Today marks a milestone to my online activities – i just withdrew my first $116 from my online writing jobs. Yay! It’s small but it’s a start. My good friend Doris of The Travelling Feet have egged me to start checking out online freelance work since last year, but i hesitated for various reasons. But this year, early April, I have decided it’s about time to earn from all the hours I’ve logged online. That’s also the reason I am no longer as active as I was before with Facebook hahaha. I figured I can do more than slay enemies in Mafia Wars and Backyard Monster. Lol.
Err… Penfires is also logging behind because i am really busy, focus on earning that five stars from employers. Haha.
Anyway this post is about the “tools of the tales”; the things that i use as i blog about what you read here on Penfires and the same ones i am using now for my online rackets.
my good old reliable laptop
My laptop has been with me for the last 4 years, unfortunately, she’s no longer in tiptop shape and may need replacement soon. The problem is I don’t have the funds (yet). She’s named IsoldT because after I sold Tristan, my first car, she was one of the things I purchased with the money I got from Tristan’s sale.
If you are familiar with stories from King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, then you’d agree with me that Tristan and IsoldT (for Isolde) fits perfectly! Right? ^_^
I want to keep her but I really want a new laptop too Anyone with extra fund willing to buy this poor worker a new laptop, just message me. Hahahah
UPDATE 2012:
Thank you so much Isoldt, you are just awesome! Check out how proud IsoldT was, still working like a workhorse despite looking so sorry. Check HERE, you can also see my new laptop – Muncher – on that post.
Candy my canon camera. She’s my first camera, a simple point and shoot cam. I bought her after my former boss, Boss John, remarked that his wife kidded him “John is this your camera or Cecille’s”. Hahaha. Everyone from my former district including my boss’ wife knows that I am a huge picture freak. And since my boss is not so fan of shooting almost everything in site (I LIKE TO) , he loaned his camera to me especially it was my very first out-of-town trip (in Baguio) in Luzon! He took pity and well, I maximized his cam’s memory he he he. So on my first bonus after hitting my sales target, I bought Candy
SPUNKY the Spelunking Camera
After our district’s Corregidor trip, Candy got busted. I was not surprised it was abnormally hot that day, and I (again) couldn’t be stop from taking pictures from all angles imaginable. No, I am not a great photographer, I simply like pictures. So anyhow for a bit of time, I was without a camera, it’s a boon that my friend and ex-districtmate Mau had one for all the adventures and trips we’ve had Thanks Mau & thanks Boss!
Early last year I had a huge trip plan – to the highlands of Sagada. I couldn’t go there without a camera!!! So Spunky came to me I bought him guided by the thought that i need a good camera to take pictures while spelunking in Sumaguing Cave. You can check my Sagada posts, awesome pics!
My SMARTBRO Plug-it Internet Modem
It’s a hate and love relationship, what can I say? Trying to keep my fingers now from clicking on the keys haha.
So that’s it, me and my handy-dandy gang bringing smiles (yap, lol) and info to those who landed on my blog and hopefully, will help me earn more!
i’m so proud of you cille! you finally did it! doesn’t it feel good earning that amount of money? go fighting!
hahahhaha.. yah doy, i should have heed your urging sauna pa
career na ni nato doy hehheh next consultancy company na nato ang ato itayo! hahhaha!
Its so interesting:)
Hehehhe thanks nanz, my laptop IsoldT needs replacement real, real soon – its hinges are about to give up lol