2013!!! Time flies so fast that we didn’t notice you’d be here soon. Amazing!
Oh, I’m sorry but I did not make any New Year’s Resolution, I never do. But yep, I have set targets for myself, mostly about work, about my online projects, about responsibilities and more. I did not do any ”I won’t do this again” lists or ” I will change this attitude” etc, for you know chances are I might not follow through on them.
Today, I’ve made last-minute grocery shopping for our family’s Media Noche. I have to buy Holiday Ham again because well the two jamon de bola I’ve bought a week ago which was supposed to be for Christmas and New Year feasts was well, gone, consume. I shouldn’t have assumed the holiday ham will reach New Year in the first place.
I’ve also bought a brownie and macaroons from Goldilocks, the chocolate brownie is a sure sell in our house. Am not sure about the macaroons but it’s a nice change from the usual cake, fruit salad, refrigerated cake etc that we have for Noche Buena and Media Noche. Hoping for the best and that my sister and brother will eat them too. If not, well then it’s going to be a macaroon eating contests between me and my beau. I’m cool with that hehe
Also, got the ingredients for spaghetti and embutido but of course I won’t be cooking them heheh. Mom and dad will be cooking something else, not sure, probably pork dishes and a fish dish. Media Noche in our house is simple but it’s a happy occasion.
By the way, when I woke up this morning we already have the traditional round fruits for New Year. They are ready para pampabuenas sa bagong taon. Yep, mom follows the Palihi Traditions. And I do too! In fact, I already know what polka dot blouse I’ll wear when we welcome you. See I am preparing for you, be kind please.
2012 was an amazing year, YOU 2013 WILL BE TOO! I feel it in my heart and soul.
And guts, so Please Cooperate.
Circle Fruits Pampaswerte at Pampabwenas 2013!

When we attended Misa de Gallo last December 24, we have to walked back and forth from home to the church. Transportation was rare, understandably so since it was Christmas Eve. It was cool walking since it was not hot, goodness I’d be stupefied if it was hot since it was close to midnight right? On the way back, I bought the only ‘firecracker / fireworks / sparklers’ that I am brave enough to light – a Liberty Binggala haha.
Poor me, these tiny spaklers that last for less than a minute is all I am brave enough to light. Oh well, having only luces translate to savings. Tagalog speakers call them luces by the way.
Sssshhhh but I only bought the Liberty Sparkler box for P5 and it contains 5 pieces binggala.
If you take time to specially visit Filipino homes on New Year’s Eve, you’d see how popular these mini – sparkler’s are. I grew up with them and I bet every little kids in our country knows the Liberty box so well and the binggala it contains.
Minutes before you arrive, almost all our neighborhood will pour out on the street and will watch all the activities and the different firecrackers laid out for everyone’s viewing pleasure. BOOM! BOOOOOOM!
The morning after, you’ll see how littered the streets are with firecracker debris. It’s chaos on the sky when we welcome you.
Heyyy, I will not greet you by lighting other popular firecrackers favored by Filipinos like 5 star, picolo, judas’ belt and such. You have to understand that I am terrified of them. Gahhhh I don’t even light up a simple fountain. Am a coward. Lol. But I like watching brave souls light these firecrackers and the resulting racket it creates. I just hope everyone will keep safe and be safe. A trip to the hospital on New Year’s Day is a big no no, right?
Popular Firecrackers for New Year celebrations in the Philippines:
Old school: 5 star, whislte bomb, bawang, sinturon ni hudas, fountain, roman candle, pla-pla, triangulo, watusi, baby rocket, father rocket. (LOL yah if there is a ‘baby’, there is a ‘father’ haha)
A Bit Newer: Goobye Bading, Bin Laden, pop-pop, picollo, Ampatuan
**Guys, please be careful when lighting these!!! You can’t welcome New Year with missing fingers! Beware: some of these are already outlawed for good reasons.
We welcome New Year with a Loud Bang here sa Pinas!
My kins from Florida who were here three new year’s eves ago said it was like a war zone when 12:01 midnight strike and everyone wants to outdo each other with their loots of firecrackers. They can’t believe the loads of firecrackers fired up when a New Year is welcome here in the Philippines. The sound is utterly deafening, the sound and sight frenzy is something to experience. In fact, they were so amazed with the riot that I’d be bringing Muncher my laptop out on the street when all the chaos starts. They want to see and hear how we welcome you hehhe so skyping it’ll be because I want them in too with the fun, the celebration and the festive atmosphere.
Oh, I wished to see beautiful fireworks lighting the sky this December. Sadly, I wasn’t able to, forgot the dates when malls have firework displays. Bummer. Oh well, there will be other opportunities, right?
You’d be glad to know that everyone will have smiles on their face ( I sincerely hope so) as we count down the last seconds of 2012 and Welcome you 2013! Kids will be jumping, I will be jumping. Ladies will shake their dress pockets containing their lucky coins. Guys and brave ones will have their fill of firecracker frenzy. Then, all of us we’ll each go back to our houses and share a simple Media Noche with family and friends.
2013 Hope you will find a fitting welcome from our homes and our hearts.
BTW, I’ll be listing soon some wishes for you. I’d make it a long list so you can choose what to bless me with. But you know how they say that giving is better than receiving. Well, 2013 be a Great Giver! Make me the luckiest I can be please =) I will work hard and all that but amaze me with your brilliance. Hope that’s a pact. Alrighty?!
Oh before I end this letter, please visit the hearts of everyone who reads this, I know they have their own wishes and hopes too for you. Bless them, bless all of us.
Please be kind, please be wonderful, Please Be an aMaZiNG 2013!
2013 I welcome you. We welcome you. Happy New Year!
Yours Truly,
Hi! I would just like to ask, where were able to buy the luces?
hi Danica! naku sa palengke lang namin nakita yan, peak season that time as t’was New Year kaya halos lahat ng kanto may luces and other fireworks. Not sure where you can find luces ngayon though :/