Liliw’s OTOP or One Town One Product are handmade sandals and slippers (tsinelas). At one point in time, I own a store in Cebu selling just those products. The store’s name was Cille’s The Original Liliw Slippers. Check out the collage of the best selling designs back then (later on this post). Abaca espadrilles…
Paskong Pinoy sa Liliw – Ready na pang-aguinaldo sa mga bata :D
“One, two, three, sixteen, twenty one! 21 groupings of 10 pcs coins each, that should be enough, right? “Baby maniwala ka kukulangin yan sa daming batang mamamasko after magsimba.” Christmas 2015. This is my first time to spend Christmas day in Liliw, and I am so looking forward to the hordes of kids who will…
St John The Baptist Church – Beautiful Old Church of Liliw in Laguna
One of the hallmarks of the 300 plus years of Spanish colonization of the Philippines is the introduction of the Roman Catholic religion and one of its most lasting physical evidences are the century old churches, basilicas and religious centers that lay scattered across the islands. These wonderful structures and architectures are amazing to behold…
Liliw, Hidden Treasure Town!
In the outskirts of Laguna you will find the quaint little town of Liliw, it’s popular among filmmakers as number of films being shoot there has risen in the last decade, the latest of which is the Gabby-KC tandem this July 2010. But Liliw is becoming even more popular especially among the ladies, and the reason? It’s tsinelas baby!
Liliw made footwears
Female of all ages will go gaga over the fashionable, affordable, and quality shoes, slippers and sandals that the liliw master shoemakers creates. Guaranteed to make even the most jaded of shoppers race to the last store. Once in Liliw, you can’t miss their