It’s a common sight at the Cebu – Mactan airport to see passengers carrying boxes of Shamrock Otap, CNT, Ayer’s, Zubuchon Lechon, dried mangoes and danggit. And why not? These are the popular pasalubong from Cebu. I do too, but aside from these usual items, I also bring with me silhig lanot.
I really do, as in haha. Cebuanos we should make this our mission to make our silhig lanot famous! Unsa man, agree? Hehehe
The first time I brought this broom on my trip back to Manila last 2006, there were 3 big ones sticking out of my duffel bag. My mom and dad were amused, remarking that “tan-awon dyud ka sa mga tao”
People will stare at you.
Let them, I want my silhig lanot with me lol.
We were just in Cebu last month, and this humble broom was, once again, part of our pasalubongs and yes, it raised curiosity from some flyers that day. *grins
Not your usual Cebu pasalubong
I forgot to include the usual danggit and pusit in this picture. I haven’t found pancit odong, masareal, and Fiesta beef loaf in Laguna’s supermarket so I’ve also brought them home to Liliw. Guilty pleasures hehe.
The Humble Yet Useful Silhig Lanot
*Silhig Lanot is a special broom native to Cebu and VisMin area. It comes in different sizes from extra small, small, medium, large and in between. This is also available in different color / color combination. I am not sure what material is use for the broom’s straw, if you know please leave a comment. This broom or walis is intended to be used inside the house and sells at around the price range of P20 to P80 (depending on size) in the mercado or local market.
*One uses Silhig Tukog or Walis Tingting in Tagalog, to sweep the backyard.
Come to think of it, when one go to Baguio, it isn’t odd to go home carrying “walis tambo” as your Baguio pasalubong. Why then is the humble silhig lanot of Cebu not attracting the same patronage as that of walis tambo? When the lanot is way, way, better than walis tambo in its performance and usefulness.
I say that without any biased, though I am a Cebuana.
This humble broom from Cebu has been well received by those I’ve gifted them to. Just yesterday, my husband’s aunt said that ‘maayos to pati sulok kayang walisin’, after testing the pasalubong on the dirt gathered at the corner nook of the living room.
The broom’s straw doesn’t easily fall-off after repeated use, it holds on longer compared to the walis tambo too. And because the silhig lanot’s straw are sturdier than the soft strands of the walis tambo, it works better in sweeping hard to reach dirt. I really, really stand by the wonders of the lanot, and am pretty sure many, if not all Cebuanos share my sentiment as well.
The only hitch I am seeing with the broom is that airlines may not allow you to hand-carry the item because of the wooden handle. But they may, I don’t really know the cabin luggage policy on this case. Hopefully airlines allow this Cebu walis for hand-carry. That’ll be a great!
Watched this video clip of a little girl from Cebu, she gave The Voice of the Philippines Kids’ judges Lea, Sarah, and Bamboo, silhig lanot that she made herself.
Proudly Cebu-made broom at around 2:45 minutes into the video, nice!
The humble silhig lanot made it on tv! Thanks Jonalyn for showing the Philippines our broom!
The judges beaming with their Cebu made walis
The next time you are in Cebu, why not choose something unique as your pasalubong? Look into the silhig lanot, it’s a wonderful, useful gift for your home, and your friends too.
what’s pancit odong? ah! basta ako, gusto ko parin siakoy! :p
sauteed sardines in tomato sauce mixed with local udon ‘odong’ noodles (that’s the yellow pack on the pic) and egg to thicken the sauce. easy pansy recipe which you can cook in less than 10 minutes. Pagkaing masarap sa malaming na panahon hehe =)