the details:
Business Mirror –
Business World Online –
UPDATE: October 27, 2012
The Aman Story of Pagadian has generated enough attention that major tv networks have run a story on this. First, there was coverage by GMA News and just an hour ago by Reaksyon TV 5 program of Luchi Cruz Valdez. Click this post to watch the tv coverage —-> Aman Pagadian TV Coverage
UPDATE: November 10 Huge Development!
Secretary of DILG Mar Roxas has had meeting with investors and those who are handling the Aman of Pagadian Case and directed them to pursue the case and find those who are hiding etc. Info from Balitanghali Weekend.
Amalilio has been arrested in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. The Philippine authorities are now arranging for his deportation back to the country.
Read more here:
Comment Page 5 – latest page of comments is the current one below (upper half of comments on Aman)
More reports by NATIONAL MEDIA on these supplemental post.
You may also want to read Penfires post on Blogging and Taking A Stand.
We will never know kung scam sya or legit hanggat walang nagpapatunay na kumita talaga sila like yung 16 million pesos galing sa investment na 100K or may magreklamo na naloko sila ng Aman Investment. Guess, wait and see ang laro dito. Better na kunan ng mga tao ang mga faces ng mga people behind this group and ask for the names of their officers. Kung wala silang ginagawang masama, guess ok lang silang mag papicture at pangalanan for everyone to see.
Yah I agree getting the real names and pics of officers, agents and sub-agents is a good move.
Although pics might not amount to anything when investor stops receiving payouts and no one takes the blame and everyone ‘in the know’ flies away but heyyy at least they have photos of people never to trust again.
if there are to be blame of the proliferation of scam in pagadian, the head of the city government is fully responsible of the scam. Or they are in cohorts otherwise
yes, it’s true alam naman natin pag pera pinag uusapan, most of the people were blinded. at hindi na nag isip, there priorities is where to get cash to invest, speculating a very huge profit. i guess, the pagadian LGU or even the provincial officials should take action on this, graabeh na talaga ang aman fever. and i bet once aman will collapse, grabeng hirap dadanasin ng mga taga pagadian city, along with the people of the nieghboring city, kasi halos lahat may investments sa aman, and i personally know people who invested money from salary and collateral loans. what if aman will suddenly stop, with the investors left nothing, san nila kukunin pang gastos sa basic needs nila, kung na loko na nga at lahat ang laki pa ng loans na binabayaran.
don’t think that the Pagadianon is bogo… Kaya nag invest kami dito dahil kumikita na kami. Sa pagkaka-alam ko lang, ang hindi nag invest dito ay yung wala talagang mapagkukunan ng pera. H’wag kayong maniniwala sa mga sabi-sabi, punta kayo dito sa Pagadian City para po mapatunayan ninyo. Kunting ingats lang, baka masagasaan kayo sa mga bagong sasakyan dito na nabili dahil sa Aman. E check n’yo rin ang mga reservation sa Toyota & Mitsubishi kong taga saan ang karamihan sa mga nag pa reserved.
tama ssisterss, yan mga jan sinasabi kung anox2, yan mga wla pera, hangang salita lng sila. magpasalamat na lng tayo na may ganun investment nakakatulong sa atin lahat d2 sa pagadian.. d jan tulad sa congreso walang saysay…..
mga investor dli mga bogo, nawad an lng ug saktong paminsar, louy au ron sibat na c nonoy
I suppose those of you who say negative about it have not tried investing in Aman.. I tried and I earned. I can’t say that it’s a scam until I experience it myself..
Yes true Joyce. Don’t say it’s a scam until u experience it urself. I invested 47k and after 14days I earned 14,577. Sa mga taong negative wag na kayong mag try pang sumali kasi pangit yung negative kayo pag start pa Lang… It’s a law of attraction – positive attitudes attracts positive opportunity. Planning to buy car next month just bcoz of my Investment in Aman.
good for you and among the few hundred benefited from aman. it takes more than one like you to swindle a thousands. Watch very soon. Mark my thought.
Swerte ang unang nag-invest kay cge na og kadawat pero Malas ang huling nag invest kay wala na syay madawat
aman promise that he will give the money if ever going to stop the investment, and i heard that, investment in pagadian will end until 2015, he will extend his business in pagadian. so invest your money.. time is so fast…
LOL. SO is the operative word “PROMISE“? Ain’t that awesome! Viva!
Yes you’ve earned. but a what price? mura lang kag nangawat sa mga bag-o nag invest. By investing in this scheme, you yourself become part of the scammers. Aman itself is not actually earning money, it’s just pushing it up the pyramid.
hi ladies, i wonder if you have heard of the COCO “investment” that was in Lanao?
The investors were as positive as you when Coco first started, and yes many earned too — AT THE START. But check what they are now saying? – Coco real investors demanding ‘where’s my money?’ I hope they will get their money back.
I hope Aman investors will not lose even a single cent, though I think i’m hoping too much.
As to the car, buy it in cash. No use of buying it in “terms” especially if you rely solely on your Aman gamble to pay for it. Baka ma-remata lang sa auto shop pag nagka-taon. And yep when you do buy one, hope you will share its picture.
the best of luck ladies!
Why should I pay in installment if I have all the CASH..!!
How will you earn more if you don’t take a risk. Kaya nga ang mayayaman yumayaman lalo dahil they take risk.. Ang mahihirap lalong naghihirap dahil takot masunog. Kaya nga business ang tawag dahil may kaakibat na risks. I’m not in Mindanao or Visayas though 
Hi ella,
That’s my suggestion to you to buy it in cash. Thanks for agreeing with me.
You are correct in your statements about risk. As for me, I’d rather go for calculated, intelligent risk, kaya siguro di ako mayaman haha.
And yep you are not in Mindanao nor Visayas coz my statcounter program shows what your isp is, your ip and where you are located. =)
Hope Aman will only give you good news today and the days to come!
pag xure mo oi,,,kinsa gud motoo ana nga ilad mana…kinsa gud muhatag ug ana ka dako nga amount in a very short time…tsaka kung legal na y man pabalhin balhin ng aman…nangvictim sa lainlaing lugar.
Ngvictim s lain lugar? Shout up… Pataka r man k….
100thou become 16000000.00? Do you have a calculator? How will it add up that much? Let say you started march 2012(which aman started) and you will earn double every month how will it become a 16M……
hi jer, that’s my question exactly and that’s why I am highly doubtful.
pagtoon oi yaw cg pangutana,, nganu man ma shock ka na ang 100k mahimung 16m labi cguro ka ma shock kung nagpuyo og payag servis fortunner
i hope someone would post here RESULTS of their fortune from Aman, a cheque perhaps? i’ve been hearing positive comments from most of my colleagues who invested, yet the only proof of these fortunes they can show is that crappy thin sheet of paper stating their principal, interests, and income..with signatures of unnamed. i hope this scam would end soon enough leaving the present number of victims, because i am worried for the peace & order in Pagadian due to the resulting insanity of these poor victims after their monies gone.
well done Cille Anne..
Hi yer, Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Let’s hope for the best for everyone involved.
Hello, first of all I admire your courage to have brought this up in the internet, after all we this is your blog and you have all the freedom in the world to write about anything under the sun.
Don’t judge too quickly, I’ve been an investor since June and there has never been, not even a single check that has bounced, or “promised” ROI that has never reached the hands of the investors.
You have easily pointed out that it is somewhat similar to the famous “Ponzi Scheme” but are you really sure they have the same mechanism? You have admitted yourself that you have never tried investing so how come can you say that it is similar to the “Ponzi Scheme”? Do you really know what happens internally in the Aman Investment? Do you have a first hand, and when I say first hand those people directly connected to Aman Investment and not just merely an investor because they can’t be objective sometimes, source on how does it really work?
You are merely basing your blog on “assumptions” and pop-culture given that “Ponzi Scheme” has been widely known in the US. Although your cousin might have invested and might have known about how this Aman Investment, that is just a “partial information” on how the system totally works. Only those people inside it would know, so it’s really misleading to your readers that you would associate it with the Ponzi Scheme given that you only have small evidences that relate it to “Ponzi Scheme”.
Let me go to the next argument, given that there is veracity on your claims that even big politicians have been investing in Aman, don’t you think that the investment should have failed early on. I mean, big politicians pour big investments, and if you’re claiming that this is really a ponzi scheme, how can small P5000 investments of other people, pay those millions of investments coming from the several politicians that have joined.
If you follow the logic, even if you collect many P5000 from the poor people, it still won’t suffice to the millions worth of investment by different politicians. Now I bring this question up, how would you explain the fact that it is still working, that the investment is still there and that it can still continue to pay those big politicians and likewise the small time investors without again, failing or bouncing checks, or not a single incident of unreturned promised interests? Too much for assumptions, huh?
And yes, the promised interest is not on paper. It’s cash. I even have mine deposited in the bank so it’s not a fake money, or paper money, or paper receipts in case you would bring this argument up.
If you are really keen on knowing if Aman Investment is SEC Registered, why don’t you send inquiry to the SEC, to the AMLC, to the Bangko Central so that your thirst for information about AMAN Investment would be satisfied. This blog post is really one sided and it doesn’t give fairness to the side of Aman, sometimes let us try to be responsible bloggers.
The DTI Warning has been issued because of similar investment schemes popping out in Pagadian just like mushrooms in the wild. There’s one in Gatas, that offers double your money scheme. Again, don’t easily jump into conclusions, where have all your logic lessons gone? Just because there’s a DTI Warning and just because Aman is so famous in Pagadian, doesn’t mean DTI specifically issued the warning to Aman, be careful on what you write, you should do more researching, relearn your journalism or writing lessons.
As parting words, I acknowledge that the entry is solely your opinion but freedom of speech is not absolute my dear. You must research more, think deeply before casting any judgement over something. You are misleading your readers, you’re wasting the reputation you’ve earned over the years by writing this misleading entry. Why not go to Pagadian, ask around, ask even the Aman Investment Team, so that you would be enlightened and not easily associate it with things you’ve read over “Istorya.Net” or even associate it with pop-culture.
Hi, Thank you for writing a very detailed response to the post. I really appreciate it. Athough I must say the cloaked of commenting in ‘anonynymity’ without indicating real name or even a fake picture or FB profile somewhat lends less credence to what is being said.
BTW, online reputation or blog reputation for that matter is a very fickle thing, and having ‘good reputation’ is not my main motivation in life nor for this blog. Thank heavens hehe, if it were I wouldn’t have written this post.
No offense but I would have wished it were Aman People who have commented and not just an investor like you are so they could have explain just how really their ‘investment program’ work and where they bring the money. I know some things are trade secret but at least they can give all of us interested an overview. And at least they could provide their DTI, SEC, Mayors permit and all legal permit as has been remarked on. You mentioned I could get this myself if I am interested, I thought of that but thought of something better. Give the Aman People or Officers the chance to do it. Doing it themselves would send more ‘goodwill” to the world, the people of Pagadian and all those interested online or offline. They should most likely be interested in this as their investment program seems to be so popular, and they would of course be interested to correct any wrong notions, if only to attract more investors.
“And yes, the promised interest is not on paper. It’s cash. I even have mine deposited in the bank so it’s not a fake money, or paper money, or paper receipts in case you would bring this argument up.”
I always say it’s good for investors to get their money back, that is what I always hope for especially some of my kins are still involved in this.
May I ask Mr Aman Investor (sorry I know nothing else to call you since you are commenting in anonymity) based on your comment I am deducting that you have fared really well from your Aman investment, can you tell us how it works? Where it brings your money to merit such whooping ROI? Can you provide proof of cheque or what have you? At this point it is “Proof” that is needed, not claims.
“..given that there is veracity on your claims that even big politicians have been investing in Aman, don’t you think that the investment should have failed early on.”
There is veracity?! Wow! So are you saying politicians are investing? Big politicians? Wow! And nope I did not claim it, never did, in fact I was highly doubtful. I for one wouldn’t want any politician big or small to be investing because it would mean a lot more people will be enticed to joined. For clarification, may I request you to reread the paragraph again above.
“This blog post is really one sided and it doesn’t give fairness to the side of Aman, sometimes let us try to be responsible bloggers.”
That’s the very reason why I open this blog for any comment whether you are in favor or against this investment. This blog is very open too to receive OFFICIAL STATEMENTS from Aman. If they provide it will post it as is. I would expect if Official Statements will be provided it will contain all pertinent details like corporate address, name of officers, contact numbers. Right?
” Why not go to Pagadian, ask around, ask even the Aman Investment Team, so that you would be enlightened and not easily associate it with things you’ve read over “Istorya.Net” or even associate it with pop-culture.”
Actually if my vacation pushes through I would be in Pagadian within the year. Anyhow may I know who are the Aman Investment Team? Can you please us provide us their names so I or anyone who likes can approach them and do the asking.
Again, thank you for reaching out and for writing your thoughts and opinions!
“BTW, online reputation or blog reputation for that matter is a very fickle thing, and having ‘good reputation’ is not my main motivation in life nor for this blog. Thank heavens hehe, if it were I wouldn’t have written this post.”
-So in other words, you are admitting that you have the tendencies to be partial in some of your posts, just like this. Meaning, you do not try to get each sides of the story when you write something. So in other words too, you can be misleading other people in the posts that you are making, just like this one. That is not responsible writing. Authors of blogs too should practice responsible writing especially that it can be easily reached by people, such as those thirsty of knowledge and information, and when they read some posts, particularly this one, and if they would be mislead, then it would be very unfair to Aman’s part. Very very unfair.
“No offense but I would have wished it were Aman People who have commented and not just an investor like you are so they could have explain just how really their ‘investment program’ work and where they bring the money. I know some things are trade secret but at least they can give all of us interested an overview. And at least they could provide their DTI, SEC, Mayors permit and all legal permit as has been remarked on. You mentioned I could get this myself if I am interested, I thought of that but thought of something better. Give the Aman People or Officers the chance to do it. Doing it themselves would send more ‘goodwill” to the world, the people of Pagadian and all those interested online or offline. They should most likely be interested in this as their investment program seems to be so popular, and they would of course be interested to correct any wrong notions, if only to attract more investors.”
-For this, I believe the “burden of proof” is not in the Aman People, it is with you. For one, you are the one questioning the credibility of Aman, you are questioning how it works, you are trying to support your claims that Aman is one type of “Ponzi Scheme” or what not, therefore the burden of proof is with you. To prove that what you are claiming, what you are telling your readers and what you are insinuating the public is real. Isn’t it a waste of time if they would really explain their selves to you? I bet they would rather talk directly to us investors than explaining them it to you when in the first place you are being partial to them. FYI, Aman (the Malaysian guy who brought this investment to the Philippines) occasionally meets with the investors, explaining to them how the investment works. And also, for you to have a nutshell on how the Aman Investment Works, kindly do your homework and research on “Futures Trading”. The Aman Investment is trading commodities such as Palm Oil, Gold, etc. Futures trading is not new to other countries. You could also check Aman Investment Group Philippines in the SEC, and likewise in the BIR site so you would be enlightened that they have secured their permit to operate, contrary to what you have been claiming.
“May I ask Mr Aman Investor (sorry I know nothing else to call you since you are commenting in anonymity) based on your comment I am deducting that you have fared really well from your Aman investment, can you tell us how it works? Where it brings your money to merit such whooping ROI? Can you provide proof of cheque or what have you? At this point it is “Proof” that is needed, not claims.”
-Again, I reiterate, the burden of proof is not with us, it is your duty to provide the burden of proof because you are the one raising the presumptions and the assumptions that Aman is hoax, or a scam. We, the investors on the other hand, don’t really need to prove our gains especially to you.
“There is veracity?! Wow! So are you saying politicians are investing? Big politicians? Wow! And nope I did not claim it, never did, in fact I was highly doubtful. I for one wouldn’t want any politician big or small to be investing because it would mean a lot more people will be enticed to joined. For clarification, may I request you to reread the paragraph again above.”
-You have totally misunderstood the statement. If you read back, I said, “Given that there is veracity on your claims..” I never have said, “There is veracity”. Read “Given”. “Given” there denotes that I am trying to convey you a hypothetical situation miss and not necessarily a statement of fact. I hope you read thoroughly.
“That’s the very reason why I open this blog for any comment whether you are in favor or against this investment. This blog is very open too to receive OFFICIAL STATEMENTS from Aman. If they provide it will post it as is. I would expect if Official Statements will be provided it will contain all pertinent details like corporate address, name of officers, contact numbers. Right?”
-Again I ask, why would they bother spend time giving you official statement when you are not the person concerned. I believe Aman would rather go directly to the people, to us investors, than to you. In the first place, I believe Aman Investment doesn’t owe you an explanatory note, because you’re not even one of us, their investors.
Thank you for being sport, I am just actually trying to speak in behalf of the investors who have gained from this investment.
Hi Mr A.I. again thanks for the long discourse, very appreciated even if we have different take on the issue. Me think that the number of times you visit my blog everyday makes me think you are becoming an avid reader of Penfires. Haha kidding. I know you are only concern about this post, though it was weird you checking a travel post. Oh well.
Back to our favorite topic, Aman.
You seem confuse about what a personal blog is versus a news media outfit.
Just to be clear my inclinations were never a secret, Penfires being a personal blog it comes with all my biases, experiences, beliefs and opinions. So yes to address your point I am partial on ALL of my post, not just on some. That’s the nature of a personal blog and a personal blogger. What I mean by ‘good reputation’ is that unlike some bloggers who always keeps on ‘safe topic’ so as not to ruffle feathers, I don’t. I take a stand and voice my opinion even if that stand lead to some personal loses. Case in point losing a big direct advertiser on this site for taking on this controversial issue and diverting from the travel/foodie/lifestyle niche to which this personal site belongs. But that’s just the way things are when you are passionate about something. And I am passionate about this because as I’ve said I’ve got kins still involve in this. And it’s no secret I am not in favor of them getting involve with Aman.
You mentioned this post which can be misleading to the readers is very, very unfair to Aman.You also mentioned that the burden of proof lies with me. You also stressed “Again I ask, why would they bother spend time giving you official statement when you are not the person concerned. I believe Aman would rather go directly to the people, to us investors, than to you. In the first place, I believe Aman Investment doesn’t owe you an explanatory note, because you’re not even one of us, their investors”.
First, the readers of this blog are well aware that these are my personal opinions and beliefs at the very opening line. I’ve also stressed that I am not a forex expert or an investors, among other things. Now if there life experiences are remotely similar to mine, then they would most likely share the same opinions I have, there is no need to influence. Case in point, did my blog post influence you? No. That’s most likely because your life experiences are very different to mine, hence our opinions are on opposite poles. Second, burden of proof – I have related to you my rationale why I desire for Aman People to be the one to make a comment on all the legalities and permits. You and other commenters have also left points and suggestions that all interested can check our government offices etc, trust me this advise was not only read by me but everyone else reading this post. Which leads us to the third point, it’s such a shame that I am a mere blogger that I don’t deserve a copy of any Official Statement that Aman may release today or in the future. Too bad I can’t post any official communication from Aman then, right?
And yah I am ‘sport
as I have stressed, I welcome any and all opinions whether pro or anti Aman, whether pro or anti the blogger (oppps that’s me hahahha). Open discussion like this is the lifeblood of democracy. And yes on Penfires anyone can speak their mind.( Except spammers as I don’t approve their comments. If you don’t know what spamming is then good for you.)
Have a great day Mr A.I.! I guess I am correct now when I claim that we agree to disagree on this issue.right
@All legitimate commenters I am away this weekend and may not be able to approve comments right away so patience please.
@All those who have left a comment which I have not personnaly replied to, thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions. Healthy discussion is always appreciated, I’m sure not just by me but everyone who reads this post.
and if u enetr the office to invest and if u ask many questions , THEY DRIVE U AWAY AND DONT ACCEPT UR MONEY NA? IF MASYADO KANG MATANONG?
Its not aman, its amman. They have an official program at samsung playstore to monitor the stock market exchange. You can download it for free for android phones. I dont know if theres one for apple. Anyway, we will never know if its real stock market. Or a scam. But the fact that they have fed hundreds of hungry people here in pagadian, paid debts, sent sick relatives to hospital for health care. Well, for now i think its best to let it be. People were never forced to join. And for the past 7months, nobody ever complained. The end doesnt justify the means but in reality, it has done more good than the governement ever did.
Hi Gabriella, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!
unsa diay tawag ana, asa nman nonoy luna ron? sibat apil sa mga pangandoy sa mga investor
No, it’s not Amman, but it’s Aman. If you try to check online both in SEC and BIR. Thanks.
If it’s too good to be true, it’s because it probably is. Aman Trading was obviously inspired by “Cocobank.” Same structure (agents, sub-agents), same promises of high returns, same vague explanations as regards to where the money is coming from. IT’S A PONZI SCHEME! When Cocobank was at its peak, I was among the very first to question it publicly and cast doubt over it and consequently got in hot waters with Coco Rasuman, his family, and my own because of it. As it happens, Cocobank went bust last month. Cases have been filed. Cocobank, his family and agents are now all in hiding. If you have any Maranao friends, I suggest you get feedback from them. There is no bigger issue over there right now than it. I have nothing to gain from this post apart from the satisfaction of being proven right. You have all to lose. Don’t say you have not been warned.
pwede maki sawsaw…just to inform you about why coco collapse..first reason is..coco accepts investment in a way of property..thank means no real money..How can coco make money in just a period of time with the property that he acquire in order to give back his investors their profits. secondly, coco is a known person in waterfront casino cebu, he loss a lot of money from that casino.. 3rd. coco doesn’t limit the amount of investment, this result to a very big interest in just a few weeks..last time 1.6b as a capital investment…before i had already heard the news about that seems that it is very easy to invest but it is very hard to get your profit..coco also puts investment to aman…
for aman trading, it is very hard to invest, but it is easy to get your profit. they play on commodities buy and sell such as oil, gold, rice and etc…they limit the amount of money that the investors can invest every time of the day, the limits are changing, from 200k down to 150 to 100 depending on the trading status…
if you wanted to know if this is registered can check on DTI website. look for Aman Future Trading. You can also check the SEC website for Aman Futures Group Phil. Inc.
I totally agree with this, Aman is way different from the Cocobank that you guys are talking about.
@Kiko Asya-Darlaine: I suggest you read on how “Futures Trading” works so that you would be enlightend that Aman Trading is way different from the Cocobank that you have lobbied against, and suggest to dig into the website of BIR and SEC to see for yourself the proof that Aman is legitimate. We can’t blame you to easily point out that it is a “Ponzi Scheme” because that it what has the Aman Trading been misunderstood about, but the only premise the people could link Aman to Ponzi is because of the supposed “high returns”, but if you come to think of it, it is really possible to have high returns because again, this is “Futures Trading” and what Aman is trading are commodities. But again, I don’t claim to be an investment geek. But then again, you have your own opinion about it, but it’s not good to easily outrightly judge and condemn an investment scheme to be a Ponzi Scheme or a Scam without getting yourself some backgrounder and situationer about how it works.
ah ligas lang ug ilad b ug dli…pero mka testigo jud ko nga akong klasmet sa hiskul,nkapbuhat n ug balay worth almost 2million…tungod aning aman…dli man mi mwad an ug dli mo mutoo…anhi mo ug pagadian,adto mo sa merkado,sa may isdaan…pasakyon mo sa mga suv sa mga tindera ug isda didto…
Timed BOMB?
^_^ hehehe!
Invest while it’s paying back… Take the RISK… WIN OR LOSS! It’s your DECISION! You are the Creator of your own destiny.
BE thankful if it’s for REAL and…
Don’t blame other People if it’s SCAM.
Tama jud na imoha bay. Bahala sila kung dili sila mutuo. haha. mas ok para gamay lang ang makuyapan sa kataas sa pila. hehe
Hello Guys. Im from cebu and i trade stocks and forex “experienced trader” yes everything is possible is the market i can gain huge money in just 1 night in trading.
Business has always risk if you invest high then its risky but profitable. Everything has an end so why not try investing AMAN ? and see for your self. dba? anyways im planning to invest kai naa ko kaila mu sabay rko. ill re comment dri after 1 month. God bless you all!
May tama ka bai James! Naa ko 2 friends diha Cebu, naka apil na sila since July, 2012. ako ra sila gipasakay sa ako account. Kalooy sa dyos, ang ako napadala nila nga money is more than to there original capital. Dako na sila nakoha nga money, karon Sept. 21, due na sad nako…. money na saddd….
—- Please Don’t Spam this post. —-
There are 3 commenters on this post with the same IP address using different names. The next comment using the same ip address albeit different name, will be tag as spammed and comment will not be approved. You know who you are.
If you are a different person using the same computer, please identify your real full name. I will be assessing before I will approve the comment – that is if comment comes from the same i.p. address.
If you are the same person using the same computer, stick to one name please. You can defend, argue, make known your stand on this issue but please use one name, preferably your real name. Hiding behind pseudonyms doesn’t make a convincing stand.
– – – – I reserve the right not to approve comment which I think its only purpose is to spam. Thanks! – – –
If you cry bcoz you lost your hard-earned money despite all the warnings ‘coz you want instant wealth, we are all here with open hearts to lighten your sadness, we are your friends, your families… but if once in your life you get rich out of it and you happened to pass a man like me somewhere in the roads of nowhere while driving your SUV, yaw bya pud kog paligsi kay ala ko mitou nimo…
sa maniwala kayo or hindi na try ko 3times and everything is ok, my money return perfectly with 40% interest in 16-17days.
my first invest is 600k return with 20% interest with in 8days total of 840,000.00
my 2nd invest is 1.5m return with 40% interest with in 17days total of 2,100,000.00
my 3rd invest is 2m return with 40% interest with in 17days total of 2,800,000.00
try nyo ng maliit lang na pera para masubukan nyo.
Mahdlok man ko sa panahon ron kay hapit na ni madead-end kay daghan man na nagobserve wala sa ni reinvest. Ug murag maconsensya naman ta ron kay hapit na maipit ang maulahi naginvest kay gamit nato ila kwarta unya sila wala na makuha.
i believe that is true..double ur money..
i invested in aman, and truely there is a huge pay back. to my fellow pagadianons, know this.. easy come, easy go. its amazing how u double, triple your money in a very short length of time. you need not shed sweat and blood to succumb this forfune. but i believe that this is a game of luck, strike while the iron is hot and at all times, keep ur wits up,listen and feel the flow.. jump at once when u think the ship is sinking. but for now, lets hope that aman stays afloat. ^_^
Hello sa tanan amaners.
alam ko mahirap paniwalaan pero try nyo pumunta dito sa pagadian city para mkita nyo ng personal kung ano na ang pagadian ngayon. Lots of brand new luxury vehicles,puro for registration pa ang plaka! hahaha!!!
join and you will be blessed…
If you gamble it expect the two things. WIN and LOSE. Be wise enough, be a WINNER always – meaning get the capital and the profit before you “TAMBLING”. But if you will LOSE – accept it. Simple!
Its nice to see naysayers here who will eventually cry when the people who took the plunge start winning many times over.
If you have it, keep silent. If you don’t have it, write about it and rant against the conspiracy of the courageous few who discovered the gold mine. Defend the same old system that has you still running around your circles wondering if you could still afford your month-end bills. Me, I will be cashing in soon and laughing my way to the life you could only imagine.
If you suddenly discovered system that would earn you loads of cash, would you share it out in the open? NO? Well, this guy did, and he did so to alleviate the poverty around him. Dig deeper and check out why the poor love him, the rich investors trust him, while the ignorant bloggers who have never met him burn his reputation for the sake of good web exposure.
I’m not here to encourage any of you. Consider this an advance on my “I told you so” which can go both ways, but likely in favor of the risk that you never took.
Quick Riches. Somebody’s got to win them. ITS NEVER YOU.
can’t really argue with success.who cares whether it’s aman or amman (or rasuman?).or where he/she/it brings your hard-earned money.
how sad.
mao na na… basta ako “aman” jud… infact there are questions raising in my head when aman collapse. 1. aman mo karon?
2. aman among kwarta?
3. aman meg ibayad sa among loans?
4. aman taman among kaguol?
5. aman me ani padulong…?
i dont really know if this is true. ill get my invested money first week of october. my mother will will get her money this sept 18 her 200k is almost 1Mil. if we get our money then i guess its true.hehe.
Any updates of your mom’s investment Sept. 18 due. What hape. Could you share it to us if he got it her earnings?
para bitaw sure, invest lang ug 2000 for example or kanang makaya lang sa bulsa..then, ang inyong kwaon is 2000 lang pd nga interest ninyo..ibilin na lang dayon inyong sure mo nga nakuha na ninyo ang amount nga inyong gi.invest..kung mag decide mo nga mo.invest mo sa aman, wla moy dapat i.blame lain tawo..dapat i condition na nimo imo kaugalingon nga pwd na mayabo, pwd pud mo work out. kung pirmi lang ta naa sa safe zone, murag dili jud ta mo.asenso ana..dapat mo take pud ta sa risk sometimes..
aman success stories beget new investments assure ROI of current’s in the interest of the people behind aman/current investors to spread the good news that is aman (whether true or not).aman feeds on the trust and confidence of the investing public.negative publicity (whether true or not) erodes trust and confidence.and once that happens, investors will withdraw their investments all at the same time.
so guys and gals, nothing but good news please…whether true or not.
That’s for now. (Karon rana nga nadatu mo!) What if all you people invested this what they called Legit/Scam AMAN their in Pagadian? Where will they get resources? Move to the next city? or stop and run? No difference of Pyramiding.. Mao nay giingon.. Early bird catches worm..
hi…thank u for posting this has somehow enlightened me about my doubts regarding the hearsay investment in pagadian city. yes, truly it is a gamble. been reading your discussion with mr. aman investor and it helped. my mom wanted me to join but i was hesitant because of the “what if?” in my mind. and it really doesn’t matter if its a scam or not, people who invested there had his own freewill and whatever happens to his money, there’s nobody to be blamed except him. in the first place, he was not forced to do so..just my opinion.hehe…thanks again.
If you risk nothing, then you risk everything.
someone says to me that in cagayan de oro aman was closed
hi gusto ko sana mag invest sa aman to double my money kasi nabaon ako sa utang sa pagpapaaral ng kapatid ko, 5x hospitalization ni mama, pagbabayad ng mga utang at interest and all other expenses. Now, hnd pa ba ako late sa pag invest? Kasi I’ve known greed Aman investors and parang ayaw nila ako pa invest kasi daming dahilan. Parang gusto nila sila lang yumaman? Or there is something wrong ba talaga? Pero ganun pa man gusto ko tlga mag invest.
My family has recently invested this Aman and still yet to find out if this true or not. We have no idea, what are the investment terms and interest every due? Can anyone please tell me. Nakiride-on lang po kasi kami from a family friend who is from Pagadian. Sana lang po hindi pa siya maging scam. Hope you guys respond to my query. Thank you po.
I hope na hindi scam yang sa aman investment na yan.. Nung nakaraang araw lang kasi kami nag-invest ng 30,000 eh.. inutang pa naman yun …
Hello Thunder, ganun din kami nung nakaraang araw lang..heheh alam niyo po ba yung investment terms, please? thanks
ang akong masulti ani. naa ang aman bisan asa sa mindanao.. i’m from ozamiz city just few hours away from pagadian city. same thing happening here. sa una skeptic pud ko. nakaaway na nako akong amigo ani kay ga warn pud ko kunuhay niya. kani laging amigo gud concern ta pero naa pud xay point. he invested with a full knowledge of what he was up to. anyway this is my money he said. the end result. akong friend nadato. ako nagpabiling pobre. and now i just looked silly. magdawat xa sa iyang interest sa iyang gimaintain nga capital. nabalik na pila ka pilo iyang initial investment. d na xa magmahay. i wouldnt be surprised one day makasakay nako sa iyang montero. ana ra na ang life ba. i just started last week with a mere 2500.
i enjoy reading all the posts. i for 1 had the same doubts as you but also would like to know how this investment works. a lot of my friends and relatives were involved in this investment and yes, i did try sharing my views to them regarding this thing. Know what happen? it seems i do not have friends anymore…
Good for them if its TRUE..Sana makuha ng LAHAT ng mga investors lahat ng pinasok nilang pera kahit ung capital man lang.jejeje
sayang wala me ka apil sa pagadian daghan na nadato silingan namo layo man gd wala mag pila kay alas 2 padaw magpila na
wala pa gwd me intawon katilaw sa kwarta sa aman patilawa pd me be……
Hi, We are victim of Coco investment in Lanao sur(first timer at never nka tikim ng due), my 500 k is gone w/ the wind. My hard work in Abroad just good in 1 day. anyway, Nagbakasakali ulit ako sa Pagadian baka sakaling maka bawi..
so sad but life must go on.. no time to cry..
go my fren..ur money will return if you nvest to aman pagadian..
gusto lang jud ko mo invest.pls tell me kung unsa himoon
Kon naa ka friend nga naa na account sa AMAN, didto abay niya, be sure nga kasaligan siya, kay basin idagan na imo kwarta…mao ni usually nahitabo ang imong abayan maoy mosibat dili si AMAN..if gusto ka nga imo jud account, moadto ka sa kawit mangutana ka sa mga nagpila didto kon duna bay investment kon wala, mangutana ka kon kanus a ang investment..kay gi schedule man ang investment ug ang due date…so kon due date, time na sa pag cash out o cash in sa duna nay account…pero kon wala paka account mo timing gud ka nga ting invest aron, mahatagan ka purma ug maka account ka ug kaugalingon…pero pina ka dali nga way nga maka invest ka thru a friend nga naa na account, didto ka abay….warning again…be sure nga kasaligan na imo giabayan….
oh well papel, I invested too. Apparently this is a gamble they just used the term “stock exchange” for it to sound good in our is a matter of Win or Lose. I planned to get my initial and just leave my profit and we’ll just what will happen.
Let’s just hope for the best!
Bahala mo kung mutuo mo o dili. mas ok kung dili mo muapil para gamay lang ang mupila didto. I am waiting for my Toyota Fortuner. My co investors are driving their own. Mas ok kung gamay lang mas dali ang processing pag cash out. hahaha
All I can say to all of us is Aman is just for those who believe. We respect your opinions and stand if you do not want to believe. Ask Toyota Pagadian Branch if you can buy cars immediately like Innova, Fortuner and Hilux. No stocks because Aman investors already bought all of them.
hello mga bloggers, interesado jud ko ani aman investment pero naa ko nakaila na mathematician ingon xa, okey daw ni na investment if dili lang unta ni scam…
apan naa sad xa formula why those who first invest in the said investment have their ROI rolled that high….
ito sabi nya: those first investors are those who benefited partly in the whole investment of the week, (or sets of days) 60% of it goes to aman, and it rolls over and over…. (kung scam daw to)
ito pa dagadag nya if scam to: beware those first investors because by the time that aman will run away, those that not have received their turns (profit plus capital) will hunt you down since they know (last investor who didnt receives any of their profits and capital) it is you who benefited from their investment… yun kung scam yon.
negative lang masyado yung nakilala kung mathematician. i am very interested mag invest kaso mahirap na makainvest…
pwede ko sakay nalang sa mga investment ninyo mga aman investor? pa share naman ng lucks…
There are few points that you need to ponder on. Since in the very first place this whole investment scheme is new to you, it is only typical for you to respond negatively. This is the typical Filipino trait. What are usually new but giving us benefits are usually labeled as “different,” “illegal,” or worst “scam.” I suggest you open your views a little wider and ask these questions to yourself:
1. What is Investing (Stocks, Future Trading, Forex, and Mutual Funds)?
2. Have you personally invested on those investment schemes for you to take such commentaries and what benefit does it bring to you to destroy the hopes that have been benefiting the people of Pagadian?
My point is, you can really earn 70% per day or more by directly investing your funds on forex trading. There are legitimate sites that offer such investment. You can check it online. It’s like you buy an X amount of Y currency using your local currency. The next day, your currency might perform well and the amount goes up. You then want to sell that x amount of Y currency because it is now higher. As simple as that. However, you cannot ignore the risk. I can explain more by going deeper into stocks, mutual funds and futures trading but that’s not necessary.
Judging by the way you wrote your post, you should have just directly pointed out that you are against this type of investment. I’m just disappointed that bloggers have all the freedom in the internet to damage the hopes of every investors here in Pagadian. The saddest part is that you are not even here and you have not seen the changes here in Pagadian, nor are you an investor complaining about your investments. I believe that you have no right to make such judgement and cloaked your judgement as a warning because you’re not even halfway on your research. Your just merely basing on “sabi-sabi.” YOU ARE NO MORE THAN the people that you are ACCUSING of basing their proofs on “sabi-sabi.”
Don’t be proud of what you have written. It’s poorly written. You’re not even into touching what is inside. Next time you post, take responsibility and do your research.
US must then invest in Aman since US is in recession and in huge debt so you think Pres. Obama will come down there in Pagadian to invest in Aman and solve all the recession been going on here in US? Or any other country who is struggling let me think maybe Greece? So if Aman is that so legit why is other counties not even considering investing?
Desire of Money is the root of all AMANERS…. hehehe. Bahala na walay fortuner o SUV, walay balay , walay milliones, basta ayaw lang mo pagpatay unya kung mo bigay ang aman… daghan nay bright nga tao nga mas bright pa ni aman in terms of ana na paagi pero wala nila na gbuhat.. Take the risk kung gusto mo ma dato… paghulat og leave the amaners kung mudato sila… Hinay hinay na lumsan sa mga balaud ana nga business, balaud sa deposituhan nila og withdrawhanan nga business (ayaw ingna sa ilang balay lang nila ibutang, sa scammers, sa complainers, og sa LUGI…. kay muabot ang panahun pangutan un ka what is the CAPITAL of PAGADIAN (ask the chinese)… AMAN ang itubag…
dito sa aman parang aasenso ako..i only invested small amount of money and yet it grown…thanks aman…aman ka ng buhay ko…..
aman dito ka nlng sa pagadian, wag mo kami iwan…gusto ko yumaman pa eh…thanks aman..
meron bang product yung aman dyan sa pagadian??
kasi kung walang product scam yon di ba??
bobo, isip bata ka tol, aman is trading exchange market, stock market..hnde kaya yan sa mga product lng tulad ng avon or mercury drug..amg lakinman yan investment. did you get it..
bryt kau ka sir, musta nman ang aman ron? gakita pmu n nonoy ;luna?
daghan na kaayo nangabuang sa aman diri sa amo…instead na they will ask “nag-invest mo?”….”nag-EMBES na hinuon!!!EMBES MO, EMBES SILA, EMBES TA TANAN…hoho