The last time I’ve used a manila envelope must have been ages ago and since then, instead of the very familiar brown envelop that can hold standard size A4 bond papers with no necessary folding, i now uses and prefers refillable clear plastic notebooks as they are handier to organize your stuff and for easy and quick pull-out of your files, documents and paper works. Highly recommended especially if you are processing government papers.
I also remember mailing a manila envelope and sticking postage stamps into it. I have not used stamps in decades! And I have not used manila envelope in ages! What is happening?! Good thing i am still using manila folder now lol, there is still hope for me.
So anyway I googled ‘manila envelope’ just because i am totally bored right now and voila! I was surprised with the top google searches.
Most top search results mentions the fact that Steve Jobs took out nonchalantly or dramatically (depends on your perspective) the new MacBook Air out of a manila envelop to launch the highly coveted stylish and almost paper thin laptop (circa 2008). That simple. But the surprising twist produces chuckle from the audience and created the targeted buzz for the Apple product during its launch. Imagine the guy walking on a big wide stage holding nothing but the very slim manila envelope and then to take out from that thin envelop what would become one of Apples’ most popular gadgets. Simple but effective and definitely attention grabbing.
That simplicity I think also put a new lease on life for the ubiquitous folder made from abaca hemp. Abaca is that fiber that Manila and the Philippines is known for since the Spanish colonial period centuries ago and continue to be known for until these modern times. Abaca hemp and manila envelopes are I guess here to stay.
The envelop has more modern twist, yes the normal and plain brown envelop that our teachers asked us to use in submitting our projects are still available in the market, but also out in the market among other things is a manila envelope laptop sleeve. Hmm, can somebody give me one of those laptop sleeves please, and yes, please throw in a MacBook Air with it pretty, pretty please
G’night all!
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