This post is part of the Series Toy Collection. Check here for Funko Pops A New Love.
Why do someone collect?
I like the idea of finding and getting models that we like, more so if a lot of other collectors wants the same item yet it falls upon our lap. I think it has something to do with personality too. I’m on the competitive side, and the ‘slaying competitions’ mentality was a bit eroded after quitting my corporate sales work to work online and freelance, so it’s now being routed to toys and toy hunting.
*My husband is the hard core collector, he got different collections; I am just an extension, but I get agitated more than Titus if he could not have want he wants due to forces that be, aka product gatekeepers like merchandisers. My first time to post a rant was a toy collection related haha.
This is a small part of his collection, the Precious Moments and Disney dolls are mine hehe. Our house is littered with toys, helps us to stay youthful, haha.
A customized toy display cabinet would be great to have, but for now this old cabinet will do.
So you make up for it now that you are grown-up, and in better financial standing.
My favorite story is the one shared by my husband. I am not sure if I am allowed to share the story on my blog, (I’ll ask him later, if he agrees this section remains. If not, will delete this. Let’s see). It goes, since my husband is the youngest of three boys, his toys are usually hand me downs from his kuyas. But one day his mom bought him a mini transformer – a cassette tape that transforms into the Decepticon – Ravage. Not the original toy since originals were made by Takara Tomy then and is very expensive. It’s small probably 5 inches by 3 inches, but its dearly beloved and treasured.
He was grade four when their teacher had the bright idea of having her students bring their favorite toy to a show and tell session in class. He clearly remembers a classmate showing off his gigantic robots with a gun that not only sound but light up when you pull the trigger. Whoa!
The other toys of his classmates were equally big and impressive. When it was his turn, he walked up front bringing his favorite toy.
‘It’s so small that it fits into a kid’s palm’. Awwwww.
He showed his classmate and teacher that this cassette tape can transform into a robot. Viola!
He told me he amazed the class by delivering his speech in straight, fluent English, and not because of Ravage. Hehehhehe
This is how his Ravage looked or something close:
Source: Transformer Wiki
My husband got to know new friends because of his collection. After posting about his budding Hot Wheels car collection sometime in 2011, someone contacted him to join a dedicated Facebook group for HW collectors. It turns out this someone was just 3 streets away from our house in Liliw, lol, and they become good friends hehe.
I’ve just asked Titus why he collects and that is his answer “collecting is a stress reliever” and gives us reason to go to malls. Hehehe
We live far from malls; we live at the foot of Mt. Banahaw. So going down to the city is a celebration of sorts for us haha, and we need as many excuse as we can find hehe.
**I get stress collecting hehe so I am just a semi-collector. I also don’t keep the toys inside their boxes, in pristine conditions unlike Titus who wants to keep things ‘mint’. I want to take mine out of the box as soon as I can. The husband says that If I was a kid and part of the marshmallow experiment, I’d fail miserably like the mallows are gone before a minute is up. Haha.
Look what just happened! I’ve been remiss lately writing for Penfires, but today I’ve written 3 posts!!! I amazed myself with today’s productivity haha. So I guess it’s safe to say that collecting toys can inspire you, can make you more productive! Thumbs up on toys being a writing muse hehehhe.
Have a happy day guys!
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