It’s that time of year again when we are all eager to know the Malacanang declared Regular and Special Holidays for 2014. Knowing ahead these nationwide holidays is very helpful in plotting our trips and vacations especially during long weekends.
The Office of the President of the Philippines has signed Proclamation No. 655, series of 2013 declaring the 2014 REGULAR HOLIDAYS, SPECIAL (NON-WORKING) DAYS, AND SPECIAL HOLIDAY (FOR ALL SCHOOLS). Now we know what dates to watch out for to grab one of those special promo fares, as you know most budget airlines in the Philippines launches piso fare and other ticket seat sale during these “red dates” on the calendar.
Take advantage of these non-working days to unwind, recharge and discover! Plan your year ahead!
Announcement from the Office of the President
Go for Quick Holiday Getaways!
Visit the best tourist spots in the Philippines from LUZON, VISAYAS, MINDANAO during the long weekends of 2014. If it’s impractical for you to fly to popular cities or it’s too expensive to travel far, you can re-discover your own province, your own city!
If you haven’t visited your own province’ museum, these public holidays declared by Malacanang is the time to do so! If the last time you really ‘explored’ your place was when you were young, NOW is the time to reacquaint yourself. You never know what gems you will uncover.
Take this chance, maximize those regular and special holidays! Create more memories!
Things to Note for 2014 Legal Holidays
1. This declared holidays by Malacanang does not include yet the 2014 Eidul Adha / Eid’l Fit’r schedule, this is because the date for this religious holiday is not fix. I will be updating this post when this Muslim Holiday “Feast of Ramdhan” is proclaimed for 2014.
2. There is an Extra Special Holiday for EDSA Revolution Celebration on February 25,2014 but note that THERE IS STILL WORK during this day. Students do not have classes across all levels for February 25 but for us working folks from the private and government sectors, is it work as usual.
3. There is a new confirmed holiday and this is for January 31, 2014 for Chinese New Year ( CNY 2014 ), Malacanang says this date “may be declared as a special (non-working) day without detriment to public interest.” This is a Friday so you are looking at a long weekend. Great news, right?!
4. There are 4 Long Weekends for next year.
**The All Saints Day and All Souls Day is not counted since November 1 falls on a Saturday.
Long Weekend – Where do you plan to go?
*Holy Week – Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
* National Heroes Day – Saturday, Sunday, Monday
*Chinese New Year – Friday, Saturday, Sunday
*Christmas Holiday – Wednesday to Sunday (24 and 26 declared as additional special non-working) yey!
List of holidays for 2014 as declared by Malacanang
2014 Regular Holiday List
New Year’s Day (WEDNESDAY) – January 1
Araw ng Kagitingan (WEDNESDAY) – April 9
Maundy Thursday (THURSDAY) – April 17
Good Friday (FRIDAY) – April 18
Labor Day (THURSDAY) – May 1
Philippine Independence Day (THURSDAY) – June 12
Eid’l Fit’r – (TUESDAY) – July 29
National Heroes Day (Last MONDAY of August) – August 25
UPDATE posted September 16, 2014:
President Aquino declares Monday, October 6, 2014, as a regular holiday across the country in observance of Eidul Adha. This is under Proclamation No. 875, s. 2014. ~~~~ Source: PH Official Gazette
Eidul Adha (MONDAY) – October 6, 2014
Bonifacio Day (SUNDAY) – November 30
Christmas Day (THURSDAY) – December 25
Rizal Day ( TUESDAY) – December 30
2014 Special (Non-Working) Holiday List
Chinese New Year / Spring Festival 2014 (Friday) – January 31
Black Saturday (SATURDAY) – April 19
Ninoy Aquino Day (THURSDAY) – August 21
All Saint’s Day (SATURDAY) – November 1
2014 Additional Special (Non Working) Holidays
Day Before Christmas (WEDNESDAY) – December 24
Additional Christmas Holiday day after Christmas (FRIDAY) – December 26
Last Day of the Year (WEDNESDAY) – December 31
Special Holiday (for all schools in all levels)
EDSA People Power Revolution ( TUESDAY) – February 25
MORE HOLIDAYS at the Local Level:
In planning your holiday vacations, also take into consideration your local holidays like your province’s Charter Day or Founding Day as these are also usually declared as non-working days for the local residents. Some towns and cities also declare their local fiesta as special non-working day for the entire town/city.
To know the dates for these “local level declared holidays”, its best to that you reach out to your town or city’s information center/desk. They are the best persons to ask about these other “local” holidays. If your city or town has an official website, this data would most likely be there.
Pay Rate Computation on Public Holidays
Wondering how you compute for the day’s rate of those holidays you have to come work? And what is the difference between regular holiday and special non-working holiday?
Check out this infographic from the official facebook page of the PH government to know more about the PAY RULES.
Source: FB fan page of PH Govt
SHARE THIS POST on Facebook and Twitter so more of us can map out our travel dates for next year! Plan ahead! Salamat!
Source: 2014 List of Regular and Special Holidays DECLARED by MALACANANG
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