I was with Field Trip Boy on a lazy Sunday afternoon checking out the latest postcards of the Philippines Top Tourist Spots, Presidents, Heroes, White Sand Beaches and other Historical Sites when this postcard caught my attention. There is something wrong with it, can you guess?
Erroneous Philippine Postcard by Sterling Greetings
Did you catch the mistake?
Even school children can detect the wrong info on this postcard that shows one of the very famous Philippine landmarks and tourist attractions. I am wondering how did this escape the attention of the copy writer and editor of Sterling Paper Products Ent. Inc.? How many of this erroneous postcards are in circulation? Hundreds? Thousands? Can I consider this as collector’s item just like the one hundred peso ‘Arrovo bill’? hehehhe
Anyhow, I hope this will be recalled so as not to misled Filipinos and foreign tourists in thinking that this is how Mt Apo of Davao looks like because the picture is of course without any doubt shows the majestic Mayon Volcano of Albay in Bicol. If we want to promote the best sites of the Philippines, we have to deliver correct info, yep, especially on postcards.
And yah, my Sunday afternoon is boring as we spent it looking at postcards hehehhe. Hope yours is better. Have a zesty Sunday!
Perhaps, the makers of this post card should go back to elementary and review the lessons of Sibika. It seems lots of Filipinos also are having hard time the history and culture of the country.
what a blunder! kaya sablay ang tourism dito sa pinas.sayang,ganda pa naman sana ng postcard