I’ve been blessed to “meet” and know kindred souls who share the same passion for blogging, especially travel blogging. I have not personally met all these good men and women of the blogosphere but I sure hope to bond with them in the future. They enrich my life with their inspiring stories and travel tales, allow them to inspire you too!
I urge you, check their blogs, who knows you will love their sites as much as I do!
Doispeaks * The Travelling Feet
My Ink Trails * When Kat Wanders
Lakbay Diva * Soloflighted * My Travel Remedy
Promdi City Girl * Travex Travels
Small Town Girls Midnight Train * Libotero
Juanderful Pinoy * Out of Town Blog *
My Cebu Photoblog * Tracking Treasure
Vet Long Walks * Backpacking Philippines
Cebu Outdoor Guy * Baktin Corporation