My backyard garden and house plants collection is growing day by day. Aside from purchases from the public market, via online plant sellers, and also during plant exhibitions and fairs, there are now a fair amount of growing plants from own propagations and offshoots. Yey, yeyyy! Happy dance!
I’m becoming a certified plant tita more and more and happy about it ahaha. Plants take the stress away and it brightens up the room.
Last year, I was listing all expenses related to our house construction, including shopping for home furnishings and essentials. Plants were listed under home essentials, because why not, right? Heheh. Because of it, I now have the plants’ price list to share with you all.
I’ll also show what the plants look like when I brought them home. Some of them has really grown big like the Philodendron selloum, which you can see on my Youtube video “Penfires ornamental favorites”
Where To Buy Plants?
If you want to buy plants, the first thing you should check is your local market or palengke, chances are there are plant sellers there.
There are also legit online plant shops, especially for cactus and succulent, in Facebook Marketplace, Shopee, and Lazada.
Plant barters are a thing now too. You may want to join community groups like this. You’ll not only learn about plants name, most likely you’ll discover too plants that you want to add to your bucketlist.
You can also watch out for plant shows and garden expo in your area. It is in these events where I’ve purchased most of my more ‘expensive’ plants. Madaming dayong sellers usually in these fairs and they bring with them rare items like golden barrel, carnivorous plants, monstera, rare orchids, and more.
But do take note, I noticed that plants for sale during expos are more expensive versus the exact same specie sold in the merkados. That’s why I only buy the uncommon plants in these expos.
*If I think the plant is fairly common, I seek them first in the local market.
The major advantage of attending plant expos and garden shows is that not only you get to view rare species, you also get to interact with the sellers and experts. You can ask them for tips like what is the most appropriate watering schedule for a particular specie, if this or that plant likes direct sunlight or not, what to do if you encounter pests, or if the leaves are beginning to turn brown in its edges, etc.
Another place to check if you want to buy plants are the backyard garden shops, usually these are along the national highways especially those going to the mountain barangays. Example the several street side gardens along Cebu’s Transcentral Highway.
You can also check the Agricultural office, maybe they have plants for sale, or be giving out for free seeds and seedlings.
In Cebu, there are lots of plant sellers in the vicinity of the Guadalupe church, along the highway in Busay, Sirao, Transcentral highway, inside the T. Padilla market, in Liloan too. There is also a garden center in SM Cebu near the MyBus terminal. From time to time, Parkmall Mandaue host plant shows.
In Lapu – Lapu, I usually buy from the plant sellers beside the Muelle Osmena Wharf. Shout-out to Nanay Susan, my fave seller there.
House Plant Selling Prices
These are the purchase prices of house plants when I acquired them and how they looked like back then. This is pre-covid days. During the quarantine, plants became a trend and most sa mga tanom nagmahal na.
Plant Sourced from the Public Market
Good thing I have plant pics when they were newly bought so I can show you guys how they look like back then together with their selling prices.
All these below were sourced from Opon merkado plant center, at the back of the church, beside the wharf. Prices reflected are per piece.
- Calathea vittata ₱100.00 (without the pot)
- Calathea majestica “White Star” ₱100.00 (without the pot)

- Cobra Fern “Kulot” ₱250.00
- Philodendron “Moonlight” ₱100.00
- Calathea Thai Beauty ₱60.00
- Licuala Big ₱350.00
- Licuala Small ₱250.00
- Anthurium erubescens “Gold” aka “Golden Imperial” ₱25.00

- Alocasia reginula aka “Black Velvet” ₱200 (without the pot)
- Philodendron selloum ₱350.00
- Foxtail P150.00 (without the pot)
- Stromanthe Triostar Red Label Big ₱100.00
- Stromanthe Triostar Red Label Small ₱60.00
- Snowball P50
- Torentia fournieri aka Mickey mouse violet and pink P50

- Philodendron xanadu ₱100.00

- Gumamela ₱150.00
- Five Fingers ₱100.00
- Portulaca grandiflora (3 for P100) ₱40.00
- Ornamental Banana ₱150.00
- Caladium gabi – gabi dwarf ₱50.00
- Callisia repens aka “Turtle Vine” ₱50.00
- Anthurium plowmanii aka “Wave of Love” ₱200.00
- Schefflera Variegata ₱150.00
- Peace Lily ₱150.00
- Katakataka “Mother of Millions” ₱10.00
- Katakata “Mother of Thousands” ₱10.00
- Anahaw ₱200.00
Plant Sourced from Plant Fair and Garden Expo
This next two plants were bought from “Plants in Da City” inside Ayala Center Cebu.
- Monstera Adansonii ₱200.00
- Calathea lancifolia “Rattlesnake” ₱250.00

These next plants I bought during Arriba Cebu Garden Roadshow last year in Northdrive.
- Cobra Fern ₱500.00
- Anthurium Golden Jenmanii ₱1,000.00 – I made a new blog post dedicated to Jenmanii.
- Trichocereus cordobensis ₱175.00

This next ones I bought during the Parkmall Horticultura Garden Show:
- Peruvian Apple Cactus (rooted) ₱650.00
- Fittonia Pink Nerve Plant ₱200.00
- Fittonia Silver Nerve Plant with ceramic pot ₱150.00
- Dorstenia foetida ₱25.00 (Check my Youtube on when and how to propagate Dorsternia seeds)

- Pregnant Onion ₱150.00
- Zebra Cactus ₱150.00
- Hen and chicks succulent ₱40.00
- Kalanchoy ₱200.00
Last June, I visited Nanay Susan’s home garden and was able to pick-up some plants for P670 total only. I featured each plant on this Youtube Plant Haul video.
- Oxalis triangularis P50
- Rubber Tree Lemon Lime P150
- Golden Pothos P60
- Alocasia Fredyk P50
- Hibiscus / Gumamela Yellow P100
- Aglaonema “Legacy” P150

Then again this July, I visited Nanay Susan’s home garden and was able to buy the plants listed below. I also listed the plant haul of Tita Fe marked with *.
- Anthurium magnificum P350 with pot (This is a steal! I’ll feature this soon on Plant Box by Penfires Youtube channel.)
- Aglaonema “Legacy” P150
- Saha of a Diffenbachia specie P200
- *Philodendron bippinatifidum “Selloum” P400
- *Philodendron “Tricolor” with clay pot P500
- *Aglaonema “Pride of Sumatra” with pot P350
- *Aglaonema “Legacy” with clay pot P200
- *Saha of Sanseveria Whale Fin P150
- *Golden Pothos P100
- *A type of Aglaonema? P100
On this plant haul, we got lots of plants for free too which I shared on my Youtube video Free Plants from Nanay Susan’s Home Garden.

Plant from SM Cebu Garden Shop
- Snake Plant (Sansevieria cylindrica or Draceanea aglonensis?) ₱200.00
*The garden shop in SM Cebu is where I usually buy moss peat and vermicast.
I buy pots usually from SM department store, Grandmall, Ace Hardware, Cebu Home Builders, and sa merkado din. During this quarantine, I buy pots from online sellers.
Plants from Facebook Marketplace
- Various cactus set of 30 pcs ₱1,000.00
- Various succulent set of 30 pcs ₱1,000.00

Looks like with most people staying in the house, gardening and plant collecting became a trend, which jacks-up the plant prices. :/
Use the plant’s prices info above as rough guide. Do more research about the type of house plant you want to buy and try your best to determine the fair price range by asking different sellers for prices or friends who buy plants.
Remember that aside from demand and supply, commonness and rarity, prices are also affected by the plant size; the bigger and more mature plants are more expensive. Another thing, the pots used also affect selling prices, those plants placed already in decorative pots are generally selling for higher amounts. Plus, location of shop, usually road side gardeners sells their plants cheaper versus the ones in malls and plant roadshows.
I’ll try my best to update this post whenever I buy new plants. But it won’t be anytime soon since we are not going out even though it’s already GCQ in Mactan.
If you want to see the current state of some these plants, check out this Plantbox by Penfires Youtube video.
I have also just started growing herbs and veggies from seeds. Quarantine made me do it lol. My first harvest from the backyard garden were bell peppers.
Hope you’ll visit and subscribe to Penfires Youtube channel. It’s where I do walk throughs and more garden sharing. Thanks in advance for your visit sa YT ko.
Lastly, don’t be shy to ask around, who knows someone has extra plants earmarked for gifting or barter. You may even approach neighbors who have lush plants and try to ask for cuttings or offshot, baka pagbigyan ka.
Let’s enjoy our plants and gardens!
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