Palawan! I’ve been there twice, followed the tourists trails, swam its waters, canoed to its Underground River, Palawan is adventure!
The first time i visited this province, I was with Boss John, Mau and our district’s guests. We availed of Palawan Legend Hotel’s adventure package — Palawan Amazing Race . It was like a tour and at the same time action pack as we race to the finish line. We divided our group into three and it was race on!
We have to do a task at each tourist spot just like in the reality hit tv Amazing Race. And the resulting product/work must be approved by our assigned hotel staff/guide before we can proceed to the next tourist attraction.
* We stopped by Kamarikutan Kape and Galeri and was tasked to create something that will closely resemble the sample earthen ware as shown below..
close up of our obra maestra, yepey!
* We went to the Palawan Butterfly Garden to have a picture of the different stages of a butterfly’s life
* Stopped by the Palawan weaving place and weaved
* Visited a section of Palawan and planted a tree
* Made kinilaw (raw fish cooked in vinegar and calamansi) at the Badjao Seafront Restaurant where we also had our lunch
Our version of Kinilaw Especial (notice the flower decoration lol )
Group picture after our lunch at Badjao Seafront
* Visited the Palawan Wildlife Rescue and Conservation Center where we had to have a group picture holding a crocodile.
* Went to the famous Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park and must have a group picture to show for it.
my group with mau’s (jmg’s group left us eating dust lol )
* Stopped by a Vietnamese restaurant Viet Ville and chow on their famous mint lugaw (congee).
Palawan became the temporary home of Vietnamese refugees during their nation’s civil war. This village is one reminder that at one time our country, the Philippines, was a haven for these victims who flee Vietnam.
Many of the refugees have either went back home to Vietnam, others elected to go to the United States, but there some who chose to stay in the country which welcomed them with open arms.
JMG’s group won the race , they were really competitive but we have more pictures hehehe
The Legend Hotel’s Palawan Amazing Race was a great, great way to see and enjoy Palawan for the 1st time!
Please watch out for my next installment on Palawan
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